Toribash is sick, son
Toribash is an innovative fighting game where YOU design the moves! Join us today, and pit your skills against other players all over the world.
Earn credits by winning matches, then customize your character in the store! Trade items with other players. Win prizes in weekly tournaments. Climb the rankings. Earn your own Black belt. Better still: be one of the few who make it to 10th Dan!
Toribash is Addictive! Try Wushu, Sumo, Kick Boxing, Sambo, Swords, Judo and more. Create fighting movies and post them on YouTube. Watch other players fight. Chat with them. Defeat them!
- DOWNLOAD NOW -For the MAC OS X!For the OLD MACS (power pc)For Windows
Anybody remember this game? Basically this is one of the best turn based fighting games ever created. In most fighting games you have to use pre-made moves to fight your opponent, but in Toribash you literally make the moves up yourself and can BREAK PEOPLE INTO PIECES
Toribash has changed a LOT over the years. It briefly became a paid game, but then it went completely free! There's a belt system now, customization stuff, and numerous mods such as sumo wrestling, swords, gripfights, jousting, wushu, parkour, etc..
The graphics have also been improved considerably, now Toribash has full blown shaders and reflections and fluid blood (go to your settings to activate the enhanced graphics)
here money watch some of this shit
v3.5v3.6In the beginning...HOW TO PLAY:
It's easier than ever now to learn Toribash because there is a tutorial thing that can explain the game to you in a minute, and then there are 3 different schools which take a few minutes to complete that show you typical beginner, intermediate and advanced moves. After that, you'll pretty much understand the game and be on your way to fight hard as fuck.
No where specific right now, just practice in public rooms. You can create your own rooms though and fight with other PAers if you wish.
Styles of Play:
While Toribash comes with over 927 mods that let you do all sorts of stuff from skateboarding, to motorbikes, to ninjitsu, to fighting on an airplane about to crash into a rectangle, there are some official main modes and fighting styles that you should be familiar with.
Judo is a game-mode that utilizes timer settings of 1000 frame round time and 70 frame turn time. In judo, the ability to prevent yourself from disqualifying is essential to win the rounds due to the long turn times.
This mode, also called basic judo, features no dismemberment and thus focuses only on disqualifying or doing most damage to the opponent while not disqualifying one's self.
Judo DM
This mode features dismemberment, allowing power moves to come into play, where one might win by tearing ones opponent apart. The official dismemberment threshold is set to 100%, as many moves are too slow to break anything at any higher percentage. Some openers can be found here.
Judo Fracture
Exactly like Judo DM, but with fracture instead of dismemberment. The introduction of Judo Fracture was mainly due to most people who had played judo for a long time feeling that the element of throwing someone around had become pretty much nonexistent. Judo fracture solved this by bringing back the throwing tactics, while still punishing strained limbs. Also called Judo Fracture is League Judo, so try not to get the two confused
League Judo
League Judo differs from regular judo in its turn frames. Instead of 1000 total frames in a match with a set 70 frames per turn, League Judo features 475 total frames. In addition, the turnframes starts at only 5 but increases throughout the match until it hits 160 frames per turn. This creates less of an emphasis on a good opener because opponents have a better chance of reacting with the short initial turn frames.
In Aikido, each fighter is positioned inside a small dojo with higher than normal gravity. The main goal in Aikido is to disqualify your opponent, rather than deal damage. Because of the dojo, higher gravity, and low chance of dismemberment or fracture, grappling and twisting for a better position is a common tactic while kicks and punches are not as effective.To win you will want to get on top of your opponent rather than under.
Classic mode is the original game mode, featuring the same characteristics as in the default singleplayer settings, except for a larger dismemberment threshold, and shorter match frames. The reaction time represents the time you have to make a joint movement before the round ends in multiplayer. In this case, you get 20 to 15 seconds of time to manipulate joints.
Freestyle is a dojo-based mode that is flexible enough to allow players to use a variety of moves and fighting styles. The dojo also stops players from getting too far away from one another, assisting in the completion of "comeback" moves.
Joust mode is a mode in which the two fighters are sent flying at each other through the air. The speed of the collision frequently results in high damage, dismemberment, and fractures. The emphasis in jousting is on straightforward, immediate attacks.
Kickboxing is a nice popular style in which dismembers are more frequent because you can't fracture.
Sambo mode features a dojo, disqualification, and most uniquely, high gravity.
Also includes a notably high dismember and fracture threshold.
Sumo is a mode where you have to stay inside a dojo, if you touch the floor outside the dojo or if something else than your feet and hands touches the ground inside the dojo, you will disqualify. This makes for many strategies.
Sumos are fatter than normal toribashians, and have more mass. They are also weak and it is easy to suicide because they are so large.
Starting moves are not always the most important thing in Sumo, it is mostly about surviving inside the dojo.
Swords uses two instagib swords, along with instagib legs, from a far distance. Usually involves many dm's. The emphasis here is on quick brutal attacks, as the attack power doesn't matter.
Taek Kyon is a mode similar to Classic, but with a much longer engage distance. Due to the longer engagement distance, this mode focuses mainly on kicking rather than grabbing or punching.
Wushu is a mode where the fighters are set 250 cm apart and are given 50 frames for each turn. Due to the large distance, the first turn is generally used for setting up an attack, which is performed on the second turn. Often, the fighters will not even make contact on the first turn. Due to the difficulty of dismembering one's opponent, and the lack of gripping, there is more emphasis in Wushu on causing damage than disqualification. The turn times after the initial ones mean skilled players can retaliate, making positioning important to consider on the subsequent turns.
Gamertag: Cunning Hekate // League of Legends: FeroxPA
It's an awesome game though when you get good and start fighting other good people.
Yes, that's clearly the answer. The giant threads regarding Mass Effect, L4D, Halo, other assorted Steam games, and whatnot indicate that the general forum populace has a shocking lack of things to do already. Oviously if they're not all sitting idly ready for you to join this one particular game, it's because this game is too hard.
That's definitely the most logical answer.
It does have a rather steep learning curve. Especially if you go against people who know how to play.
But, Tori Bash, fuck yeah. I got crazy into this for awhile, enough that I bought a $10 booster and got myself past black belt. I bet I'm rusty as hell, but if you guys are going to organize some PA stuff, I'll definitely have to hop back on and see if my old shit still works.
The cool part about it is, once you get it down, it's hard to forget. I tried playing after not for like 6 months not too long ago and I did my complicated ass starter almost by muscle memory my first game.
Bah, it appears I've lost all my screenshots though.
This is pretty much what happens to me. But I will load it up and see if these tutorials give me any help.
I think my real trouble is inputting commands quickly enough, and beyond that understanding balance and momentum to avoid disqualifications. I see other people do insane flips and handstands to avoid DQs, but I can't ever pull it off.
I'd love to play some people that aren't super-ninja black belts that only say "HIT SPACE" and "lol that was awful" though. Is there still a PA server available? I'd be happy to impart what little I know to the fish-floppers among us.
Gamertag: Cunning Hekate // League of Legends: FeroxPA
Have you played this game? Some people can't play it without making their guys look like some kind of retard.
For getting the commands out faster make sure you use the keys on the keyboard, other than that you just have to think fast about exactly what you want to do.
The key to winning Judo is balance and using your opponents force against them. You want to flow like water.
In Twin Swords it's about patience, wait for your opponent to present a good opening for attack somehow and then cut him up and hopefully that's the end of him.
Maybe we can get some PAers to play tonight or tomorrow or something.
All I could do was make my guy sit down.
Can't say I have, because I've been playing absurd amounts of Defense Grid and Mass Effect.
I'm not saying people aren't shit, but "people aren't playing this" -> "PA'ers suck at it" seems to be a bigger leap of logic to me than "maybe this game isn't all that good".
Though you've got support on it having a steep difficulty curve.
Meh, maybe I'll give it a shot once I'm done with ME.
Then again, UT3 has a fun update coming.
And those tasty TF2 updates are still rolling out....
Man sucks for anyone who paid for it...
I never asked for this!
Yes, lets see you give it a shot. I guarantee you will fail, and then declare it sucks.
Yea servers are always packed, and often times with people who come in and declare they're going to "Kill all these motherfuckers", and then do so.
What times are you PAers available for play? In EST time preferably.
I seriously don't know how to react. I mean, which smiley do I use? ? o_O?
Does :!: come with the MSG sound that guards make? That might work.
The :!: should totally play that sound when you click on it.
Gamertag: Cunning Hekate // League of Legends: FeroxPA
Can't you also rip your arm off, throw it at someone, and have it grab on and start flailing around beating them up?
Raptr profile
I downloaded this earlier today 'cause I felt like beating on some folks, but won't have a chance to play it until 10:00 or 11:00 EST. If anyone is on then, I guess I'll look for you.
If they haven't changed them, I think there's a demo where someone managed to grab onto the enemy's head with both arms, pull back hard enough to have both of them ripped off, and then beat up the enemy hard enough to still get the most points.
Edit: Does this game have a flying mod, by any chance? It seems like diving at someone in midair and trying to get everything lined up perfectly could be interesting.
I don't know how to put passwords on servers, but if anyone can tell me how, I'll make it wang, like the OP had.
EDIT: I tried setting the server up as judo, and couldn't hack it. I'm tech-dumb, so I dropped the server. Maybe somebody else can figure out the commands better than I did.
Gamertag: Cunning Hekate // League of Legends: FeroxPA
I made a game, it has penguins in it. It's pay what you like on Gumroad.
Currently Ebaying Nothing at all but I might do in the future.
Also, the mode where you jump at a dude and just fight in midair is called joust
I made a game, it has penguins in it. It's pay what you like on Gumroad.
Currently Ebaying Nothing at all but I might do in the future.
Plus Police Truck is possibly one of the greatest punk tunes evar, so extra points.
So fucking downloaded. I can't wait to get my arms ripped off and shoved up my ass sideways.
Keep practicing, read up on some tutorials and move guides, try 'em out. Mainly get used to the controls and what does what when you move it.
Well if you practice for like a week you'll probably become better and then you'll be more hooked.
Also I'm gonna play for a bit, what server are you guys on? Or maybe make a Passworded PA server?
I'm going to get some food in me, and then I'll see whats up with everyone.