I like Huckabee, but loathe his positions on gay marriage. Stewart tells it pretty much how it is, and Huckabee seems genuinely at a loss for any real argument.
I love Stewart so very much. Perhaps I'd marry him...
Having just been in my first semester of college, I've certainly seen and heard about him a whole lot more in recent months.
Barack Obama would agree with you.
because of the threat down
still stupid
As long as it's not an animal, child, relative, or dead person I say you should be able to fuck whatever you want.
Steam / Bus Blog / Goozex Referral
I don't understand why most people don't take this position
Marriage is a civil right. This is so fucking basic.
Marriage is a sacred gift from God for a man and a woman to share alone etc etc blah blah blah
Steam / Bus Blog / Goozex Referral
uh, it's a bit more nuanced than that.
he personally disagrees with it, but if states pass their own laws allowing gay marriage, he's not opposed to it. he's also against any laws that would ban gay marriage, and he wants to overturn the Defense of Marriage Act.
steam | Dokkan: 868846562
If you like Colbert, though (as I do), you must watch this:
He's also pro-civil union or whatever other buzz word(s) you want to apply. He just is politically savvy enough to understand that you don't fuck around with the word marriage or the religious right go nutty.
Secret Satan 2013 Wishlist
Nope, Obama hates the gays and tricked everyone into thinking he's in favor of equal rights just to get elected.
You know it's true because Butters said so.
Oh fuck, I agree with Keith Olberman...
Goddamn it!
To be fair, it could be that he doesn't feel that his personal opinion on the matter should override the popular concensus of the entire country.
I'm on the fence as to which I think it is.
Steam / Bus Blog / Goozex Referral
He's against changing the terminology of marriage as a specific social-religious concept of man and woman get married. He's all for a union in which 2 people share the basic rights of domestic partnership, specifically the legal ramifications like next of kin, medical decisions, tax benefits, property, and so forth.
Secret Satan 2013 Wishlist
If anything is under the umbrella of the government, including marriage, then it shouldn't be denied to anyone based on race, sexual orientation, or religious preference.
If religion wants to hold onto the word marriage, then abolish the word from government, change it to civil unions, and then let the churches use "marriage" in their ceremonies if they want to.
It's called a compromise. By compromising the actual word, people get the heart of what they want without having to piss off another large chunk of the population.
Why is it such a big deal to the other side of the coin then? Is the point to get the rights and privileges of marriage or to piss off people? If it's to just piss in the other side's cheerios, then they're not in the game for the right reasons either and have no moral highground to stand on when religious right people go off on the "next you'll marry goats and ocelots" tangents.
Also, to even be dedicating this much time to gay marriage while the economy is in the shitter and 2 wars are going on is ridiculous. The concept of marriage means nothing when you don't have a place to live, food, or medical care.
Secret Satan 2013 Wishlist
I already explained it
Steam / Bus Blog / Goozex Referral
its pretty hard to deny the connection between religion and marriage
But then the state is interfering with affairs of the church. Wasn't America founded on the notion that these two entities were separate? Or have I got it the wrong way, and you guys think the church is the state etc. Genuine question, my American history is patchy. Here in the UK the Government has no control over the Church of England whatsoever, which is why we have civil unions that have exactly the same legal benefits of marriage but the church still does not allow same sex marriage.
Marriage is a part of some religions. But in this country you can still be just as married without ever stepping into a church. My wife and I could have gone to the judge and we would still be "married". Why should it be any different for two men or women who go through the same process?
i do
Im not saying that churches have to be forced to marry gays if they don't want to. I'm saying that the term marriage should be applied to all unions, heterosexual or homosexual. If you think that telling churches that marriage counts the same either way is a violation of church state separation. Wouldn't letting the churches take ownership of the term marriage be the same type of violation of church state separation?