Sit down, everyone. Sit down. Thank you.
Now, I know it's probably pretty hard for you to believe, but yours truly can be a real dick sometimes. No, it's true! While I generally find it an entertaining and rewarding way to be, sometimes my rough treatment of folks leaves them, well,
angry. I don't often mean anything by my behavior, but at the same time, that's not always apparent to the people I shit on.
So here are some apologies I feel are in order.
- The Geek - I've been unconscionably nasty to you before. You're a good guy, with a good heart; you are incredibly inclusive, and genuinely seem to care for folks. Do our tastes overlap? No. Do I think your shtick is uniformly amusing? No. But I've got no call to disrespect you. I'm sorry, Geek.
- mully - After the party Justin's so long ago, I pretty much gave up on ever really liking or respecting you much; you said some stuff around that time that I found pretty repellent. My response should've been to talk to you about it, to tell you that I knew that it was beneath you. It's a goddamned shame that it took Joe dying for me to see how stupid and trivial all that was. You are a good person, mully, and I miss when we used to be pals. Intertwins, even. I'm sorry, mully.
- Jordyn/Fram - I think it's obvious that our personalties just straight-up do not match. That's fine. I've been antagonistic to both of you, said some crap, talked some shit; I'd like to think I'm more adult than that, but obviously not. We all have our kryptonite, I guess, and you two are mine. Jordyn, I love that you are a strong, no-fucking-nonsense woman, and Fram, I respect your active mind and occasional pithy gems. I should remember those things more often. I'm sorry, Jordyn and Fram.
- Arsenic / As7 - I've said some wretched shit to you. The fact that I've done it to your face doesn't actually make it better; in fact, it makes it worse in many instances. You are a caring, loyal fellow, and I wish the best for you. I'm sorry, Justin.
- World as Myth - This is the most complex of my apologies. We haven't talked for, what, nearly two months? So much has happened, little dogg. So much change. I don't have the space here to apologize for all the shit I've done and said, exposed you to...price of admission, I guess, for being such a close friend of mine. You gave me an ultimatum, and instead of being mature and telling you how much I care about you, making it clear that I can be worth the shit (just like you can be), I washed my hands and walked away. It's trite as fuck, but so much is duller without you. I miss my best friend. I'm sorry, Kate.
If the mood strikes you, use this thread to apologize for past wrongs. Doesn't necessarily need to be addressed to a forumer, really...just something that you're honestly contrite about.
If you don't have an apology, hell, just say something nice to someone.
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So creepy
Whatever, bro
Sheri Baldwin Photography | Facebook | Twitter | Etsy Shop | BUY ME STUFF (updated for 2014!)
Now go to your room until you learn some respect for your pop.
Twitter | Facebook | Tumblr | | Pandora | LibraryThing | formspring | Blue Moon over Seattle (MCFC)
Sometimes it's part of the settlement.
Twitter | Facebook | Tumblr | | Pandora | LibraryThing | formspring | Blue Moon over Seattle (MCFC) <- All my blogs (Shepard, Wasted, J'onn, DCAU) are here now!
And why not apologize to me?
I just don't admit fault in public very often. Somehow seems a little more meaningful if other people can see that I realize I've been a dick.
Twitter | Facebook | Tumblr | | Pandora | LibraryThing | formspring | Blue Moon over Seattle (MCFC) <- All my blogs (Shepard, Wasted, J'onn, DCAU) are here now!
You couldn't be more obvious if you were wearing a penis costume
"Don't marry him! He's a big fag!"
I'm sorry she bled all over this here fancy suit
Way to exclude me from a thread, nap. You dick.
If I wasn't at work, I'd link a YouTube to a music video to "Get Out Of My Dreams, Get In To My Car"
oh, so you are doing it because you want people to notice
I can't wait to go to work and watch videos of dogs on YouTube for the third day in a row <- All my blogs (Shepard, Wasted, J'onn, DCAU) are here now! <- All my blogs (Shepard, Wasted, J'onn, DCAU) are here now!
Twitter | Facebook | Tumblr | | Pandora | LibraryThing | formspring | Blue Moon over Seattle (MCFC)
Snoop: "That's a shank." <- All my blogs (Shepard, Wasted, J'onn, DCAU) are here now!
No! But i'll watch it at work!
Don't invite my ass; I'd just find a way to bribe the musicians in order to Rickroll an entire wedding reception.