A friend of mine has asked me to see if anyone here happens to know anything about a series of short stories with a sci-fi bend that she read in school (she wants to believe it may be bradbury, but not certain).
The part of this one story she recalled involved a booth from which people could receive any kind of ice cream and/or frozen yogurt and eat as much of it as they wanted and not suffer any repercussions (weight gain, etc). However, you would receive a pin prick on the inside of your forearm. So over time people would end up with lines and lines of these pricks along the arms. Eventually it was discovered that this method caused Very Bad Things (tm) years and years later after so many people had already used the device/service.
Any help is appreciated! A few minutes with the GIS failed me, but hopefully others are better at google-fu than I.
Murphy's Law: Whatever can go wrong will go wrong.
Murphy's Paradox: The more you plan, the more that can go wrong. The less you plan, the less likely your plan will succeed.
Edit: Got it. It's in this book. It's called "Lose Now, Pay Later". The ice cream treat things were called Swoodies.
"Carol Farley, "Lose Now, Pay Later". One day free candy is available at the mall. It's so delicious that weight obsessed teens can't resist it. Then stores open up offering to take your excess pounds for 25c a pound. Only a small boy thinks there might be a catch--maybe someone is farming humans?"
Not sure if I'm thinking of the right one.
Edit: *facepalm* the guy above me said it.
Murphy's Paradox: The more you plan, the more that can go wrong. The less you plan, the less likely your plan will succeed.
No quotes or anything fancy.
sci fi ice cream weight gain
yields a first link that is another person asking the same question on Metafilter, and someone comes in with the same answer as given here.