Thanks to the current steam sale, I picked up Gun for $9.99 after spending the past two days watching a ton of Western movies. My appetite for Wild West games is at this moment, piqued. This got me thinking though, I've only ever really played a few games set in the Wild West.
I've played Red Dead Revolver on the PS2, and played the demo for Call of Juarez but didn't pick it up because I heard some very bad reviews of the stealth sections. I did some searching to see if there was a Western mod for Mount and Blade, and found that there was but it was never released.
I'm a very sad panda right now Arcadians, and I was hoping some of you could recommend some Wild West games. My preference would be PC, though I do have a 360 and PS2 as well.
Thread over.
Edit: It's not BC though, sadly. One of the biggest omissions IMO.
Crap, no backwards compatibility? That one actually looks pretty fun (though not truly a western) but I've never owned an OXBOX.
Thanks for the suggestions everyone. It's really sad that there are so few Wild West games out there. Also, the fact that the Western mod for Mount and Blade wasn't released is a shame .
Edit: There's a sweet little western mod for Source called Fistful of Frags.
Red Dead Revolver is my absolute favorite, but I see you've already played that. Outlaws was suggested earlier. The graphics look a little ancient now, but the soundtrack is made of pure brilliance and awesome.
Gun is okay, not amazing...but not horrible. Dead Man's Hand is in the same camp.
PSN ID : Xander51 Steam ID : Xander51
Nothing has yet exceeded Outlaws' brilliance.
3DS Friend Code: 0404-6826-4588 PM if you add.
She has a cowboy hat. That counts, right?
This was totally needed!
You'd think Cowboy games would be as overused as WW2.
EDIT: I can't read. D'oh! Well in that case Gun or, if you're willing to really stretch the 'Wild West' part, Stranger's Wrath (which you should play anyway, because it's one of the best games made last generation)
Law Of The West
I can't believe no one has mentioned it. I still have the C64 disk for it.
Yup. Listening to that music was the only reason I needed to play that game all the time when it originally came out. That the game is quite fun was just icing.
I should install it again.
PSN ID : Xander51 Steam ID : Xander51
Anyone remember Time Traveler?
Sorta counts as a cowboy game...
Though, they aren't technically in the Wild West, but they have a Wild West feel to them.
It started as a mod for Quake 3 called "Western Quake", but they've just recently released a standalone version that is completely free and requires nothing except their zip package or installer. You can get that here:
It stresses realism to some extent, but goes for more of a spaghetti Western feel (which is evident with the music). The maps are fun to mess with and there's a great variety of them.
You buy weapons from a menu at the start of the round like Counterstrike, earning money for kills or completing robberies. Then you can spend it on rifles, shotguns, pistols, or various accessories (like Clint Eastwood's famous "bulletproof" boiler plate or molotov cocktails). There are also gatling guns you can purchase, which are fun to mount and fire.
The game modes are fantastic, you have:
Duel Mode - These are one on one duels, although with odd amount of players on a server you'll sometimes end up with three people. You play on random mini-maps that rotate during the duel rounds, and your weapons are limited to pistols and knives. Your accuracy is horrible at the beginning of the round and you start with pistols holstered, giving people time to situate themselves for a duel and choose their cover. You ascend in a tournament fashion until somebody earns enough notches on their belt to be considered the winner of the duel round and earn a point towards your total (usually 10 to win).
Bank Robbery - The main course. You assemble two teams, one of outlaws and one of lawmen. Hidden on the various bank robbery maps (there's quite a few) are sacks of money which you can retrieve to secure your fistful of dollars. This is kind of a one-sided capture the flag, and if the outlaws successfully rob a bank then they'll become the defenders. This is easily the most atmospheric mode, and it's a total blast with enough friends.
Round Teamplay - This plays out similarly to "Bank Robbery" in the sense that you only get one life per round and you're assembled on teams. The difference is there's no money to defend or rob, just a good old tactical shoot out. There's a few extra maps especially for this kind of play, which also function with deathmatch and team deathmatch (described below).
Deathmatch and Team Deathmatch - This is your total mayhem mode, a basic fragfest where players can buy weapons and items at any time and any place (in other modes you have to be at your spawn and buying periods last for 60 seconds). Plenty of dynamite chucking fun to be had here, a great break from the more paced play of the other modes. Team Deathmatch just splits the chaos into teams, nothing more.
The music is fantastic for what there is but unfortunately there's not all that much of it. If it wears thin I'd suggest some Ennio Morricone scores, although I know a lot of players prefer to keep music to a minimum so they can be aware of their surroundings.
The only unfortunate thing is that it looks really dated nowadays, being on the Quake 3 engine. If you can get past that and assemble some friends though, you're in for a helluva ride. I'd love to construct a "Play On" thread for this some day, although I'm not sure if there's enough interest.
Here's the new intro video:
And here's some action. Couldn't find a pure gameplay video with big teams, but this gives a pretty good idea of some of the weapons at least:
I was just going to post that.
Thanks for the recommendations everyone, I'm trying to track down a copy of Outlaws right now, as well as Desperados and I'm downloading Smokin' Guns right now.
Edit: I'm thinking of Deadlands, which isn't it. But it was similar.
First hit for "vampire western game xbox" on Google. Shit be smart, yo.
Looks pretty poor by today's standards but it's a survival horror western
PSN: SirGrinchX
Oculus Rift: Sir_Grinch
This game really needs a sequel. And a third recommendation, though I'm not sure if it'll run well in Windows XP and beyond.
Desperados was an awesome game that I had forgotten about until now. It definitly has a good western feel. I did not know they made a second one, and cannot find any mention of it anywhere. Did it go by some other title perhaps?
Googling around I found these guys. I'm pretty sure the game I'm thinking about is The Last Bounty Hunter.
Looks Wild West-ish...
I got it running fine in XP.
With no fiddling about? I heard it had compatibility issues, but the engine it runs on should be fine.
I remember having a very, very easy time of it. Either I just installed it and it ran or it was a quick fix. No pulling of hair or gnashing of teeth. I was pretty happy about that one.