We've all had to work for "the man" at some point and sometimes it can be quite hillarious. What am I getting at? While there are those pain in the ass jobs where you work yourself to death there are those jems where you have the best time ever and get cash for it. What's your experience? Whats your worst/best jobs?
My Experience:
I couldn't help myself from posting this but I really can't stress how ridiculous the situation I'm in is. I currently work "Lets just say the gov." Now I really have no intent to do this for the rest of my life but I've got bills to pay and what not. Whats funny is, as serious as my job sounds I always find myself in positions like where I'm at right now which is pretty much getting paid to post and scope out the PA forums. Technically I'm supposed to be answering phones at the moment but no one has called all day so I've basically got nothing to do. It's funny how this is probably the easiest job I've ever had which pays waaaaaay more than any other job previous to this and I've had to work my ass off to get half of what I make now before. If you were to ask me what I do I honestly couldn't tell you because I really don't know but when people ask I tell them "I watch google video all day." They think I'm joking but in all seriousness I can't tell you how many paychecks I've gotten from strictly posting on forums and watching Youtube videos.
Edited for protection. Who's you might ask? Mine.
It's pretty sweet... Sometimes I have to deal with some shitty customers, but the people I work with just joke around all day and then game whenever the manager isn't looking.
Sometimes I'll order a pizza or some wings or something... Typically I'll have a bag of chips.
I found that going into work for 8am to sit at a desk pretending to work and just browsing forums was really soul-sucking and just generally got me down. Maybe it's just me, but I like to spend my days actually doing stuff.
the best thing that ever happened to me when I worked there was putting the promos on dvd. what's that kenny chesney? you want to be skipped?
You had to watch those promo DVD's? Our policy is that as long as it's got a BBFC classification of 12 or less, you can watch it. So far I've watched every season of the simpsons and most of my favourite childhood movies.
Word. I'm a formerly enlisted marine and getting a job for the guv'ment answering phones and working in a supply depot is apparently out of my reach. Something to do with a couple of distant relatives that I have who think that Texas should secede from the Union.
How the fuck am I a security risk because of some assholes I haven't seen or talked to in over a decade?
I cheated those over-pricing bastards out of $50 at least
not really sticking it to "the man"
just sticking it to a man
stop fighting the good fight
its time for you to get some children and force them to make clothing
I swear, it's like someone's paying them for 'em
Haha. We're currently going through that on a smaller scale; when people bring a blu-ray up to the counter you have to interrogate them until they admit to having no fucking clue what it is.
A lot, given that most of us aren't really working very hard.
Fuck your anti-Texas sentiments; we make great beef jerky and brisquet.
And I defy you to tell me that Texas doesn't have hot women. Eva Longoria is just the tip of the iceberg.
I get children to protest for me all day. Then I eat their lunches and make them sign petitions for the rest of the afternoon.
nip of the iceberg.
seriously, everthing for the government besides like DMV is like that from what I've seen.
the thought of children protesting would be so cute
with their little scowly faces and signs made of construction paper and glitter
just ignore the stupidity WaM
maybe it'll just go away if we don't pay it any attention
Hater. Why you gotta hate?
That would be Midgetville; it's south of Tallberg and
west of Averageheighton.
WaM edit: You could, I dunno, get into gchat and we could discuss songs, ice and fire.
God, I love working at a dead self-serve gas station.
do you really
develop you latent psychic abilities?
Essentially I sit back in a huge chair and read/play my PSP/watch movies for six hours. Occasionally a person will show up. I take their shit, give them a donation slip, and they leave. Manager doesn't care what I do.
I was on the door for about an hour last week (Friday). Had practically the whole store to myself. It rocked.
She also knit you this sweater.
very nice
you get a golden star