We all have those periods where we are confused and anxious, feeling empty and alone, with no support coming from any direction.
Then, every now and then, we just haven just a few hours of happiness and light hearted living. Good god, happy living, just for a few hours. Sweet christ this is a blessing.
Also you fuckers I actually want some similar experiences, not just advice and fuckery
shat my way.
I went to someones surprise party. Since they didn't know, they thought it was a casual hangout and didn't rock up for a while. I drank a little, and when they were finally forcefully dragged to the party the chatting started up. Talked to a pretty funny girl. She was pretty and funny (also giant boobies). After a while my friend said he'd leave, so I left to bus it home. He mentioned just how "in" I was. I was happy, but not really interested.
Just as we got to the stop, the bus turned into view, my friend commented on the awesome timing.
I got on the bus, my friend paid his ticket first, some mild complications with it, nothing serious. As this was happening I saw someone sitting towards the back. They smiled, as my eyesight was fuzzy I couldn't really tell if they really did, or if I even knew them. My friend sorted his ticket out, and I paid for mine.
Walked up the back of the bus, and hey, I did know this girl. Went out with some guy I knew sorta. I struck up some conversation and talk with her for 10 minutes, before I had to get off, wished her well and my friend, and walked home.
For once, nothign bad happened. I mean, I could have gotten two numbers, of two quite good looking girls and missed the chance, but for once, nothing truly shitty happened, something I can almost never avoid if I do anything other than sit on my arse at home.
Oh yeah and that chick I want to get with texted me outta the blue after 3 days when I thought she had finally,
if silently, told me to get fucked, but hey, she can go fuck off.
also, I don't want your opinions on what I did, kinda sick of them
What safehaven of the soul have you found lately. What is elevating your griefs and what is finally making you happy
and she
didn't slap you or something?
Also yes fallout.
I could kiss a boy right now
EDIT: No fari the moral is I am happy
and that you should talk about your happy times
You depress me.
But I am just warning you.
SE++ will fuck this up.
that will make me happy and take a giant load off
and then i am free to get magnificently drunk, spend time watching movies with my friend, and also call up this girl and tell her that i plan on putting my penis in her*
*out ice skating
which is a piece of cake, so i'm just thinking about raiding naxx tomorrow/the weekend
putting your penis in her while out ice skating seems like something of a hazardous undertaking
This is like the Black Hunter's first non-abloo bloo bloo thread.
But seriously TBH how the fuck is NOT getting two girls numbers a good thing?
Satans..... hints.....
dumb and dumber unrated
everything is relative
when life shits on you daily, a night of only getting pissed on is a good night
Just remember to get them unfrozen you would need someone to pee on you.
Satans..... hints.....
my backup plan is
she keeps telling me about how her mom is a milf so i could go to her house, start mentioning how her mom is really hot until she's just like NOOO PAY ATTENTION TO MY BODY 8-)
Then it is now after he gave us a lift back home because he lives near here and is awesome.
Good times.
the only flaw is she might decide to claw your eyes out instead
wear goggles
get high
essentially, tbh is an awkward, uncool, softcock who thinks talking to girls is a difficult thing
something of a mother/daughter duo
girls are scary
I hear they have teeth in their vaginas.
There was a movie about it.
Satans..... hints.....
they have teeth
good call
think i am going to wait until after i go to my brother's birthday brunch, though
don't need to be trippin on hydromorphone while eating
the wook moonlights as a wise old man on a mountaintop
got her number the first day of college but in retrospect decided that this girl is quite retarded.