I played this game at the Eurogamer Expo, where the dev team was showing it off, and it really impressed me. They seemed really nice too, which is always good.
It is a fairly lo-fi deathmatch game, where you play a tiny little robot who can double jump, do a zoom attack, block, and explode.
When you kill a competitor with your zoom attack, it adds to your temporary score. You only get to bank this temporary score when you explode. The more people you kill in one chain before exploding, the higher the multiplier is, and the bigger your explosion is. You also start to glow different colours when you have a high temporary score, which will make you a target.
The levels all do funky stuff with gravity. Like some levels are like an inside out cube, and you can run up all the walls. Some are planets, with SMG style gravity.
It has a cool cel shaded look, vaguely reminiscent of Crackdown to me. I think it helps that on one of the levels you are jumping around big structures. It's a great looking game.
I want people to play the
PC beta with me.
It is eventually planned for release on XBLA and PC.
Trailer here.
I signed up for an account and all that but where do I download the game?
Oh wait, this isn't out yet and I just signed up for an announcement?
I think he means that the cel-shaded graphics are kinda like Crackdown (I disagree), it's deathmatch like Unreal Tournament, and the levels have interesting implementations of gravity a la Super Mario Galaxy.
I think we were tricked. Signed up for an account, signed up for the beta, and nothing!
Battle.net: Fireflash#1425
Steam Friend code: 45386507
I signed up a while back, and then got an email the other day to say the beta was live...
Mostly I mean the buildings and colouring looks a bit like crackdown, and you get to leap from buildings. It's a pretty hard game to describe, so I fell on the crutch of "It's like X + Y but with Z".
I spent at least 40 minutes playing it at the Eurogamer Expo, and it is a lot of fun, but there is no one else online at the minute, and the single player is just "wander around an empty level", there are no bots or anything (one of the devs, when I asked him about a single player mode confessed "AI coding scares us")