i was talking to rank earlier about his schoolwork and how jealous i am of his rigorous, demanding arts education
so: let's put a positive spin on things. people love to bitch about school, but i rarely hear someone satisfied with what they're doing.
what part of your education do you enjoy? do you have a particular lecturer who inspires you to put effort into your assignments? do you like getting good grades? do you like what you're studying, does it make you happy? i want to hear about it if so.
here's my story for today in this spoiler, you don't have to read it, particularly if you think i'm self-aggrandizing
so i have an introduction to rhetoric class. i hate this subject - rhetoric is basically how to argue properly, 'the art of fine speaking'. i don't like it at all, but, it's part of my major so i'm going to try and get an A, because that's how I roll. we had to write a short essay about another essay by stanley fish - probably one of the most dry theorists around in a field of dry theorists. anyway, this professor is the biggest hardass i've ever seen. he read aloud the best and worst example from the submissions. (i wasn't either.) so i waited, with bated breath, for my essay to come back to me.
there's one correction - i used a weak conjunction. at the bottom is written "lovely, engaging, finely-written, A".
and, well, that made my day.
so. that's my story. what's yours?
Until I take my fucking FE exam.
the FE isn't that bad, the hardest part is seriously sitting there for four hours at a shot without getting fidgety
I am slightly worried
"D Money and his friend xXxtreme participated in an experiment."
Made tests a lot less stressful.
Got to spend most of that time debating the points he was basing the paper on, since I was the only one in the class who knew anything about horror flicks.
What are you worried about?
i don't understand people who do no work and get straight As
I have no idea what it's going to be like
Luckily i have almost a full year to find out
tuesdays and thursdays:
Advanced Composition, Topics: Aging--Sex, Drugs, and Rocking Chairs
Dramatic Literature
Creative Writing
mondays and wednesdays:
Drawing 1 (have to take it as a prerequisite to all the advanced life drawing classes)
every class is writing intensive except of course, drawing. intensive to the point that it is the only way i'll be graded throughout the semester. i'm so happy with it all
oh and all the teachers so far are actually interesting to have discussions with, so that's good. because i'm going to grill these motherfuckers.
there is an insane amount of reading and research and various other things. however, they also practically encourage alcohol-fueled networking, so i suppose that's a bonus.
i'm looking forward to being an alcoholic after the three years.
steam | Dokkan: 868846562
i would say don't worry, but instead i'm gonna say worry, but turn your worrying into a drive to do well and do all your homework and readings.
I see a lot of people not worry about things when I TA. Those people generally fail.
1) I am no longer in it
2) if I do get back into it, it's the easiest path into a country of my choosing
Plus three years of matching tuition after that
she asked me to write a letter for her tenure committee (she got tenure yay) so she likes me too, but I am also a little scared of her because she is tough
someone didn't read the OP.
Shall take your advice and put it into practice Orik thanks
yes do this. i'm starting to research it a good amount starting recently because i want my future house to be self-sustained as far as energy goes
and pretty much it seems like in california, the dudes who are breaking into that business are banking. you are in a perfect place to get in on that
8-) sup
one of my lines was an extended metaphor about drowning, washing up on shore, and being eaten by vultures. everyone kinda stared at me for that one and i think i became 'the creepy guy' from that day forward
wow, that is a very generous lady! crossing my fingers for you guys
Yeah, I am hoping to get in on something in the solar field, since it's only gonna get bigger.
i think that if you're not at least a little scared of your favourite professor, they're not a very good professor.
what? I did!
those are positive things about school!
but if you're going to be crochety today, then go right ahead
when i have easier subjects they are usually just bullshit i dont care about and i do not feel the need to prove myself in a subject that does not provide any new or relevant information or offer anything to my degree
so yea that doesnt work out all that great
yeah I lied I am pretty much a lot afraid of her because she is pretty great and I don't want to disappoint or get yelled at
Aren't you wanting to come to my beautiful country to be with your Blaket dude?
it's a class under the theater department where pretty much we just read and discuss plays. other than shakespeare, it is the area of reading that i have studied the least
so i thought i'd give it a shot. it's a pretty simple class so far, but you have to start somewhere, right?
I never would have left
I loved college
Amazon Wishlist: http://www.amazon.com/BusterK/wishlist/3JPEKJGX9G54I/ref=cm_wl_search_bin_1
hah, no problem! i sometimes wish someone had told me that, but then i realize that they did and i didn't listen. don't be me
i know 8-)
yeah, it's just weird to me to see a literature class that's so general. so much has happened in that field that it's pretty much impossible to dedicate a semester to the entire thing. what plays are you doing?