Sometimes I wonder if people back then would seem smarter/better players, just because of how much more difficult the 5 mans were.
Stubborn, more masochistic, but not better. Keep in mind that we didn't know anywhere near as much theorycrafting as we do now. The fact that five mans got through with pugs is much more a reflection of force of will rather then skill.
Things were also less balanced, and itemization was shit. Epics were actually 'epic' and if someone had one, it was badass. Being in full blues was like the equivalent of being in full epics now.
Well, to be fair, I don't get nostalgic for the shithole that was MC. But I still love the "it's actually a fucking dungeon" design of times past. WC? My first trip there took quite a long time, we got lost a lot, one party member missed that one jump so we had to backtrack and rescue her, we were never sure when a boss was around the corner. Not every leveling dungeon was interesting like this, SM for all its atmosphere is a straight shot to the end in each wing really. BRD of course is the biggest and best and most horrifying example. I never did a full BRD run until a level 70 friend was running one of my alts through. I'd done runs to certain bosses though, for making dark iron gear or looking for FR bracers or attuning people to MC. Had to learn to solo Lord Roccor for my kitty idol. The scale of the place was overwhelming. The glory was in the details though. Bosses hidden in alcoves and paths off the side, bosses that only appear when you do certain things (the dudes in the bar), the fact that there's A FUCKING BAR and the whole instance does feel like a big underground city, all the doors and locks and different paths... I can definitely see trying to pug it at 60 being hellish, everyone wanting different areas and quests, some level 54 thinking it's a good idea to join the group, etc. But that place is a masterpiece. Scholomance has a similar thing going on. My first run there, on my warlock alt who had just hit 60 no less, my friend decided we'd do the entire thing, including running out and in again so I could get every quest. It was epic.
Not a thread I can tolerate reading 13 pages of, but that really is a retarded rule, especially with the lag as of late. Even if they didn't have lag, shit happens and even the most attentive people can die on easy bosses. Just the other day I died from a void zone on KT despite never doing so before, and it was right at the start. So I got to sit there dead the whole time feeling like an idiot.
On the other hand, this is the sort of risk you take running with pugs. If he's running it, he has a right to make his own rules, as ridiculous as they might be. Though they really need to be stated at the beginning so people know what they're in for. If that rule had been made clear from the start and they still stayed, there really wouldn't be anyone to blame but themselves. Making up rules halfway through is dumb because by then you've got saved people so they don't have much of a choice.
Our last fight with him our c-listers died at the first wave and I said "Those who just died are not getting any loot."
When the fight ended we had nobody rolling on any of the drops till the raid leader told everyone I was kidding, and then like 5 people rolled, laughs were had by everyone.
Heh one of the most infamous e-whores from Emerald Dream tried to apply to Troxed's guild. He gave her hell in the app and they made it a sticky in their recruitment forum, it was great.
BRD is hell. I despise the place. In fact I ran it only for MC attunments back in the day if I had the choice. I do remember people doing stealth runs through the place though to the forge where you could make dark iron armor. I soloed it at 70 just to get the acheivement, and I think I died at the emperors room since I was lazy and didn't clear it like a retard. Still took my like an hour back then even skipping like 90% of the place. But I will admit, it was a dungeon of the evil IF and it was really awesome and felt alive unlike a lot of dungeons now.
Now, BRS is different. UBRS is still one of my favorite dungeons/raids(when it was a raid). The fights were fun, putting money on how far the gnome in the group would get punted by the beast and such. It was great fun. I am still bitter about the one time I ran it on my warlock and the Dreadmist robes dropped and I lost them to a mage. Never saw them again. I soloed since the patch though, got my valor chest for my warrior on the first run which made me happy. It has spirit, oh man baby go spirit on tank armor.
Now Strat and Scholo are two of my favorites. Strat I use to run daily, if not multiple times a day with my Alliance guild. I adored that place and still solo it when bored on my warrior. Just beyond a good time. Scholo I did last night on my warrior, but forgot you have to kill the mobs and not just the mini bosses in the headmasters room and I didn't have anyway to kill the shades on me. Going to go collect a bunch of strat holy water and do it again just for the achievement. I remember drain tanking like half that instance once cause or tank sucked and couldn't hold aggro. In fact I was a better thank on everything but rattlegore.
yea, three cheers for 15 man Scholo and 15 man UBRS /Lowbers. Those were p!mp I remember the fun I had assembling my Wildheart set years back. The leggings took me the longest. I had to run UD Stratholme 3 times a day for a full week till I saw them. But dang my char. looked sweet with those big winged shoulders.
Strat/Scholo/LBRS were all 5 man instances, everyone in the group I levelled with was absolutely amazed that after more people hit 60 it was impossible to get a good 5man going, nobody would join unless you were doing a "class raid" where you took 1 of each class
Junpei on
ThomamelasOnly one man can kill this many Russians. Bring his guitar to me! Registered Userregular
Strat/Scholo/LBRS were all 5 man instances, everyone in the group I levelled with was absolutely amazed that after more people hit 60 it was impossible to get a good 5man going, nobody would join unless you were doing a "class raid" where you took 1 of each class
No, they started out as being raidable. It was chaos on a mass scale.
Some years ago I made a human character named Jimmyhoffa and left his dead body in random places around Azeroth. Eventually I ran out of space on my account and deleted him, but I really should do that again...heh.
Strat/Scholo/LBRS were all 5 man instances, everyone in the group I levelled with was absolutely amazed that after more people hit 60 it was impossible to get a good 5man going, nobody would join unless you were doing a "class raid" where you took 1 of each class
No, they started out as being raidable. It was chaos on a mass scale.
And once they were made 5-man-maximum instances, there was weeping and panic.
Oh, so much weeping and panic.
SabreMau on
ThomamelasOnly one man can kill this many Russians. Bring his guitar to me! Registered Userregular
Strat/Scholo/LBRS were all 5 man instances, everyone in the group I levelled with was absolutely amazed that after more people hit 60 it was impossible to get a good 5man going, nobody would join unless you were doing a "class raid" where you took 1 of each class
No, they started out as being raidable. It was chaos on a mass scale.
And once they were made 5-man-maximum instances, there was weeping and panic.
Oh, so much weeping and panic.
Oh the nerdrage. I don't think I've ever seen a shitstorm of it's equal. The screams that we can barely do it with 15, how the fuck were we going to do it with 5? And thus we learned that increasing the number of people simply increased the amount of stupid.
When they made them 5 mans though, they changed life totals and stuff if I remember right. Wasn't that the patch or the one right after that introduced the 45 Baron run? Now that was a true herioc if you did it with 5 people who the gear actually was an upgrade for.
Man, those instances were a proper challenge right at the beginning if you were doing them with a standard group and thats how they should've remained, the change to make it not raidable was good, but the nerfing that went along with it was sad. Those places tempered peoples souls.
what kind indeed
Place took about an hour with one of my friends knowing exactly where he was going and each pull taking 10 or so seconds with no deaths or anything
People can't have pugged it in vanilla WoW
I can't believe it
We did. We also had balls that were made of solid brass. It makes it easier.
that's why we call it the struggle, you're supposed to sweat
Stubborn, more masochistic, but not better. Keep in mind that we didn't know anywhere near as much theorycrafting as we do now. The fact that five mans got through with pugs is much more a reflection of force of will rather then skill.
Was the book of the dead. Was a pity to see people rolling on it because having a skeleton was kinda cool I guess
"Yay, plate tanking gear with 8 stamina, 7 agility and 11 spirit!"
that book used to drop off of Onyxia. My druid won it on a raid roll a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away...
Ps4 : Gigawatt666
Steam I.D. : Gigawatt666
LoL : GiG4W4TT
That is a different book with the same use
I have the Onyxia one and it's fun to use it at times
Well, to be fair, I don't get nostalgic for the shithole that was MC. But I still love the "it's actually a fucking dungeon" design of times past. WC? My first trip there took quite a long time, we got lost a lot, one party member missed that one jump so we had to backtrack and rescue her, we were never sure when a boss was around the corner. Not every leveling dungeon was interesting like this, SM for all its atmosphere is a straight shot to the end in each wing really. BRD of course is the biggest and best and most horrifying example. I never did a full BRD run until a level 70 friend was running one of my alts through. I'd done runs to certain bosses though, for making dark iron gear or looking for FR bracers or attuning people to MC. Had to learn to solo Lord Roccor for my kitty idol. The scale of the place was overwhelming. The glory was in the details though. Bosses hidden in alcoves and paths off the side, bosses that only appear when you do certain things (the dudes in the bar), the fact that there's A FUCKING BAR and the whole instance does feel like a big underground city, all the doors and locks and different paths... I can definitely see trying to pug it at 60 being hellish, everyone wanting different areas and quests, some level 54 thinking it's a good idea to join the group, etc. But that place is a masterpiece. Scholomance has a similar thing going on. My first run there, on my warlock alt who had just hit 60 no less, my friend decided we'd do the entire thing, including running out and in again so I could get every quest. It was epic.
you're an Olda... man...
I laugh every time I hear that.
Oh Illidrama. My home server, how I miss you.
There's also this little hunk of gold from back when <DIE> would roll into Kargath with a 40man raid every couple of days:
Steam | XBL: Elazual |
Guess that GM that said it was working as intended didn't know what he was talking about.
Our last fight with him our c-listers died at the first wave and I said "Those who just died are not getting any loot."
When the fight ended we had nobody rolling on any of the drops till the raid leader told everyone I was kidding, and then like 5 people rolled, laughs were had by everyone.
Atleast on the European site, it's on the left hand side navigation bar, under "Account". Download -> Full Client.
edit; It's not there on the US site, so if you're an american, I'd suggest logging into account management and seeing if it's there.
One of these things is not like the other things
Now, BRS is different. UBRS is still one of my favorite dungeons/raids(when it was a raid). The fights were fun, putting money on how far the gnome in the group would get punted by the beast and such. It was great fun. I am still bitter about the one time I ran it on my warlock and the Dreadmist robes dropped and I lost them to a mage. Never saw them again. I soloed since the patch though, got my valor chest for my warrior on the first run which made me happy. It has spirit, oh man baby go spirit on tank armor.
Now Strat and Scholo are two of my favorites. Strat I use to run daily, if not multiple times a day with my Alliance guild. I adored that place and still solo it when bored on my warrior. Just beyond a good time. Scholo I did last night on my warrior, but forgot you have to kill the mobs and not just the mini bosses in the headmasters room and I didn't have anyway to kill the shades on me. Going to go collect a bunch of strat holy water and do it again just for the achievement. I remember drain tanking like half that instance once cause or tank sucked and couldn't hold aggro. In fact I was a better thank on everything but rattlegore.
Ahh the good times I had in there.
Ps4 : Gigawatt666
Steam I.D. : Gigawatt666
LoL : GiG4W4TT
No, they started out as being raidable. It was chaos on a mass scale.
Oh, so much weeping and panic.
Oh the nerdrage. I don't think I've ever seen a shitstorm of it's equal. The screams that we can barely do it with 15, how the fuck were we going to do it with 5? And thus we learned that increasing the number of people simply increased the amount of stupid.
Night at the bar and a roofie can get you that.
This response made me ROFL since I have been reading the sex thread in DnD at the same time. But if that happens I might never see my pants again.