Updating via Steam

flameboy6184flameboy6184 Registered User new member
edited May 2009 in Penny Arcade Games
So, I was reading the main FAQ and saw they'd mentioned not releasing patches for the game.
Q: I heard there was a new update of the game released. Where can I get it?

To get the latest version of the game, always download from playgreenhouse.com. New updates are not released as patches, but rather we replace the entire build with the newest version. When you visit the game page, you can simply click to download the demo, and install it directly on top of your old version without uninstalling. If you have already authorized your version, the new downloaded version will normally work without requiring re-authorization. Also note that the game is distributed on other sites but they may not have the latest version, so to be sure always check on Greenhouse for the latest.

Based on not releasing patches, is it safe to say that the Steam auto-update feature has not been keeping the game up to date? Is there any way to update our games that are installed via Steam?

I've tried to Install the most recent version available on playgreenhouse.com over my current installation in the location Steam installed it to but upon Launching the client, it asks me to Authorize my game rather than functioning normally as listed in the FAQ.

flameboy6184 on


  • ChokeholdChokehold Registered User regular
    edited February 2009
    I only use the playgreenhouse.com installs myself, so I can only hypothize.
    If that's even a word. You get the idea.

    What *I* would do, is just go into 'my games' on Steam, uninstall, and then download and install again. :)

    Chokehold on
  • xbskidxbskid Registered User regular
    edited March 2009
    Chokehold wrote: »
    What *I* would do, is just go into 'my games' on Steam, uninstall, and then download and install again. :)

    I actually tried this earlier today, and it didn't net me a newer version of the game. I'm beginning to think updates are only being distributed to Greenhouse users. I have no idea if Console users have gotten any updates.

    xbskid on
  • HH JoelHH Joel Registered User regular
    edited May 2009
    Thought I'd follow up on this one.... When we updated Episode One to include all of Two's new features, the Steam servers didn't deliver the update properly. After a bit of back and forth with Valve, we've finally got it resolved. So as of this week you should see an update for Episode One on Steam that is the latest and greatest. If you don't, you can always force a re-download.

    HH Joel on
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