Green Lantern
Ohhhh fuck me he's a red lantern now what the fuck
Ghost Rider, in addition to finally coming towards the end of the arc, gave us a rad splash page
Apparently there was a Ghost Rider who was Russian and rode a fucking bear
Also an Eskimo on a dogsled
And Punisher
"let's make them count"
My moments of the week, or at least what I've read so far:
Dark Avengers:
Mighty Avengers:
Legacy was pretty good, liked seeing Rogue again. The development with the "archaeologist" should be interesting.
X-Men annual read as kind of choppy, but it was okay I guess. Some of the art was kind of bleh. The events of the present were interesting, though.
are comics not delayed this week?
I'm going to assume it only makes no sense because I just started reading Uncanny
Diamond didn't get a day off
i just didn't go to the shop on assumption
I mean I know you read the spoilers but they can't do it justice
Haven't got to Thunderbolts yet, but I do love me that cover.
That's the story you'd want to look into for what Slott is mining now.
GL was good. Dark Avengers was good. Thunderbolts was also good, because of the guest star:
GL was awesome, and Mighty Avengers was great simply for Herc
"You... You don't think he's cross-dressing... do you?"
That's not the High Evolutionary - that's
Gotta be honest, I wasn't too happy with it. I suppose I just saw it as needless.
Hey. Hey, you. Mr. David has something to say to you.
Superman Beyond was just as good as the previous issue, even if the 3D gave my a headache. While there were a ton of great, epic moments, here are two of my favorites.
For those curious about the significance of the second image, I'll spoil it for you. But if you're interested in the issue at all, I strongly urge you to read the issue before you read the spoiler.
Mahnke and Morrison deserve some serious accolades for how well Superman Beyond turned out. While I kind of hate having to wait for Morrison's schedule to clear up enough for him to tackle the multiverse, this book has convinced me that the wait will totally be worth it.
A very pleasant surprise came this week in the form of Mysterius the Unfathomable. Written by Jeff Parker (Marvel Adventures: Avengers, Agents of Atlas, The Interman) and illustrated by Tom Fowler (Green Arrow), this comic's off to a great start. It does a superb job of setting up the main character, as well as his new sidekick/assistant, and the world they inhabit. There's also a bit of action, a good deal of comedy courtesy of the prickish protagonist, and some intriguing setup for upcoming issues. The thing's also super dense, so it really feels like you're getting your money's worth.
I think my favorite parts of the comic is all the world-building Parker and Fowler manage to cram in the book. I often complain about the lack of interesting settings in comics. For me, a hero is only as good as the world he inhabits. Who is Batman without Gotham, Superman without Metropolis, or Starman without Opal City? Mysterius inhabits a city of foppish, self-entitled bourgeois men and women whose common problems often intersect with the fantastic.
I highly recommend it if you have a thing for slimy protagonists, plucky sidekicks, and a story that's mundane meets mysticism.
Edit: Spoiler'd.
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Edit: Sars, you're the last person I ever expected to see slag on the dude who wrote Young Justice.
My world's been turned upside down.
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Anyway, I thought Mighty Avengers was pretty awful. It was surprising to see so many people list it as one of their favorite moments until I realized why I disliked it so much.
Oh yeah, and the writing seemed awkward at times.
Yea, Mighty Avengers was an odd read for me too, couldn't really say why.
just from what i understand he is kind of ego-maniacal when it comes to his place in comics
fuck dude I've told the man to his face that he's the reason i read comics to begin with
ain't change a dang thing about the way he is the the Real World
I opted not to because none of those images really give anything away about the issues. But hey, since it bothers you I've gone ahead and amended my post.
Ah, I see. I thought you were making a comparison regarding the quality of his work, not his character.
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And DC has been systematically undoing his work by deleting Linda Danvers and lobotomizing Young Justice.
it's great!!
the writing and the art are both fantastic!!
The return of Hank Pym, SCIENCE ADVENTURER!