So I'm pretty sure I have an opposum living in my basement in LA. My room-mate had seen him a bunch and I just heard something in our back yard and poked my head out and finally saw him as well. He's just sort of rustling around eating our figs. We've heard some scratching much larger than a rat on the inside of one of our walls one night, but that's about the extent of us being inconvenienced by it.
Can anyone give me a good reason why I'd call animal control and have it trapped? Things I know about opposums seem to make me want to keep it around, such as:
They're great rodent control. No mice or rats.
They eat bugs. No cockroaches, ants, or spiders.
Their defense mechanism is to play dead. No threat of being attacked.
They don't contract rabies as easily as other animals. No chance of getting killed.
It seems the biggest con the internet gives me is that they cause damage to whatever they're living in, they sometimes smell, and they make noise. I rent a very big house and whever it's sleeping is no where near an area I care about damage with, I can't smell anything, and he doesn't make too much noise.
I think you just answered your on thread.
Playing dead isn't their only defense mechanism, I believe. I grew up in a rural area, and it wasn't all that uncommon for an opossum to get in a fight with a dog. They aren't as vicious as a raccoon, but those sharp little teeth could do a whole lot of damage if you were to accidentally corner him in your basement.
Since it sounds like he is moving between your basement and your backyard, one possibility is to attempt to close off whatever opening he is using to enter your basement. Then he could still perform rodent control in the backyard without the drawback of having him in your living space.
I say let him live there, and if he starts messing around with your house and you, then get rid of him.
The opposum will stay! We'll just have to decide on a name.
I actually worked at work on Saturday. Also I went out on a date with a real life girl.
Can you like, permanently break the forums?
Also, I believe part of an opossum's defense tactic is to look as diseased as possible; hissing, drooling, etc. Reason being that the attacking animal won't want to catch whatever the opossum has.
There's also this.
Pretty much this. The pros are great, but this is a big possibility especially as it gets colder.
When they come to get rid of the thing it won't be cheap. Besides those possums look creepy.
Do you want your home to be back story to the next Pixar/Disney animated movie?
"Durango: The Awesome Possum" A tale of a spunky young marsupial that breaks all the rules and heads upstairs to befriend the first human it sees.
See how many books I've read so far in 2010
I also agree that you need to animal-proof your basement like, now. If you want the little guy to hang around, they make shelters for feral cats or you could build something yourself. Just a wood box with some straw and some roofing shingles on it would do fine. Make it two-levels for added protection, and add some insulation (something he won't eat) and you've got a friend for life
It will eat bugs and stuff, but what happens when that runs out? He may chew on cables, or start to bite you or your pets, etc...
I think he should return to nature, where he will be safe and sound, [shiver]
"So alternate, against the grain, anti establishment - so you're just a regular joe again, right?"