hey guys post your awesome + hilarious im logs
this is the worst idea ever but i do not doubt that you guys have entertaining convos to show the world
(1:36:56 AM) chairman: That game is a bad influence
(1:37:02 AM) flintlockfellow: so are you
(1:37:04 AM) chairman: It comes from a bad part of town
(1:37:13 AM) chairman: I don't want you hanging around with that game anymore
(1:37:18 AM) chairman: You're grounded mister
(1:37:24 AM) flintlockfellow: aw fuck, mom
(1:38:17 AM) chairman: Fetch my belt
(1:38:43 AM) flintlockfellow: why would i do that that doesn't help me at all
(1:38:59 AM) chairman: you say that now
(1:39:09 AM) chairman: but whippings with a belt build character
(1:39:29 AM) flintlockfellow: you're the worst mom ever
(1:39:41 AM) chairman: That's because I am your father
3:24:35 PM) flintlockfellow: hang on he made 7 babies with his daughter
(3:24:56 PM) flintlockfellow: that's unimaginably horrible i thought this was just a happy go lucky rape story
(3:25:02 PM) oh man meatwad: yeah he had his daughter locked in his basement for like a jillion years
(3:25:11 PM) oh man meatwad: they ahd many rape children
(3:25:21 PM) oh man meatwad: its like a bizzaro version of anne frank
(3:25:40 PM) oh man meatwad: only instead of nazi they are hiding from rapes
(3:26:06 PM) oh man meatwad: but alas the rape gestapo finds them every time
(11:47:31 PM) oh man meatwad: yeah the community college is pretty awesome here
(11:47:57 PM) oh man meatwad: i took this sweet ass C++ course there
(11:48:07 PM) flintlockfellow: are you a leet haxor yet
(11:48:13 PM) oh man meatwad: no
(11:48:37 PM) oh man meatwad: i almost beat up this nerdy ass dude in class one day
(11:48:47 PM) oh man meatwad: he was hatin on my programming
(11:48:53 PM) oh man meatwad: actin all high and mighty
(12:03:12 AM) flintlockfellow: big final against campion how ya feel champ
(12:03:47 AM) flintlockfellow: with what??
(12:03:55 AM) flintlockfellow: your forehead?
(12:03:56 AM) ChicoBlueMiGo: Heart.
(12:04:03 AM) ChicoBlueMiGo: A heart on my forehead.
(12:04:10 AM) flintlockfellow: that's badass
(12:05:26 AM) ChicoBlueMiGo: It's probably going to be a two-parter. And Campion is going to be all, "OH SHIT, PART ONE TORE MY SHIT APART. OH SHIT. PART TWO IS FUCKING MY MOTHER!"
(12:05:41 AM) flintlockfellow: he'll probably be crying!
(12:06:18 AM) flintlockfellow: like oh man this guy is tearing my shit APART WHY ME
(12:06:31 AM) flintlockfellow: like
(12:06:33 AM) flintlockfellow: i think
(12:06:40 AM) flintlockfellow: suicide might be on the table
(12:07:10 AM) ChicoBlueMiGo: Man, he wont get the chance for suicide.
(12:07:41 AM) flintlockfellow: like
(12:07:42 AM) flintlockfellow: irl
(12:07:48 AM) flintlockfellow: whoa
(12:08:33 AM) ChicoBlueMiGo: That's what I'm saying. He lives in Victoria. I used to live in Victoria.
(12:08:38 AM) ChicoBlueMiGo: I got connections.
(12:08:42 AM) ChicoBlueMiGo: I'm gonna find where he lives.
(12:08:53 AM) flintlockfellow: he's all about to submit his entry
(12:08:57 AM) flintlockfellow: all smiling
(12:09:04 AM) flintlockfellow: all doot doot doot forum battle
(12:09:15 AM) flintlockfellow: then his fucking head gets split open
(12:09:30 AM) flintlockfellow: and then you drink all his gatorade and then piss on him
(12:10:04 AM) ChicoBlueMiGo: That's just how I roll. He shoulda known by now.
so yeah post some stuff cocksuckers
the 1 with chico is awesome
11:10:19 PM Thomas Choe: slut
11:10:36 PM Sara Meyer: show me something funny
11:10:37 PM Sara Meyer: now
11:10:41 PM Thomas Choe: mirror
11:12:02 PM Sara Meyer: i hate you
11:13:25 PM Thomas Choe: dude come on
11:13:27 PM Thomas Choe: come on
11:14:10 PM Sara Meyer: what
11:14:35 PM Thomas Choe: it was inevitable
(3:46:17 PM) flintlockfellow: apparently she was throwing up all morning!
(3:46:23 PM) aspectofrobot: me too!
(3:46:25 PM) aspectofrobot: how old is she
(3:46:27 PM) flintlockfellow: 19
(3:46:31 PM) aspectofrobot: ok
(3:46:40 PM) aspectofrobot: if she was like 3 that would've meant my constitution was that of a 3 year old
(3:46:50 PM) flintlockfellow: meissnerd you should bang my sister
(3:46:55 PM) flintlockfellow: i would be honored
(3:46:58 PM) aspectofrobot: hahaha
(3:47:03 PM) aspectofrobot: i'm asking this
(3:47:05 PM) aspectofrobot: i'm going to
(3:47:06 PM) aspectofrobot: but is she hot
(3:47:11 PM) flintlockfellow: yes
(3:47:17 PM) aspectofrobot: SHOW ME
(3:47:22 PM) flintlockfellow: :O
(3:47:31 PM) flintlockfellow: 1 sec
(3:49:31 PM) flintlockfellow: http://photos-c.ll.facebook.com/photos-ll-snc1/v421/145/48/705215454/n705215454_4854298_8878.jpg
(3:49:41 PM) flintlockfellow: she is sort of a bitch!
(3:49:43 PM) aspectofrobot: hahahaha
(3:49:44 PM) flintlockfellow: though
(3:49:56 PM) aspectofrobot: is that a dinosaur bone necklace
(3:50:10 PM) flintlockfellow: i dunno
(3:50:18 PM) aspectofrobot: that is the most attractive picture
(3:50:33 PM) flintlockfellow: her current boyfriend is such a weird ugly guy it is kind of funny
(3:50:39 PM) aspectofrobot: hahaha
(3:50:43 PM) aspectofrobot: where do you guys live
(3:50:48 PM) flintlockfellow: florida remember
(3:50:52 PM) aspectofrobot: oh yeah
(3:50:53 PM) flintlockfellow: 50 chickens
(3:50:57 PM) aspectofrobot: yeaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
(3:50:58 PM) aspectofrobot: sorry man
(3:51:01 PM) aspectofrobot: all your states
(3:51:06 PM) aspectofrobot: are just identical rectangles to me
(3:51:22 PM) flintlockfellow: florida is america's weiner
(3:51:29 PM) flintlockfellow: well second weiner
(3:51:38 PM) flintlockfellow: texas is its first pee pee
(3:51:53 PM) aspectofrobot: america is canada's ballsack sorry to say
(3:52:37 PM) flintlockfellow: yes exactly we are virile and motile
(3:52:54 PM) aspectofrobot: and hairy and fat
(3:52:57 PM) flintlockfellow: look at this guy and his pedostache http://photos-f.ak.fbcdn.net/photos-ak-snc1/v317/145/48/705215454/n705215454_3976301_2684.jpg
(3:53:12 PM) aspectofrobot: aaaaaaaaaaaggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
(3:53:18 PM) aspectofrobot: WHAT'S ON HIS SHIRT
(3:53:20 PM) aspectofrobot: IS IT A WOLF
(3:53:28 PM) aspectofrobot: an astral wolf
(3:53:33 PM) flintlockfellow: i don't think so but it is entirely possible
(3:53:39 PM) flintlockfellow: also i think he is 17
(3:54:00 PM) aspectofrobot: i feel like i would need to wear a necklace of some kind to even interact with those two
(3:54:09 PM) flintlockfellow: hahahaha
(3:54:32 PM) flintlockfellow: some type of neck ornamentation
(3:54:38 PM) aspectofrobot: look it's an onion
(3:54:41 PM) aspectofrobot: hanging from my neck
(3:54:47 PM) flintlockfellow: perhaps a choker
(3:54:50 PM) aspectofrobot: hahaha
(3:54:52 PM) aspectofrobot: ONION BROOCH
(3:54:58 PM) flintlockfellow: fantastic
(3:55:23 PM) flintlockfellow: look at this amazing picture
(3:55:25 PM) flintlockfellow: http://i35.tinypic.com/ftjwgl.jpg
(3:55:25 PM) aspectofrobot: well if i am ever in florida i will seduce your sister
(3:55:29 PM) flintlockfellow: sweet
(3:55:33 PM) aspectofrobot: hahahahaha
(3:55:37 PM) aspectofrobot: RUN DUDE
(3:55:45 PM) flintlockfellow: run to the shell station hurry
(3:56:47 PM) flintlockfellow: that animal thread is awesome
(3:57:13 PM) flintlockfellow: about the lovecraftian things in the ocean
(3:57:29 PM) aspectofrobot: i saw that video and i didn't see any elbows, really
(3:57:51 PM) flintlockfellow: it is not the presence or lack thereof that disturbed me
(3:58:00 PM) flintlockfellow: it was that the tentacles made right angles
(3:58:10 PM) aspectofrobot: did they?
(3:58:10 PM) flintlockfellow: presence of elbows
(3:58:14 PM) flintlockfellow: rather
(3:58:16 PM) flintlockfellow: yes
(3:58:23 PM) aspectofrobot: whaaaaaaat
(3:58:25 PM) aspectofrobot: crazy
(3:59:29 PM) aspectofrobot: oh my god
(3:59:32 PM) aspectofrobot: in tubes fitness plan
(3:59:36 PM) aspectofrobot: apparently i have to do a pull up
(3:59:58 PM) aspectofrobot: also that picture is funnier if you pretend the hippo and the man are running together
(4:00:00 PM) aspectofrobot: to shell
(4:00:24 PM) flintlockfellow: they are running off to shell to get some gasoline to take a trip
(4:00:28 PM) flintlockfellow: to the movies perhaps
(4:00:32 PM) aspectofrobot: haha yeah
(4:00:52 PM) flintlockfellow: ack look at those elbows
(4:01:00 PM) flintlockfellow: http://i187.photobucket.com/albums/x189/flintlockhandmedown/blarrrrrrr.png
(4:01:18 PM) flintlockfellow: fuck me why does fireworks make things look like shit all of a sudden
(4:01:41 PM) aspectofrobot: because fireworks are cool and they take away from anything around it
(4:01:51 PM) flintlockfellow: that makes sense
I usually have a bunch open and awesome.
I just shut down the desktop.
Benign Sack of Nothing says: The bottom has fallen out of the basket market, haven't you heard? It burned a lot of people who invested solely in it.
Benign Sack of Nothing says: Which just goes to show...
Benign Sack of Nothing says: (wait for it...)
Chris says: ...
Benign Sack of Nothing says: That you shouldn't put all your eggs in one basket!
Benign Sack of Nothing says: Wha-da da da-da DA!
Chris says: ................................................... groan...................................................
Chris says: And that's not an enthusiastic groan either
Benign Sack of Nothing says: That's what she said!
Benign Sack of Nothing says: Ooo, 2009 happened just now.
Chris says: I heard the fireworks
Benign Sack of Nothing says: Me too.
Benign Sack of Nothing says: Should ooooooooold acquaintance beeeeeeeee forgot...
Chris says: And neeeeever brought to miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiind
Benign Sack of Nothing says: Should oooooooooooooooold acquaintance beeeeeeeeeee forgot....
Chris says: And aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaauld laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaang syyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyne
Chris says: !
Benign Sack of Nothing says: And something something doooo de doooo dee daaaah dee dah dee daaaaah...
7:34:37 AM Belruel: i got it from sending porn that was too rude to knob
7:35:23 AM toob: hahaha
7:35:23 AM toob: man that must have been some savage porn
7:35:38 AM Belruel: i am a hardened criminal
7:35:47 AM Belruel: or a hardon criminal, i am not sure
I used to use them all the time, years ago
but for whatever reason I just don't anymore
I see...
It's all about twitter now, huh?
I think my problem is that I use Gtalk... which nobody fucking uses. But I like the little pop up thing that alerts me when I get an email.
Pops up with facebook, myspace, email, and something else updates
It's also a yim, msn, aim, gtalk, blah blah blah client
I don't use myspace or facebook or anything along those lines either
pretty much the whole of my online socializing is this forum and occasionally cough[tiny]4chan[/tiny]cough
*cough cough*
85 hours and counting.
fist pound
what are you getting at I don't even
Oh wait... Mysst. But he doesn't count because I can also just turn my head and see him at times.
blog facebook steam twitter
hugs time
So I was clarifying
Swordfighter over here swept in to correct me and I stealth edited my post.
seriously look through your im logs it will make you happy
Tumblr blargh
*points to self*
I will probably not talk to anyone right now though, busy with opinionising
geez swordy
Tumblr blargh