An earlier post I made followed by the back and forth with a Mod:
The Thread I Started:
nicrfe1370 wrote:
A four character minimum for a search query? Three characters too taxing? 55 second cooldown between searches? Cooldown applies even if the search was not performed because one of your words was under four characters? What a pile of horseshit, matched only by the explanation for these limitations. Does Microsoft own vBulletin? Because the three character minimum sure makes it hard to find things like Wii, DS, PSP, PS2, PS3, and WoW, but not xbox.
Sorry to fly off the handle there, I usually compose myself better online so as not to become an internet fuckwad. The real reason I'm here; when is volume 6 of the PA books due? Will they maintain a one- or two-book-a-year release schedule? Here's where forum regulars usually jump in: "Do a fucking search you goddamn waste of space newbie." Well shit, I'd love to just search, can't seem to search for 'new,' '6,' 'six,' 'PA,' and so forth.
Response From Thanatos in the Now-Locked Thread:
Thanatos wrote:
You really think you're going to find what you're looking for by searching for "new," "6," or "PA?"*
You may as well just search for "the."
My PM to Thanatos, followed by a PM Back-and-Forth:
What if I was to search for "PA book six"? Does that seem like a reasonable search query? Fucking cowardly jackoff, why don't you respond like that in a thread that's not locked?
Thanatos wrote:
Cowardly? Really? Like, what, if I posted in an unlocked thread, you were going to e-beat me up or something?
nicrfe1370 wrote:
No, but I'd at least have the opportunity to offer a counterpoint to your point. Doesn't that seem fair?
Thanatos wrote:
If we want to talk about fairness, the "fairest" thing I could have done would have been to ban you altogether for making a post without bothering to read the rules, or really take more than ten seconds to look around at the forums.*That*would be "fair."
nicrfe1370 wrote:
Admittedly I made a mistake in choosing the wrong forum for my thread. But, in other forums I frequent, the moderators are adult enough to*move*the thread to the forum they think is appropriate, not just make some smart-ass comment. Second, I have searched multiple times, on multiple days, for nearly an hour each time, for the answer to my question. But you'd rather just assume I didn't and threaten to ban me with your almighty Mod powers? I was right the first time, you are a cowardly jackoff.
Thanatos wrote:
Where did I threaten to ban you? All I said was that that would be the fair thing to do.*
And why, exactly, should we go out of our way to help you, someone who clearly hasn't taken the time to acquaint themselves with our forums*at all, and just made a one-off account to ask a question in the wrong forum after not reading the rules, while being a dick about it, who clearly is never going to post here again? What, exactly, would be our motivation for that?
really don't want to be an internet fuckwad, but seriously, am I way off base here?
Probably a very bad idea, actually.
3DS: 1521-4165-5907
PS3: KayleSolo
Live: Kayle Solo
WiiU: KayleSolo
So yes. You are wrong.
A fair reply.
I'm working on my apology, if I haven't been banned in the meantime. :P
And yes, I think you're wrong. It's a trivial complaint at worst, imo.
3DS: 1521-4165-5907
PS3: KayleSolo
Live: Kayle Solo
WiiU: KayleSolo
and also fat