Ok first of all, if you hate multiboxers or are here to whine about how they ruin the game, please stop now. Blizzard has declared it legal and I'm not going to respond to any whiners.
Now that that is out of the way, any other multiboxers here? I've been 5-boxing for something like 4 months now, currently running a 1 DK 4 Shaman team and owning Heroics. Pre-WoTLK I mostly PvPed with a 5 shaman team but I really just don't like PvP much in WoTLK.
I just realized I don't really have any recent pictures of my team but here is the last one I took (ages ago, probably a week or so after wotlk came out):
I do have a video I made of myself soloing (well, 5-boxing) the Heroic Gun'Drak boss fights with my team:
Click here to download video
I will be making more videos of boxing instances soon.
Last night on my H Gundrak run I took a snapshot of my DPS post-Gal'Darah:
I'm also in the process of running Heroic CoS to get 5x bronze drakes - I can do the timed run in about 20 minutes (5 minutes to spare at the end) so its pretty easy. Might try selling timed runs to people after I get 5 if theres a market for it on my server
I play on the Burning Legion US PvP server and run a guild "Multiplicity" that is strictly for multiboxers if anyone wants company and happens to multibox on that server. For more multiboxing information the best resource is
I'm sure people will ask how much it costs or why I spend so much on WoW, etc, and the answer is I don't. I started multiboxing with a computer I already had - Dual Core X2 2.2GHz, 3GB memory, 8600GT video card. Since then I've upgraded to a Phenom X4 2.5GHz, 6GB memory, and a 9800GT.
I use a single PC to multibox using the "Keyclone" software
http://www.solidice.com/keyclone - Yes I pay for 5 WoW accounts, no its not that much money (less than half what I pay for cable/internet).
So, any other multiboxers here? Always interested in discussing strategies, etc. Also, I will be around for a bit so if anyone has any questions about my team, strategies, or any other questions feel free to ask and I will answer them.
No, I pay $130/mo for internet + cable (with stuff like HDDVR, etc) :P
Its a combination actually. Most people are under the false assumption that multiboxers have no life and have nothing better to do than spend all day playing WoW, when in fact the opposite is true. I leveled my characters in less time than it takes most people to level a single character, and as far as actual playtime now...an example:
I can log in, run Heroic CoS, Heroic Gundrak, Heroic DTK and be logged back out and doing something else in less than 1 1/2 hours. Sometimes it takes me almost that long when solo boxing just to find a group and get everyone into an instance. I spend far more quality time (but far less overall time) playing WoW now then I did when I solo boxed.
So, half the reason is not relying on other people (except friends that I want to play with). The other reason is the game got quite boring playing one character. Sure questing while 5 boxing is super cake, but actually 5 boxing real content (PvP, Instances, etc) is much more difficult then just running a single character through the instance. Its also far less frustrating and far more entertaining. I can leave whenever I want, try to down a boss as many times as I want and take as long as I want without worrying about bitching, and I never have to worry about loot rolls.
But yeah as far as challenge goes, controlling the tanking, dpsing, and healing of an instance run all by myself is very challenging (and very fun).
I'm also curious what the challenge is? With playing the game with other people you have the challenge of having to work together to make it work, but if you're controlling everything by yourself it's just another single player game.
My guild has a few other multiboxers in it but we have not yet tried to tackle current 10+ man content with just 2 or 3 of us.
As far as the challenge - whats the challenge of single boxing? Getting 4 other people to work together isn't a challenge. They either will or they won't - its really more just annoying trying to find 4 other competant people that don't suck
Controlling a single character in an instance is quite easy - you have a limited number of things you have to do and if you don't do them that well theres a good chance the other 4 people with you will just pick up the slack. If you're controlling all 5 characters, and you aren't performing well, all 5 characters are performing poorly and things will go bad fast.
5 Boxing instances requires far more self performance and coordination then single boxing. I mean if you really just think about it, imagine having to control a tank, move him around, pull aggro, use your taunts, etc, all the while you're also telling your dps characters to cast different spells to maximize DPS, and telling your healer who to heal and when - I'm not sure why that sounds easy to some people, at any given time fighting trash or a boss I can be pushing upwards of 10 keys in less than a second.
When I play (for instance in the screenshot above of my DPS), I'm not just spamming 1 key to make everyone do things. I'm using various buttons to make my tank use abilities and keep aggro, then I'm pushing keys to maximize my DPS with a specific rotation on my elemental shamans (FS, LvB, trinket/elemastery/bloodlust, LB, LB, LB, LB, LvB, LB, FS, LB, LvB, etc), and trying to coordinate healing waves and chain heals at the same time.
I guess my point is this: why are you paying 55$/month on WoW while you could have the same challenge for a few bucks on any RTS? Is it the fact that you can show off 5 toons wearing epics to people you don't want to interact with? That's pretty much the only thing I can come up with that differs multiboxing from games that make you control little armies from the getgo.
I am thinking of doing a multibox setup myself just to level a couple characters faster because I have done the quest lines so much that it has become rather boring, but doing a whole party seems like a lot of trouble and somewhat expensive, but hey if you like it do it.
How can you doubt the fun? Fun is relative. Not everyone enjoys the same thing. It might not be fun for you, but obviously its fun for me or I wouldn't even be doing it.
Also, how am I not interacting with other people - because I don't run heroics with them? I still solo box in raids occasionally (rarely have the time to play that many hours consecutively though) and I'm in a guild with a bunch of people and PvP with friends all the time.
As far as money goes... why pay a bunch of money for songs for rock band when you could play C&C 3 for free every month. Thats about the same argument as 5 boxing WoW vs playing an RTS. An RTS isn't even a comparable style of game to WoW so I'm not sure why that would somehow be more fun for me. Besides that, playing WoW keeps me from paying for any other games really because I don't have time for additional games (except rock band ) So its actually cheaper.
I don't think you put too much thought into your point...
"I don't think you put too much thought into your point..."
You can kindly shove your 5 manmultirapeboxofwtfbbq up your all high an mighty ass
Ok. The point of this thread was to talk about how to multibox and discuss strategies with other multiboxers. Thinly veiled insults about how much money I spend when I could have spent way less doing something else do not contribute to this discussion at all. Way to derail this thread even more.
Anyways, has your idea of fun ever diminished over time? I mean, you're just running instances all by yourself, haven't you ever felt it to be boring? One of the fun (like you said, this part is relative) things about rolling into an instance with other people is you don't know how it's going to go. Something like, "It's not the destination, it's the journey" type thing here. Since it's just a DK and 4 shaman, doesn't it ever get boring? Do you have other classes you can add to the mix?
I did start leveling a second team awhile back (a holy priest and 4 warlocks) but never got them to 70 as they got very gimmicky and fairly boring after awhile. I have a 5th shaman I used to use for PvP, and due to RAF I have a ton of other 60+ characters (at least 1 of every class) I could play if I chose to
Honestly when I get bored of a game I quit. I'm definitely not addicted to WoW and since I started playing a few years ago have quit probably 4 times. As soon as this gets boring (which I'm sure it will eventually) I'll have no qualms about canceling all 5 of my accounts immediately
For now I'm still having fun tackling new heroics (have Gundrak, DTK, CoS, HoL, UK and Nexus on farm, haven't tried HoS, Occulus, or VH yet) and hope to try out boxing some of Naxx 10 soon. Fortunately its a good time to play WoW - about the time I'm getting bored 3.1 and Ulduar and other new content will be released
I havent seen anyone insult you but generally ask simple questions as to why you would want to spend this much money doing this and that. Also, seen many people asking questions on what do you get out of it. Veiled insults... I think not. How about the veiled ego on I can do heorics by myself in less than two hours. WOOOOOOOOOOO. Guess none of us know how to play wow either because we have to focus on one toon who has minimal jobs. Man y ou are the man!! Everyone buy 5 accounts quick. BTW there is a thread for it already.
It's obvious you came into this thread with no other purpose then to insult and argue, both times. The only posts in this thread that are truly insulting are yours, and you aren't even making a tiny attempt at contributing something constructive to the thread.
Unfortunately theres no way for me to post about playing 5 WoW accounts and doing it because I was bored of playing 1 and wanted a challenge without someone (such as yourself) automatically deciding that I'm bragging about it. If I wanted to brag about it (and why would I? Just telling people I'm a multiboxer usually just gets rude people like yourself to jump down my throat), this would be the very last place on the entire internet I would come to do it. I posted the first sentence of the first post because almost every multiboxer post on every forum results in random people coming in frothing at the mouth ready to lynch me :P
Yeah, I'm not really sure this needed its own thread.
And it's even on the first page. Yeah.