Everyone is unreasonably terrified of something. We all have some sort of overwhelmingly awful phobia that immediatley precipitates a fight or flight reaction in us
For some of us it's spiders, for others snakes, and ad inifinitum. I cannot handle needles. I'm making this thread because in about 20 minutes I have to go get a tetanus shot so I can register next semester and I swear to God I'm having an anxiety attack
What terrifies the shit out of you and how do you deal with it
Today I am getting a flu shot and it is not bothering me, so I guess I'm over it
Spiders on the other hand
Spiders with other, smaller spiders on top of them, riding around like the bigger spider was some kind of spider-bus
God I fuckin' hate spiders
Hate 'em to death
i do not deal with it
Wait really?
They're just big rats Bel what is so frightening about them
One time my friends and I captured a baby and it was adorable
Living things should not have that many eyes
don't arrest me keith
You guys know what's up
There was a spider about the size of my thumbnail on the walk next to my bed once. I kept psyching myself up, all "man I'm gonna crush this motherfucker. Motherfucker picked the wrong bed to hang out next to"
Fifteen minutes later I had to get one of my roommates to kill it
one time i went under our deck and saw my beagle just staring at this possum. the possum was growling at my dog, while my dog was just all "hey what's up"
i had to wait until the possum moved a little away and i snatched my dog and went inside
The ratio of porn to non-porn with furries is...
Well, about in line with the rest of humanity.
Usually I have the flight reaction over the fight one. Though. That would be even more awkward.
"So, uh, I was, um, thinking that... uh,"
*sweetly "Yeah?"
hi5 frosty
don't you mean h5 meissnerd
I thought about getting a prince albert before, but almost passed out after reading about some people's experiences.
Oh man, those hurt so bad. I hope they don't break the needle off in you
I was gonna say.
i am all 'what is it a large cat?' then it freaking hisses at me foaming at the mouth and tries to attack me. i freaking go O_O, jump down the wall back into the school land and shaking like a leaf walk the long way back home.
So easy to get incredibly flustered and horrified over. All telling yourself it's just the unknown and that anything could happen while the logical part of yourself is all like "Nah dude, your body shuts down and what makes you human stops working."
And I'm all like goddamnit logic stop it.
if a diesel truck gets too close to me, or something startling happens i still start to get a panic attack and have to try and find a way to the side of the road first oh god
Anyways, I was consistently irrationally scared whenever I saw a cop because I was sure he was going to pull me over.
That went away. I don't really have anything now.
what do you do to cope
I really want this book
i know we just go back into the dirt as fertilizer, and that doesn't bother me. its the whole existing without someone i love thing.
i mean, if i die and stop existing, its not like i am there to be sad about it anymore, am i?