I just need some ideas to deal with stress. I've got so many things going on in my life right now and I need a way to cope with the pressure and stress.
This is the busiest time of my life. I'm going to school full time and working five days a week. I live with my fiance who is pregnant and due March 7th. I've got prenatal classes to attend, group projects to work on, studying to do. It doesn't sound like much but I'm so stressed out that I can't deal anything else. I just don't know how people deal with all this kinda stuff. All this stress is taking it's tole on other things. Like I keep avoiding my Father's calls since he stresses me out. I had a fight with my fiance this weekend, I was so stressed about it I couldn't get anything homework done thus I got a 47% on an online assignment. I accidentally locked myself out of my car on friday, then my house this morning. I have headaches every day after school and work. I know I'm only complaining now but I need to know how to not let all this stress affect me to the point where I'm so scattered and can't get anything done.
I just feel like all this stuff keeps adding up and I don't know how to cope with it. I can hardly keep up with my own life how am I going to take care of a baby. I just want some advice on how to relax. How to take things one at a time. I've never spread myself so thin like this. I've always been concentrated on one thing at a time, school, work, friends etc. But now I've got so much to do I don't know how to get it all done. I know other people can do this but I just want to know how they cope with it all?
I hope that all made sense. Any advice would be appreciated.
I think firstly, you need to try and scale back anything that you can. I'd suggest taking less shifts at work, but with a baby on the way I guess you'll need the money. Aside from the baby, school is the most important thing, because it is going to lead you to a better job, more money, etc. You need to make sure you don't fuck it up. So scale back everything else that you can in order to make more time for school. If that's not enough, I'd seriously consider taking your education part-time, which means you'll take longer to get to where you want, but you're less likely to fuck up and fail.
If you have more arguments with your fiance, and they're stressing you out to the point that you can't work, you need to try and block that part of your life out whilst you're focusing on work. If you can't do that, do your best to get whatever issues you two have resolved as quickly as possible so that you can move on. Try and cut yourself some slack too, it's clearly a stressful time for the both of you with a baby coming, and it's pretty natural that you're going to have an argument or two. Come to terms with that fact and realise that dwelling on it isn't going to be helpful to you.
Finally, and this may seem impossible to do with everything else you have going on, but make sure you have some time out where you can take a break from all your responsibilities. Make sure you have a good few hours every week to just let that all melt away and do something you enjoy. Maybe try using that time to talk to friends or something, you might feel a lot better about everything you've got going on if you just get to talk to people about it, and vent a little.
Congratulations on being a father by the way.
i work 5-7 days a week and i go to school full time, and my grades dont suffer. You can definatley do both and still well.
to op; honestly find a nice stress relief outlet. For me its playing wow late at night with friends i cant see because of my schedule. Also with a baby on the way i would look into telecourse and online classes so your able to stay at home and help out more.
Even doing that with a 2+ hour daily commute I was an absolute wreck. Honestly I don't know how you are even dealing with that in addition to a wife and soon-to-be-child.
The most obvious thing is to put school on hold as much as you can.
Yes, that sucks, but you got yourself into a ridiculous trifecta of commitment, and it's causing you to go insane. Time to drop something.
Also, take walks, if you have time. 20 minutes on a cool night will do a lot to clear your mind and help you sleep well.