Hey guys, I've been looking into Wine so I could run some programs on my Macbook for school. The wiki there said something about downloading the packages, so I looked into it. In HUGE letters at the top of the screen it said something along the lines of BETA PACKAGE and then something about instability. So if you guys wouldn't mind linking me to the download page for a safe download (if there is one) it would be much appreciated.
Being not exactly the bravest adventurer with new programs (due to some bad expereiences....DAMN YOU TROJAN HORSE!), could somebody tell me how Wine works? I know it runs Microsoft programs on Macs/Linux computers, but is it like a program that runs programs, a secondary OS or what? Once again, it would be much appreciated.
Thanks for any help!
The author is not responsible for any bad puns, jokes, or other jackassy things. Thank you.
Fact of the matter is that Wine is very hit and miss. Applications older than 5 or so years have a very high chance of working fine, but you would have little chance with something like Office 2007, for example.
It's like trying to build a massively complex jigsaw of, say, a Fractal, only many of the pieces must be intentionally broken in order to fit in one the most esoteric of puzzles. 8-)
What/where is a good compiled version of it? And if I use it, it won't cause something wierd to happen of which I can't fix, will it?
Thanks for your help, and sorry about not being so clear.
What he said.
I've got a spare copy of Portal, if anyone wants it message me.