A new video game character is about to be unleashed on the world. A character with more hip attitude than Shadow the Hedgehog and Poochie combined! It's...
Okay, he's an old English guy in a bowler and monocle. So he'll just sit there and sip tea while telling boring, rambling stories about the Great War, right? No! He'll go out there and wage war, by jove! A war with two fronts... platforming and puzzling.
Both at the same time? On that confounded two-screened DS contraption? However will that work? Perhaps this short documentary on the life and times of an enemy in the game shall enlighten you:
For those of you who can't see the video, whenever Henry defeats one of those blighters on the top screen, he goes to the bottom screen and transforms into a block. If enemy blocks get close to other enemy blocks and don't get taken care of, they'll come back to the top screen. But if you match colors of blocks, you'll earn energy that can be used for power-ups.
Though yes, like every good British stereotype, Henry will spend some time in the game drinking tea.
One good cuppa will, like countless English novels over the centuries have described, transform Henry into a giant robot.
This spot of fun comes out in March. Cheerio!
Update: So how awesome is
www.henryhatsworth.com? So awesome. You can get the entire soundtrack there, including a song that is essentially the Old English Chap's Chorus. (You can hear that one in the background by going to the "about the game" section.)
Game looks and sounds awesome. MTV's Multiplayer blog has a few more screens and more details about how the game actually plays, though the writeup "spoils" some bosses and mechanics.
Also, this boss looks hilarious.
I love the English character and think the platforming part looks awesome. Teatime is a powerup? Hell yeah.
But I'm not a fan of puzzle games (outside of Tetris).
So...I guess I'll have to wait and see.
3DS Friend Code: 0404-6826-4588 PM if you add.
The name alone merits a day 1 purchase!
If he starts off every single level/world like Commander McBragg I will die of glee.
I think this is how A Tale of Two Cities ended, wasn't it?
Mecha Carton blowing up half of France in a successful bid to save Charles Darnay, but is slain by a stray bullet as Darnay and Lucie board the last VTOL out of town.
Ah, the classics. I'm sure everyone has heard of this one by now, but it's still worth mentioning:
Back on topic, it looks like the game's doing everything in its power to be quirky and hilarious.
Mecha Carton blowing up the Bastille in a successful bid to rescue Charles Darnay, but is decapitated by Madame Defarge's experimental Guillotine Rifle as Darnay and Lucie board the last VTOL out of town.
Okay, I had to get that out of my system.
Back to the subject in hand! This intrigues me, but I'm not sure how much I'd actually play the game (like so many things on the DS for me, unfortunately).
Well ok, no it wouldn't. Helluva lot better though.
Can't wait to get this.
Nintendo Network ID - Brainiac_8
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Gameplay is interesting, however.
We'll see though, it does look genuinly fun.
Nintendo Network ID - Brainiac_8
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It's only an "attempt" if it fails though.
This is puzzlingly wrong.
Attempts succeed all the time.
Except then you'd just call it an imaginative cult game.
Eh, I don't think they're trying to be cult, I think they're just trying to be different. In reaction to EA's past years of being violently uncreative. After all, we got things like Mirror's Edge for the consoles.
I'll give you that. It does seem kind of "conveniently" guided towards a specific audience. Like every Atlus game ever published.
Are you just saying this because you're from the UK though? Don't you all wear bowlers and monocles over there? Drinking your tea and eating your crumpets, discussing world politics with an air of superiority. You smarmy bastards. :P
Hmm.... I may have a point here, this guy does seem to be a pretty bad stereotype. I predict British nationals boycotting this game.
But since it hasn't yet been released, and is only successful in potentia, attempt is accurate
I can't wait to judge first hand.
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Nintendo Network ID - Brainiac_8
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Given how ridiculously well the first one's been selling in the UK, it's really getting overdue.
It sounds so awesome.
Makes me wish I had a DS.
Nintendo Network ID - Brainiac_8
PSN - Brainiac_8
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It all sounds so inventive. Can't wait!
To be fair why would they release the sequel when the first one is still selling so well?
Also this game does look amazing, but the puzzle element is pretty much my least favourite type of puzzle there is, which is a shame. Hopefully it won't suffer (for me) too much because of that.
Nintendo Network ID - Brainiac_8
PSN - Brainiac_8
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Here's some more details:
That tears it, I must have this now.
Nintendo Network ID - Brainiac_8
PSN - Brainiac_8
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The Farnsworth / Wernstrom comparison alone is selling me on this.
Nintendo Network ID - Brainiac_8
PSN - Brainiac_8
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