Now you (yes you!) can have the chance to lounge about on a little island for six months all to yourself and get payed for it.
"The successful candidate will have to go scuba diving, snorkeling and hiking and enjoy at least 25 nearby island resorts. Thrown in is a luxury three-bedroom home and transportation to and from the island."
Oh, and apparently you will be helping the economy, so bonus points to the island. I don't know who came up with this idea, but news like this brightens my spirit and reminds me that there are still eccentric millionaires that want to share their wealth in the most ridiculous manner possible. What could possibly go wrong?
So lets talk about this island and this golden opportunity.
XBox LIVE: Bogestrom | Destiny
PSN: Bogestrom
applying for this so hard
That is so old it does not apply to modern life anymore.
I have to be "that guy". Believe.
#1 Australian topless bathing ban urged
it would still be a pretty slick appointment
You're too young to making any sort of judgment on what applies and what doesn't, kiddo.
I'm not that hardcore.
It matters not. You have to give it up, Muse. I'm sorry, but
Buttsex. Is in the fine print.
You are such a pessimist. I bet if you got the job you would just wallow away in a fort, ready for the invisible threat.
Ignoring the pleas of the native women who desire your physical comfort.
This would actually be pretty cool. I would not turn this down if I were being hunted
I don't think I would either.
Because I know how hunters think.
Because that's what I do. Hunt. I would totally try and get paid to be hunted. But I would require there to be a time limit.
Like, 48 hours to hunt DL. $100,000.
$250,000 for 72.
this was probably the most cost-effective advertising campaign ever
Any endangered animal your tastebuds crave.
By eccentric millionaires you mean the Queensland State Government right?
Satans..... hints.....
thats not very nice protecting endangered species is a very serious matter