If some of you have read the SE++ thread I just started you'll note my car was broken into. I left it unlocked because I'm a moron (the one time in my long history of owning a car that I didn't lock the damned doors). A few things missing, nothing major.
Cell phone charger, with a 5 footish cord
Cell phone headset
Kitty litter
About $20ish in change from my coin stash
Ice scraper
I've already filed a police report.
On the side of safety I've close my checking and savings accounts and reopened them and placed a freeze on my credit. I don't expect anything to come from that as they had left my paystub in the car, while they probably
maybe jotted down the information, I doubt it. Maybe they took another one that I had dropped under the seat but not remembered if I had pulled it up. At worst this had my bank account # and last 4 digits of my SSN.
I'm waiting on the police report before I file an insurance claim to both my cell phone insurance and my car insurance/renters insurance (apartment property).
Should I be taking any more precautions or am I forgetting anything?
not a doctor, not a lawyer, examples I use may not be fully researched so don't take out of context plz, don't @ me
Oh, and seriously. Who goes to the trouble to steal a couple phone accessories, some change, and kitty litter?
Drug addicts. I had my car rifled through (my roommate left it unlocked so it wasn't broken into). They took all my change, my tape adapter and an old rusty golf club I had in my trunk for some reason. If they can get a buck for something at the pawn shop, they'll take it.