I am trying to install the newest flash on a desktop I just fixed and Flash keeps giving me a message that I do not have enough space to install it. This is a 232g hard drive and it doesn't have enough room? I install Firefox okay and I am surfing on it now, I will try to install something else if I have the strength but I am at a loss.
edit: Bios says the hard drive has 230 gigs.
"Free Space:" will be listed to the left under My Details
Total SPace: 232 GB
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I think we have a winner, if this is the case, what can i do about it?
What should I do with future programs that suffer from this same logic problem.
edit: I mentioned this because it sounds like you have a pretty fresh install. Please be aware that changing the drive letter assignment permanently can break programs you previously had installed as they may think they're on the wrong drive (entirely a matter of the quality of programming.) If changing to C works and you want to keep it, test all your programs before you install anything else to make sure they still work. If they don't, set to C, install flash, then set it back to whatever it used to be.
If your system tells you that there's no-way-no-how you're going to change to C, then what you want to do is hop into the device manager (winkey+pause/break then click device manager) and disable --temporarily-- whatever hardware is using C:.
Once you've got it disabled, hit winkey+R again and type in subst c: j:\ (where J is the hard drive letter you're actually using... so f:\ or d:\ or whatever it is.)
Subst will only last till you reboot, so use the command, install flash, re-boot, and re-enable whatever you had to disable in device manager.
Hopefully you were just able to change the drive letter though and skip all the messing around.
Hope this helped, if anything's confusing just ask for clarification.
Haha, I'd grin and bear it, it's (unfortunately) just one more case of sloppy programming.
I just got a new laptop set up and found out partway through that for some reason its main Windows partition is F:. I had this exact flash problem too and it's good to know how to fix it, but will there be any other unintended consequences down the road due to not having a standard C: drive?
See if that helps.
Not really, just have to remember that everything defaults to C:\ when you're installing it, so just change it to F: and you'll be set. I wound up reformatting again when it happened to me. Drove me nuts.
Actually it's been defaulting to F so far. Even this flash installer defaults to F, I can see it in the self-extractor...but it still says it's out of room! It's just bad programming.
Wow you got lucky then. I couldn't install my video drivers correctly (this was about a year ago) because when I did it kept saying that my C:\ drive was full, but it was looking at my CD-ROM instead of my HDD for some reason.