So I recently purchased Left 4 Dead on PC. Even though I know a mouse and keyboard combination is best, all my friends play on the 360 and so I want to get good at using a gamepad. I use Xpadder to map my gamepad buttons to the default L4D commands because L4D's support for gamepads is wonky (right analog stick won't change the perspective left or right, only up and down).
I'm having a lot of difficulty finding the optimal Xpadder emulation speed to make the right analog stick feel right. It's either too responsive or not responsive enough. What settings should I be using? Or are there better solutions?
easiest option is to get a 360 controller, get the drivers for pc here
reset the computer and then plug and play
set your sensitivity settings then have fun
you can set the Z AXIS and turn autoaim off therefore you have complete control of the aiming. You can set the analog sticks so that one walks and the other strafs. you dont need to set the autoaim off because it sucks and doesnt work well anyway but if you insist just open the console and type sk_autoaim_mode 0 ok? dont forget after you've changed your controller settings in notepad of that 360controller.cfg that in the game you need to manually load it in the console just type exec 360controller.cfg ok? its quite easy really i dont understand why EVERYONE keeps "insisting" that you "need" an xbox360 controller when really you dont. come on people try to keep up has NO ONE heard of "scripting" sheeeesh
This works until I go over to with them, and they laugh at me because I suck with the gamepad.
This is irrelevant, he's trying to get better with the 360 controller specifically.