During the Steam holiday sale a few days ago, I picked up Sid Meier's Pirates!. I have exceptionally fond memories of playing the original Pirates on an Atari 1040ST back in the day, and I had heard good things about the remake, so I figured it would be $8 well spent.
Tonight I tried to run it for the first time, and it is just
unplayably buggy. The screen flickers constantly, repeating previous frames - I start out sailing towards St. Kitts, then when I hit land, the town screen pops up, but it keeps jittering back and forth between that and the sailing screen, so I can barely click on anything. On the one occasion when I did manage to twitch my way far enough into the game to look for some combat, I was sailing back and forth right through other ships instead of boarding them. In fact, I blasted the poor enemy pinnace down to 0 men and 0 guns, but it refused to either sink or strike its colours - there was just no way to
do anything.
Steam automatically patched the game to 1.0.2, which seems to be the latest version. I've tried dropping the graphics settings down to the lowest levels, I've tried bumping them up to the highest levels... nothing is working. My system is well over the minimum required specs, but at the same time, it's a fairly run-of-the-mill build, I'm not exactly running Crossfire ATIs over here or anything.
Pirates! just won't work, and that makes me sad. Any suggestions?
My Backloggery
I didn't see an option to run in windowed mode... I'll see if I can do that, though.
I have no problems with this game myself, having also just purchased it on Steam. I am running Vista 64 though.
Edit: A bit more info on verifying the game through Steam: https://support.steampowered.com/kb_article.php?ref=2037-QEUH-3335
The bad news: I can't run Steam games in compatibility mode.
But at least now I have both a working copy of the game, and the satisfaction of knowing that the money I spent on Steam will contribute (albeit infinitesimally) to a game studio that consistently puts out stuff I love to play.