I haven't liked a Mario or Zelda game produced in the post-SNES era. At release, Mario64 had decent graphics but I hated dealing with the camera. Going through the same level over and over again to get different stars annoyed me to no end. And also, it's simply not a real [super] mario game, which in and of itself was a tremendous disappointment.
Zelda:OoT... I really wanted to like this game. First of all, the world is now teeny-tiny. All the exploration of the earlier games is completely gone. Even today,I sometimes just have to laugh at how people complain about how you "don't know what to do" in LoZ... that's the whole POINT of the game. The graphics are truly terrible. The story is about on par with LttP, and still nowhere close to what Square had already accomplished on SNES. Dungeons were made much smaller in scope, and the action now consisted of 1-on-1 duels instead of fighting 5-6 enemies as once.
People like me are the reason N64 lost so hard to PSX. Nintendo basically took all the good-will they built up during my childhood, and decided they were no longer going to make the kind of games I loved. Nintendo didn't upgrade Mario and Zelda, they remade the entire thing from scratch, only keeping themes but not gameplay from earlier entries in the series. PSX, on the other hand, by the middle of the generation had scores of game with SNES-style gameplay (FF, DQ, Alundra, Castlevania, SF etc.)
Ok, but I know my opinion is unpopular.
Here's my question, what's YOUR unpopular opinion?
EDIT: I don't think I need to say this, but please respect each others opinions. There's no such thing as being "right" or "wrong" for liking or hating a game. You can discuss your opinions, but don't resort to insults or name-calling.
About particular games, or games in general?
I cannot play an MGS game to save my life, I think they're awful pieces of shit. I force myself to play them for the VA.
I hated Bioshock. I treated the actual gameplay as a chore to go through the amazing story and atmosphere. But the gameplay itself was goddamn atrocious.
Sucks horribly
Terrible fucking game
To clarify, I hated how in Half-Life 2 a lot of the objectives were unclear despite it being unbelievably linear
I mean seriously I got lost like numerous fucking times in that game. How is that even possible? I dunno
Also, you know that part at the very beginning where you have to break a board, then crawl through the hole? Yeah I couldn't find that board, so I was stuck there for like 3 fucking hours
I blame poor game design and shitty lighting for my predicament, because I couldn't find that board for the life of me and even when I did it was incredibly difficult to see
The guns handled poorly and felt weak, I was terribly unimpressed by the level design
Lifting objects feels...wrong, it's not like you're lifting so much as hovering it in front of you
All puzzles boil down to "OH BOY ITS PHYSICS HOW KEWL IS THIS???"
If Freeman falls more than 10 feet down he takes major damage, this is stupid, come on you can fall fifteen, twenty feet pretty safely irl
Explosions make no sense, you can be like 30 feet away from the blast and still take damage
Setpieces were extremely unimpressive
Controls feel odd, again it's not like you're controlling a person so much as a hovering robot
Basically everything besides graphics and VA was terrible for me
This man speaks truth.
I think mine is that Nintendo as a game developer is a bit of a shit company for rehashing characters and plots so much. I remember when OoT came out, an interviewer asked if it was a remake of previous Zelda games and they said it was a continuation of previous plots. Sure it is Nintendo, sure it is. It just happens to have more or less the exact same plot.
FF8 is probably the most divisive FF game of them all. There are three types of players:
1) Those that don't understand the system and think the game is too hard.
2) Those who do understand the system, and like being able to "control" the difficulty.
3) Those who do understand the system, but feel the game is pathetically easy.
And there's also the plot. Yeah... sorry, I'd love to hear how that orphanage nonsense makes any sense at all.
No see, he said unpopular opinions. Not wrong ones. FF8 was the beginning of the end of that series for me, haven't played any since.
I also liked Tribes Vengeance.
3DS FC: 0817-3759-2788
Junction, Draw, and Triple Triad kept me playing FF8, it's still my second favorite in the series, behind only 6
Haven't enjoyed GTA since 3. Just hasn't done it for me since.
Played Mass Effect with some friends a few days ago, and I think we spent most of our time in fucking elevators or "interacting" with NPC's in extremely long conversations.
I'd as far as to say the game was just mediocre in general.
Edit: Oh, and I agree about Mass Effect: BGII is probably one of my favorite games of all time, but Bioware just fell flat on their face with that generic sci-fi crap plot combined with amazingly shitty shooting combat.
Then your post is a P A R A D O X. Anyways, this is basically a thread dedicated to trolling.
But why did Nintendo so that in the first place? What possessed them to take all their 2D properties, and basically desert them entierly? I would have probably stayed loyal to Nintendo if they produced a real SMB game to go along with Mario64. Why was there suddenly this attitude across the entire industry that 3D is good and 2D is bad. Really, this transition basically made me stop playing video games for years with the terrible drop in quality.
Perhaps this is another unpopular opinion, but I hate how people try to make sense of the Zelda storyline. Really, they were designed with some sort of huge epic-story in mind. They just make whatever game they feel like making.
Simplifying and opening up new options is not necessarily "dumbing down." Creating systems that are intuitive and build upon themselves to grow in complexity mimic how most people learn in real life. People who like games to be easy to pick up and enjoy early on are not lazy or stupid. People who do not wish to wall themselves up in a basement somewhere with bottles of "Mana Potion" energy shots and bags of spicy cheetoes are not stupid, lazy or lacking in the ability to "pwn". They just see the game as something fun to do when they are not working, socializing, getting out of the house; as opposed to seeing the game as a full time career that will one day lead them to join a professional gaming league where they will suddenly become in-shape, handsome, smart, wise, well-read, well-rounded, socially capable and incredibly irresistible to the opposite (or otherwise desired) sex.
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Diablo 2 is one of the most boring pieces of shit I've ever tried to play.
Starcraft does not, in fact, hold up well today. It doesn't hold up well at all. It's a pretty crappy game.
Bethesda Softworks has yet to make a good game. Daggerfall? Shit. Morrowind? Also shit. Oblivion? Somehow they managed to make it less shit and more shit at the same time. Fallout 3? They took strides towards improvement. Then fucked it up. So it's also shit.
The Force Unleashed was one of the most fun games released last year.
Heroes of Might and Magic 5 is the best HoMM game so far. HoMMIV is the second best. 3 is dated and imbalanced and not as great as everyone thinks.
It sucks that you can't cut people in half with the lightsaber
I can get behind this.
Everyone of those games were good. Daggerfall and especially Fallout 3. You also forgot to mention Future Shock and SkyNet in your terrible opinion list. Which is the opposite of truth.
When I first got the game, I got to the end of disc 2 as a part of category 1. When I finally understood that you're NOT supposed to summon your GFs in every battle, I started my file over. Since then I've been firmly in camp 2. The game is easy only if you make it easy. Granted tough, once you understand how to fully use the function system, it it's easy to make it easy, if you catch my drift.
And yeah, the orphanage scene can go suck a dick.
Despites that, FF8 is one of my fav PS1 games, along with Xenogears, Castlevania SOTN, Einhander and SF Alpha 3.
Why do you think Oblivion is better than Morrowind? I can think of nothing worse than that horrible "all the enemies of the world level up with you" system that Oblivion implemented.
Welcome to the club. Or so it seems.
Hell, you're more likely to get jumped on for saying you thought it was good.
I'm of the camp that owned the PC version.
That made things somewhat... uh... easier.
Excessively so.
The idea of "All the enemies of the world level up with you" is kind of cool. But it's kind of cool only if you don't have the oblivion skill system where you can break the system or be broken by the system if you don't know how the system works.
I'm generally a fan of the SaGa series.
I wouldn't particularly care if Japan had kept the entire Mother series to itself.
I liked the Circus Case.
Slimes are the only good thing to have ever come out of the Dragon Quest series.
Sin and Punishment is just okay. I'd rather play any number of other regular shmups.
Star Ocean 3 is far and away superior to Tales of Symphonia.
No items. Fox only. Final Destination.
I can't get into Shiren the Wanderer at all. I have no idea what people see in it.
I usually like the gameplay of a jrpg (i know it's bad) and hate everything about the characters and story.
Marketing basically. It's like this gen and achievements and god knows what else. Everyone has to have it because the competition does.
Yes. Other games have done this for years. Some of the best RPGs ever made have done this. They just did it well. Doing things well isn't exactly Bethesda's thing, however.
And Oblivion did improve on Morrowind in some respects like the addition of fast traveling (which would have been better had it been implemented like it was in FO3) and the revamped combat system (which was pretty crappy still).