Today, I bought me a 500gb Samsung HD502IJ SATA hard drive. My current setup has two IDE hard drives as a master and slave, and I want this as another secondary drive.
Obviously, SATA doesn't follow those rules. Here's my problem:
BIOS and Samsung's HUTIL programs detect the drive just fine. However, it does not appear in Windows at all, not even in Drive Manager. BIOS has SATA in an IDE setup, which I doubt is the problem. I'm not running a RAID array of any kind. My motherboard has two SATA connections. Does connecting it in either one really matter?
First, I tried booting from my Windows XP cd and partitioning and formatting it there. Big mistake - it went ahead and installed windows XP! Now my computer thinks it's running a dual boot, even though I've long since re-partitioned that damn disk.
Apparently the best solution is to just leave the disk unpartitioned and let Disk Manager do the job. Well... Disk Manager does not detect my drive. Anyone got a solution to this? I have the Ultimate Boot CD, but I don't want to accidentally screw my computer up by running random odd programs from it. HUDISK doesn't do jack shit for me. Half the options don't want to work.
EDIT: NEVERMIND. I FIXED IT. It ended up as some big ? in Device Manager. I had to re-install the controller drivers. Okay. In case the computer still thinks it's dual booting, how do I get rid of that? There's no second windows installation to boot from anymore.
Here's what I have:
[boot loader]
[operating systems]
multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(2)partition(1)\WINDOWS="Microsoft Windows XP Professional" /fastdetect
multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\WINDOWS="Microsoft Windows XP Professional" /fastdetect /NoExecute=OptIn /usepmtimer
I noticed the rdisk(2). Does that refer to the disk number? In which case, yeah. The SATA disk has been referenced to as "Disk 2" before.