Is this some form of depression?

UnbreakableVowUnbreakableVow Registered User regular
edited February 2009 in Help / Advice Forum
I've always been a generally happy person, I'd like to think. I'm not a social person, but I have a decent-paying job and am doing well enough in college. I don't lash out at others, and on the contrary, I actually try to no end to brighten up everyone else's day.

The problem is I don't care about my life, and by that I mean my physical well-being.

I don't drink or smoke, no drugs or anything either. But I eat. Constantly. And not in the constant way that humans need to eat to survive. I have fast food every day for dinner (don't know how to cook, was raised that way), and on most nights I top off with a pint of Ben and Jerry's. I've started getting...pains. Not constant ones, but sudden and sometimes sharp pains in my chest and lower-left abdomen.

However, the thing that scares me is that all of this information tends to hit me at once. Like right now. Most times I really just don't care enough about my health to do anything about it, enough to exercise or eat healthier or anything. But then once a month or so I will just get into this mental state where I am so afraid of dropping dead tomorrow mid-Big Mac. Then after those fears set in, other things hit me as well, such as the fact that all my friends have left, I have no social life, I'm going to die alone, etc.

What I'm not understanding is why this always happens at once. Typing out a description of it now, it almost sounds like a kind of male PMS or something, but I just freak myself out and I need to know if this kind of feeling is not unprecedented.

Thanks for any and all replies.

UnbreakableVow on


  • The_Glad_HatterThe_Glad_Hatter One Sly Fox Underneath a Groovy HatRegistered User regular
    edited February 2009
    Look at supersize me to see in what kind of a negative spiral bad nutrition can get you... everything you do all day long gets fueled by the food you eat, ofcourse it'll influence you.

    i'm still in college, living away from home i had 0 kitchen experience, but i gradually built up what could be called a solid cullinary starting base.
    Not knowing how to cook shouldn't stop you from trying! first meal: melt some butter or olive oil in a pan, throw meat in, wait, turn around, wait aaand.. tadaa, you now know how to cook a bazillion different kinds of meat.

    There's no end to the advantages. You can even make burgers yourself and come out cheaper, better and tastier.
    And once you start cooking just keep your eyes peeled for new things to try out. If, while channelsurfing, you see a tv-cook making something good and simple, watch a bit and try to recreate it for yourself. Don't stress out over the exact recepe, it's not rocket science, just try to get the gist of it. Set yourself some cullinary goals (i for one set out to make: a descent belgian stew, potatoes a la gratin, poached eggs and some others..).
    googling for a recepe, theres millions out there! Spend some time looking for a cooking book for a book that features stuff you think you'll actually end up making.
    it can be heaps of fun to try out new stuff. Sometimes i just buy a random vegetable i've never heard of, and look online to see what you can do with it.

    you'll enjoy the act of cooking AND eat better!

    Here are some some rules i try to follow during the week:
    - it's not a descent hot meal unless it includes some vegetables (salad of vegetables) (pastas could be an exception to this i guess)
    - i notice eating 2 pieces of fruit a day makes me feel good.
    - i try to go for only one warm meal a day.
    - only eat deep-fried things once or twice a week.
    - don't do pork 7 days a week.

    just use some common sence when cooking and eating. a good diet really pays off in the long run.

    The_Glad_Hatter on
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