Just wanted to ask all you pc gamers out there what kinds of events and/or contests you'd like to see at PAX, and specifically, if you have any awesome ideas we haven't done yet.
At this point I'm mostly interested in things that are feasible for our BYOC crowd, and I'm not specifically talking about tournaments, but certainly don't hold back any good pc related ideas you may have.

One thing I'd be keenly interested in is seeing a bunch of wow guys get together and run a raid. I know, that might take some server transfers and the like, but it doesn't seem entirely unreasonable, and I'm sure we could come up with some ways to award prizes to participants.
Or perhaps a "make your own webcomic" perhaps with a given theme so we can make sure you're writing and drawing it at the event. We could announce specifics then leave it open until Sunday when we throw them on a projector and subjectively award away.
Just some random ideas floating in my head, to hopefully get you started.
EDIT: It could either have teams, or possibly the whole group (of whoever wants to) making one game. We might be able to get one of the companies that makes popular engines to pitch in and donate a (even a temporary one) license so we'd be able to cut past the low-level stuff and get straight to designing, making, and creating art for the game(s).
Thats not really feesable considering the crowd that PAX BYOC usually draws. THat would mean people would have to devote most of PAX to something.
Granted some people would do it but there wernt many people that I saw that stayed in the BYOC room the whole time.
Folding for example. Form a PAX09 BYOC folding group, get everyone to download the client and join
the group and then see how many FPs you can amass in like an hour or something.
Put on a play for the PAX 2009 DVD.
Everyone in the BYOC is an actor in a movie like Diehard 4. The world's Internets are in danger and
the BYOC room is the eTerrorist Situation room. Cheesy lines, furious keyboard strokes weird on
screen displays are a must.
Simmons: "Sir! He just haxored Mexico's drinking water."
The Boss: "What are you talking about Simmons! Give it to me in plain English damn it!"
Simmons:"Sir! He's routing all of Mexico's drinking water to the US. Millions of people will be
inadvertently drinking sub-standard Mexican water!"
The Boss: "Who cares Simmons! I drank some water when I was in Mexico once and all I got was
a mild case of diarrhea."
Simmons:"You don't understand sir! This situation could become a shit storm of epic proportions in
just a few minutes. Millions of US citizens will being shitting to the point of dehydration, which will
then force them to drink more water. Some will just continue drinking their tap water, but the rest
will try to buy water at nearby stores, which will end up causing riots once the supply runs out. Half
the population will be shitting themselves to death by dehydration, and the other half will be rioting
on the streets with liquid shit running down their legs."
The Boss: "Oh.......my.........God!!
PS3: Mentok || Steam: mentok1982 || Diablo 3: mentok1982#1212
Links: GPUReview.com My IGN activity My IGN Blog [H]ard|Forum
Ooh, how about an "accelerated" game of Legend of the Red Dragon?
Host a Telnet BBS on a system in there, and then start a new "day" every hour, for each hour that PAX is open. The player with the most XP and/or Dragon kills wins at the end.
If you're quick with it and don't want to really "get into it", running through all your actions for a day in Legend of the Red Dragon only takes a few minutes, and can be done while playing other games... but it could still form some entertaining and interesting feuds and competition throughout the event.
I'm going to reserve up for BYOC either way this year I think (though with the cookies, I probably won't be IN there as often as one might want to be =( ), but I would gladly set up and host such a system if people wanted it
I wonder how many people have played in the BBS's of yore?
EDIT: On this subject, I was talking to some Phalla people about setting up a BBS a few months ago... but I couldn't get LoRD in because I couldn't get a hold of anyone at Metropolis (the people who currently own LoRD) to get my registration code. BUT I wouldn't mind shelling out another 15 bucks to get another one, and I have the patches that you need to make LoRD run on a modern system if you wanted one of the attendees to host it. Otherwise, if you guys would rather host it I could snag that stuff anyways and pass it over to you
NEW ALBUM OUT, NOW WITH 100% MORE SHEEP!, have a listen will ya
We could have it running in Office mode so the game lasts for one day of PAX, but you're able to do other things during the day.
This is a BRILLIANT idea.
I would totally be down for LORD, or TradeWars even. I think this is a fantastic idea.
What does everyone think of the seating layout idea? I don't want to set ya'll up for disappointment (we all know how in demand real estate is at pax), but I can see it being -possible- we could at least set up a specific area for that? For BYOC, friends coming together, or for freeplay trying to group people together playing the same game?
Again, I see this mainly as a brainstorm thread, so don't get too excited yet, it -probably- won't be feasible, but the idea is definitely interesting to me. I'm definitely a fan of trying to keep the smaller community feel as the lan continues to grow. Any other ideas along those lines would also be of keen interest to me.
They come to PAX toting with them test copies of games in development, late beta, or even just feasibility testing stages. Pass them out to BYOC attendees and have them play with the games right there on the spot. It'd be exciting for BYOC gamers while also providing an interesting testing ground (and even free advertising) for game creators.
There'd probably be some issues with doing that, but just tossing the idea out there again
Dont remember battlefield heroes last year? :P
Unless its a highly controled web based thing like that, It cant really happen for BYOC anyway. Too difficult for them to control their unreleased data.
On the freeplay machines however....
Damnit, this means I'm going to get sucked into DefCon again this summer. And what other types of seating arrangements are there? All the LANs I have been to have always had everybody in rows.
Side note: what was with the whole Gabe vs Tycho thing last year? I really wasn't paying too much attention to that since BigRed had me running all over PAX for his scavenger hunt.
I wasn't in BYOC last year =( I'm looking forward to doing it this year though.
Yeah, it'd take me about 2 seconds to hit the "make iso" button, and I doubt they're going to have the time and manpower to setup DRM for that kind of thing.
Usually, when a developer is doing beta testing like this, they want to get as much feedback as possible. They'll setup demo studios, where the gamer's screen and voice and video of his facial expressions, etc, can be recorded, etc. Doing it in a live setting like the byoc won't net as much data, except a general survey, and possibly hardware testing for a random cross-section of hardware.
pity though, it'd be nice to give it a shot, I've done a small amount of game beta testing before.
If you want a sort of visual, here:
It's not the clearest shot, but it's definitely good for 4v4 games and could probably be easily adjusted for 6v6. I know this place (where I used to work a few years back) had 32 rigs, and we'd split the room down the middle for BF42 nights.
If you can wrangle the space to make it feasible, I highly recommend it.
12-2, bf2142
2-6pm, SoaSE
6-8pm, CoH
8-9, Defense Grid
I mean it's not like it would be a "you have to do this", but it would help a ton for getting people somewhat organised and searching for lan games at a specific time and have a time to aim for to having the games installed and ready. Maybe I'm just oblivious last year and didn't notice this?
I mean it's obvious there is going to be constant L4D, tf2 and CoD4, it's not like those will need a specific schedule since servers would be up the entire time. But it would help for the games that are being phased out due to age and popularity, but people still want to play.
Oh? Who won?
One thing that always seems to be under utilized is the intranet website for the BYOC, and if there was a way to get access to it with ones web enabled phones that would be a huge plus, even if its only by an internal wireless network.
I know personally the past couple of years it was difficult to hook up with others to play any sort of game so if others where playing a game around me that I had then i would tend to play a while with them otherwise I found myself taking with others before the next event i was interested in took place. As it was I never knew what was happening in the BYOC unless i happened to be in there when something was announced and even then it was extremely hard to hear or understand what was being announced at the back of the room where the irc club gets placed.
Perhaps another idea would be to put up some projection screens to show whats happening in some of the games at the moment (spectator mode) or whats going on in the main theater. (especially given what happened last year with the waits and no guarantee of getting in)
3DS Friend Code: 2707-1614-5576
PAX Prime 2014 Buttoneering!
Intel does it.
What do you mean broadcasts working correctly?
I was unable to see any broadcasts messages that didn't originate from the same table as me. (I was testing because I wanted to do a little Simpsons multicasting)
3DS Friend Code: 2707-1614-5576
PAX Prime 2014 Buttoneering!
I think this is a great idea. Maybe have two projectors going - one that has the "what's happening" (we had this going on at BGF) and another that is TVing (specing) the GOTH.
Also we could use it for casting tournament finals :-}
3DS Friend Code: 2707-1614-5576
PAX Prime 2014 Buttoneering!
It still amazes me how far the BYOC has come over the years with the number of prizes and tournaments and just random stuff happening that it makes it oh so hard to choose where to be next.
Maybe this year we can get FDA approval on installing cloning vats?
And use it.