I'm 18, in the healthy weight range and male. I have never smoked before. Please no "go to a doctor" posts, I'll be going tomorrow.
Lately I have been getting chest pains. It seems like it's in my lungs, at the top of either side when I breathe in. I also have a slight cough. About a year ago I had a really sharp stabbing pain instantly, but after that, it never came back. I'm not sure if it might be related but I thought I'd mention it.
Initially I thought it was anxiety, as I have convinced myself I have lung cancer even though I don't smoke and have no genetic history of it. But it hasn't gone away. I thought it might have been stressed because of exams, but a few weeks after it is still occurring. I work only one day a week as a casual employee. I usually lift a lot of stuff, but I doubt that's related.
Another problem is when I wake up in the morning I feel extremely nauseous and depressed. Argh, I don't know what's wrong with me.
I'm off to the doctors tomorrow, but I'm really worried about what it could be.
It could easily be stress/anxiety. This could also tie in to your feelings of nausia and depression.
It is also possible that the lifting you do could cause the pain as well, but i agree it seems less likely.
But you probably just have some kind of basic viral infection, which would explain the slight cough, pain when breathing in, and nausia. And generally you tend to feel less happy when sick
I'd seriously doubt theres anything massively wrong.
In the absence of fever, this could be a case of Bronchitis. It is good idea that you are planning to see a doctor to rule out something more serious.
There are a myriad of illnesses that could potentially cause the symptoms you describe.
See your doctor and share with him your worries.
Just make sure that when you do actually go to the docs tomorrow, that you actually tell him your concerns. Yes, its slightly embarrassing, i mean nobody really wants to go in and have some stranger fondle their balls (well...) but its important to your long-term health to be as honest and open as possible with doctors. If he schedules follow up treatment/examination, then go ahead and do it asap. Its clearly causing you mental anguish, so you really want to get on top of it. I had a somewhat similar circumstance with an illness that bugged me for years (over a decade), and caused depression. I put it off for much the same reasons you have - fear that it was something terrible. I dealt with the problem directly and aggressively a couple of years ago and it has been a huge weight off my shoulders. I still get sick occasionally but it doesnt freak me out like it used to.
I still think you've probably got a chest infection or other basic illness. (or are you saying that you've had these pains and other symptoms for the last 7 years?)
Either way, just wait till you get a professional opinion. Dont google it - you'll just end up with a bunch of symptoms for random illnesses and you'll worry you have some/all of them. Try not to dwell on what you didnt do, it cant be changed. Take the right actions this time, and deal with it from there.
Other than some random pains in a couple places, why would you think you have cancer?
Now, you probably have somthing, so going to the doctor is prudent. But it mre likely than not isn't cancer.
edit: more advice: see a therapist for anxiety because normal people don't automatically think cancer when somthing hurts.
but they're listening to every word I say
Read a few posts up. That's why I'm connecting this to cancer.
Ok, even if that actually had done long-term damage, and you should've had surgery by now, you would be having sharp massive pains.. in your testicles. Cancer is caused by inappropriate cellular growth, not by untreated physical trauma. They weren't looking for cancer on an ultrasound after getting kicked in the balls, they were probably making sure that nothing was swollen to the point of threatening to cut off blood flow, or you had massive internal bleeding or something.
I'd get the chest stuff checked out regardless (especially if you have any sort of decent medical insurance, chest pain isn't something I'd screw around with), and if you had a giant lump on your balls then I'd be concerned, but the odds of these being connected are somewhere around zero.
You need to take a deep breath and chill out. You're only going to make yourself feel worse. You'll go the doctor tomorrow, get a clean bill of (physical) health, and feel much better.
As for the rest, it just sounds like a bit of anxiety. Your lungs sound more like a mild upper respiratory infection. The pain you are feeling now is not linked to a sharp pain that you felt one year ago, unless it is identical pain in the same place that you've been having on a recurring basis in short intervals (i.e. Every Day).
Waking up every day nauseated and depressed is a little concerning. Perhaps you have been ruminating on your health anxiety during your sleep.
I fairly sure he didn't mean it was gonna grow into a cancer. Might be an obstruction that could make it hard for you to have children. So you might need to have surgery to remove it. I'm not a doctor but I wouldn't expect there to be a limited time window for you to fix this. Sooner is probably better than later though. In case it's not something you can take care of in one go.
Again not a doctor, but the pain you are feeling might be due to puberty making your genitals bigger. So if there is an internal scar it might be getting pulled/pushed on. You should go see a doctor. Just take a deep breath, make an appointment and get it over with. Make sure you tell them that you have started feeling pain.
I knew I guy who was also kicked and injured like that as a child. I had lend him a sympathetic ear when he was going through alot of angst about getting his first girlfriend and having sex for the first time (turned out ok, btw). So I have seen something similar to what you are going through.
P.S. Even if it is incurable (like Crohns) it's better to know.
Cancer is scary, I get that. My dad died of it, so I know exactly how scary it can be. But you simply cannot let fear of something you may or may not have drive you crazy like this. A quick google of reputable cancer organizations indicates that trauma is not a cause of testicular cancer. Chest pains could be anything, presuming its cancer is not rational.
Going to the doctor for your problems is the right thing to do. Whatever condition, if any, you may have, early detection, diagnosis, and treatment is preferable to the ostrich method.
As others have said, you should consider talking to a therapist or counsellor about these fears you have. They are not normal or healthy.
He didn't say he was experiencing pain. He already went to a doctor who took an ultrasound and did not think the damage was significant enough to merit surgery. He does not need to see another doctor for this issue unless he has additional reason to do so beyond "I was kicked in the balls in grade 6 and the doctor never operated." It'd take a hell of blocked tubes in your epididymis to have any major effect on ejaculate sperm levels - you've got a lot of redundancy down there (most likely because they're such exposed structures).
As for the rest of this, see a doctor for the chest pain but it is extremely unlikely that you have cancer. You might be placebo-effecting yourself into feeling terrible, though, if you're so stressed about your pains.
I could be wrong; the description given is pretty disjointed. I would not normally expect a kick to leave any lasting swelling anyway, but I'm no expert on that.
I'm honestly speechless you actually believed trauma could create cancer.
Google is your friend.
This is really not a good approach to your health. If you really had cancer, early detection and treatment can quite literally save your life.
On the lung side of things, which seems to be the original point of the original post, another thought: have you made any changes to your environment lately? Discounting the one-time stabbing pain, which could have been something completely different, you could be getting either asthma or allergies, or allergy-based asthma.
I had undiagnosed asthma for years. Thought it was just allergies, had trouble breathing at night but dealt with it by coughing a whole bunch, and that kind of thing. Not inhaling deeply enough kills your energy, which can result in depression and fatigue.
Going to the doctor is the right idea, as others have said. Don't jump right to cancer, though. There are lots of things more likely that can screw you up. Fortunately, most of them have treatments.
Trauma could do any number of things, but it's usually immediate damage. After this long of a time you are probably fine. Just so we are clear here, it swelled up when you got kicked and never returned to normal?
If it was torsion, you'd know because you'd already be at the ER demanding painkillers by the handful.
took out her barrettes and her hair spilled out like rootbeer
Cancer doesn't mean death anymore. I'm not saying it's a picnic, and lots of people still die of cancer, but the minute you're the least bit worried about cancer, go see a doctor, get examined, and make sure. Many cancers, if caught early, are treatable to the point where you might then lead a perfectly normal life afterwards.
Actually, same thing goes for your swollen testicle. It was stupid of you to not get it taken care of as soon as it was clear that the swelling was not going to go down. Swelling is a sign that something's wrong. Get it looked at, and get the necessary operation, if need be.
From all your posts, the main thing you seem to suffer from is acute hypochondria (as in, believing you have the worst diseases based on extremely minor symptoms) and your anxiety seems so intense that you're practically paranoid. (This is just from reading your posts.)
After you see the doctor (and, hopefully, are completely honest about everything) you should try and make an appointment with a psychiatrist, as your current psychological problems could turn into physical problems if you don't take care of them. If you're lucky, the doctor will be good enough that he or she will actually recommend (or even prescribe) that you go see a therapist.
All that said, I'm no doctor, nor am I qualified in the field of psychology. But anyone can see from your posts that there's something wrong with you psychologically. All your physical symptoms (except for the swollen testicle) might actually stem entirely from those psychological imbalances.
Get the help you need, and stop being afraid of learning the worst: it's always better to know whether you're sick or not than to live in uncertainty and anxiety.
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