So, I am wanting to get my next tattoo, but I have a bit of a problem. I have an idea and I know where I want to put it, but I'm art retarded, i.e. I can't draw for shit. I know tattoo artists do this a lot of the time, but I don't want to go that route because I'm looking for a good variety of implementations of the concept so I can choose the one I like best.
That being said, I come to you, my brothers and sisters of Penny Arcade, to beg you for help. If you're bored and feel like drawing something, well, maybe consider drawing my tattoo!
Here's the idea. The second card in a Tarot deck is "The Magician". You may have seen it before.
Here it is:
I want to recast that card, or perhaps some other interpretation of The Magician tarot card, as The Mathematician. Instead of a wand, maybe he's holding a slide rule or an integral symbol. Instead of the pentagram, maybe it's a summation symbol. I want to keep the theme, overall, the same, but change the implementation so that it represents a Mathematician instead of a Magician.
I can't offer to pay everyone, obviously, but if someone comes up with a really great concept, I'd be more than happy to pay and work with you to refine the concept.
artists and I wish I was one. I'm jealous of you all and humbled by all of the crazy cool shit you guys post in here.
But it made me lol.
Anyway, this sort of thread is covered specifically in the rules: