I went to jury duty in Quincy, MA, a few months ago. There was one black lawyer, zero white defendants, and zero black jurors in the entire courthouse.
I got this young black guy off of a ridiculous gun charge, so that was good, but the experience as a whole was pretty upsetting.
JohnHam on
augustwhere you come from is goneRegistered Userregular
I went to jury duty in Quincy, MA, a few months ago. There was one black lawyer, zero white defendants, and zero black jurors in the entire courthouse.
I got this young black guy off of a ridiculous gun charge, so that was good, but the experience as a whole was pretty upsetting.
Damn random selection!
Comahawk on
FandyienBut Otto, what about us? Registered Userregular
londo mollari plead guilty for public drunkeness this morning too
was that you? what ever happened with that?
3 meals a day and a roof over your head cant be all bad.
it sucked
I got this young black guy off of a ridiculous gun charge, so that was good, but the experience as a whole was pretty upsetting.
but instead i got thieving wheelchair homeless lady, so thats ok too
and like sixty thuggish black fellows kicking the ground and scowling
Did you break down during testimony and cry "I did it! I did it!"?
Damn random selection!
I buckled under the pressure and spilled all my irrelevant secrets
Shit man that's part of his daily routine.
Also I am highly confident that I will never ever be drawn for jury duty.
Turns out it means stealing.
i'm just going to have to buy a gun and live life mad max style
i missed that part cus i was reading conan the cimmerian
also some of his weed
Our exit stratagery for Iraq.
look at that fucking mustache
that's the most amazing thing I've seen this year
hair color- BRO
it's not molestation it's brolestation
City / Town Level Offenders
That's kind of surprising.
edit: hmm, that's ugly, but I think you get the picture.
I am above the law, you see.
Hey it's WaM's ex.
I don't know but I feel like a basic vocabulary is essential for
Law degree from a three-hour correspondence course?
Which one?
Oh heyooooooooo!
Doesn't work with the link there I know, but I didn't click it.