Killzone 2: Kill yourself to catch up to the fight!



  • walerianwalerian Registered User regular
    edited February 2009
    So, I dabbled a bit in multi. My first foray was surprising. This is the first game I've found where SP is harder than the MP.

    In SP the AI moves and flanks and never ever stands still and can shoot fairly accurately. This makes it hard to shoot and kill them, especially since it takes about a half clip to down a Helghast without a headshot in later levels.

    In MP, all the characters have the same aiming/turning issues so people stand still to fire much more. I was doing fairly well just by crouching near low cover and shooting these people from a medium distance.

    walerian on
    Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts. - Winston Churchill
  • BakerIsBoredBakerIsBored Registered User regular
    edited February 2009
    Yes, my PSN name is unlisted for several reasons. To many public viewers randomly add me then never want to play any games (or don't have the same games) I get random invites all the time from raping peoples face in-game. Most of the people who have been posting here for a while, who have had a PS3 for a while, are already on my list.

    You can take my name off that KZ2 list though, as I'm not going to be part of the clan.

    Hopefully Meep has what it takes to be the leader for you all. Seeing he's been here since 2006 with a little more than 200 posts, he seems like he's very much an active poster and perfect for the job. :P

    BakerIsBored on
  • Unco-ordinatedUnco-ordinated NZRegistered User regular
    edited February 2009
    Finally finished it. The set pieces get fucking nuts near the end.
    It ending also sets up some interesting possibilities for future games, hopefully none of which are set on Helghan. I liked all the different locales in Killzone 2 but I don't really think there's that much more to see there.

    On another note, fuck John Davison and David Ellis on 1UP Yours/Listen Up. Those tossers managed to spoil all the major points of the game and I'm now done with their podcast. I'm not too broken up about it because it's become a complete bore anyway.

    Unco-ordinated on
    Steam ID - LiquidSolid170 | PSN ID - LiquidSolid
  • Descendant XDescendant X Skyrim is my god now. Outpost 31Registered User regular
    edited February 2009
    Okay, so my name is on the player list but I don't seem to have been invited to the clan yet. I've checked online on my PC on the clan page and no dice. I've also attempted to check on the page in-game but can't seem to find any place where I'd get a clan invite and I have no messages.

    Little help?

    Descendant X on
    Garry: I know you gentlemen have been through a lot, but when you find the time I'd rather not spend the rest of the winter TIED TO THIS FUCKING COUCH!
  • projectmayhemprojectmayhem Registered User regular
    edited February 2009
    Hey meep, can you shoot me a clan invite when you get a chance?

    projectmayhem on
  • HboxHbox Registered User regular
    edited February 2009
    I posted my PSN ID towards the end of the last thread but it probably got lost. But now I'm up and ready to go, just played my first round online and I think i had more kills than deaths which is a rarity in my first play for a FPS online. Anyway, I'm up for the clan and whatever lists you got up and running here.

    PSN ID- HBoxx

    Hbox on
    PSN ID : HBoxx
  • MeepZeroMeepZero Registered User regular
    edited February 2009
    Ok I think I've cleared out the backlogs of invites needing to be processed, check the clan page first and see if your invite is still there, if not, PM me and I'll get right on it asap.

    As for competitive stuff, I'm up for it, if you want to organize something then by all means I will do what I can to help facilitate what is needed to pull this off.
    Hopefully Meep has what it takes to be the leader for you all. Seeing he's been here since 2006 with a little more than 200 posts, he seems like he's very much an active poster and perfect for the job. :P

    Just because one doesn't post doesn't mean they don't listen. I've run my fair share of clanwork and community stuff, if you want to complain and whine about this then by all means lets discuss this via PMs so others don't have to put up with any unnecessary drama. I have sent you two PMs so far and you have completely backed down from wanting to work with me on any of this.

    MeepZero on
  • ED!ED! Registered User regular
    edited February 2009
    You can take my name off that KZ2 list though, as I'm not going to be part of the clan.

    Oh for fucks sake. . .
    In MP, all the characters have the same aiming/turning issues so people stand still to fire much more

    Yea the aiming is a bit dorky. It and the inability to map your own controls are my biggest nigglers about MP. Other than that, it is a pretty solid game in MP. The forced leveling to unlock everything is a little, I dunno - something - but at least everyone starts in the gutter. I wanted to get to Master Sargent but decided I am too damn tired to squeeze out the rest of those 100 points tonight. And dear god the Nade/Ammo ribbons move MP from a "God damnit - now what do I shoot with!" to "Ha ha - I've got more where that came from!"

    ED! on
    "Get the hell out of me" - [ex]girlfriend
  • MarikirMarikir Registered User regular
    edited February 2009
    Guess I'll get on and see if the clan stuff came through.

    Marikir on
    steam_sig.png "Hiding in plain sight." PSN/XBL: Marikir
  • mooshoeporkmooshoepork Registered User regular
    edited February 2009
    one of the early bosses with the

    was a fucking terrible design choice.

    mooshoepork on
  • brynstarbrynstar Registered User regular
    edited February 2009
    one of the early bosses with the

    was a fucking terrible design choice.

    It's much easier if you go down into the tunnel, but yeah. The first time I played that I ran out of missiles and couldn't find any more. It's a little bit wonky.

    brynstar on
    Xbox Live: Xander51
    PSN ID : Xander51 Steam ID : Xander51
  • Crotchless Gorilla SuitCrotchless Gorilla Suit Registered User regular
    edited February 2009
    So, I played through the demo and wasn't terribly impressed. I'm sure it gets much better but I haven't really seen enough yet, I suppose.

    The class based multi really intrigues me, though, as well as the idea of playing with you guys.

    Dang. I don't know what to do.

    Crotchless Gorilla Suit on
  • mooshoeporkmooshoepork Registered User regular
    edited February 2009
    brynstar wrote: »
    one of the early bosses with the

    was a fucking terrible design choice.

    It's much easier if you go down into the tunnel, but yeah. The first time I played that I ran out of missiles and couldn't find any more. It's a little bit wonky.

    It took me a while before figuring out I had to
    go down to the tunnel

    It was kinda like "Okay, I'll shoot him once...that isn't going to work, hmm I'll go down here and get electrocuted. Shit. Try again. Okay, I can hit him twice with rockets per one round...okay, now I only have one rocket left *rocket spam* oh, I'm dead.

    It was just such a frustrating series of trial and error to do it.

    Other than this, I am enjoying myself.

    I also noticed however, it will give you a gun...but not give you an opportunity to use it.

    Eg: Here's a sniper rifle! now off you go into a small close quarters combat situation.


    mooshoepork on
  • BehemothBehemoth Compulsive Seashell Collector Registered User regular
    edited February 2009
    I have to say, my favorite gun so far is the SMG those commando guys carry.

    Kills guys really fast.

    Behemoth on
  • CarbonFireCarbonFire See you in the countryRegistered User regular
    edited February 2009
    So far I'm liking the Campaign (it's decent, nothing earth shattering but some nice set pieces), but I'm loving the Multiplayer. Right now its essentially straight up deathmatch with objectives thrown in, but that's mainly because there are no classes right now (few people have unlocked them yet). Once those classes get unlocked, however, I can see the potential for a whole other level of strategy and gameplay beyond just the standard "run-shoot-respawn-repeat". And while I still hate thumbsticks for FPSes with an undying passion, the fun of this game really outweighs most of the downsides of not having my trusty mouse by my side.

    Very much loving it, and can't wait to get into squads with you guys and start tearing it up :^:
    Behemoth wrote: »
    I have to say, my favorite gun so far is the SMG those commando guys carry.

    Kills guys really fast.

    Agreed. SMG FTW. Can't wait to unlock that gun in multiplayer!

    CarbonFire on
    Steam: CarbonFire MWO, PSN, Origin: Carb0nFire
  • bsjezzbsjezz Registered User regular
    edited February 2009
    oh my i bought this today. i'm slightly drunk and have three more cold beers to go through

    should i start playing?

    bsjezz on
  • Unco-ordinatedUnco-ordinated NZRegistered User regular
    edited February 2009
    So, I played through the demo and wasn't terribly impressed. I'm sure it gets much better but I haven't really seen enough yet, I suppose.

    The class based multi really intrigues me, though, as well as the idea of playing with you guys.

    Dang. I don't know what to do.

    The demo isn't really an indication of the rest of the game at all, in fact I'd probably say that it's the worst part of the game. That said, I can't really fault them for including that part in the demo, since the campaign doesn't start to get really good until the latter half of the game (the earlier levels are still good, just not as good).

    I'm really impressed at how well Guerrilla did that actually, it starts off fairly slow and builds up right until the end of the game. Whereas most games end up starting really well and then get worse and worse throughout the rest of the game.

    Unco-ordinated on
    Steam ID - LiquidSolid170 | PSN ID - LiquidSolid
  • Wombat!!Wombat!! Registered User regular
    edited February 2009
    Oh hey, I'm not going to be on until tomorrow, but shit, add me to that clan!

    Also, are the weapon secondary fires out totally? I liked the shotgun blast...

    Wombat!! on
  • BehemothBehemoth Compulsive Seashell Collector Registered User regular
    edited February 2009
    Tried out the multi.

    I love it. The maps are great, really work well with the mechanics of the game (lots of cover everywhere) and it's just so... satisfying to kill people. I saw a couple people with classes already, a sniper and an engineer. It reminds me a lot of Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory, with the way the maps flow and how everyone uses grenades all the time. I can't wait to see what it's like once it's been out longer and more people have access to classes.

    Behemoth on
  • bsjezzbsjezz Registered User regular
    edited February 2009
    awesome, enemy territory was one of the first online fps games i got into

    edit: oh my this first tank sequence is dreadful

    bsjezz on
  • BehemothBehemoth Compulsive Seashell Collector Registered User regular
    edited February 2009
    bsjezz wrote: »
    awesome, enemy territory was one of the first online fps games i got into

    edit: oh my this first tank sequence is dreadful

    Yeah that was... weird. They didn't do a good job of telling you what you were supposed to do, and the tank controls oddly.

    Behemoth on
  • ChanceChance Registered User regular
    edited February 2009
    Yeah I thought the first tank part was pretty constrictive.
    You hop in the Big Bad Tank thinkin' it's time to pwn some Helghast, roll over some bitches, and discover first off you have no clue what the tank's actually capable of, and you're confined to this little strip of land that's like 70 yards by 30 yards - you're unable to actually get close to any enemies.

    And then you figure out that what you should be paying attention to is dodging rockets, and you can zoom in a LOT and take Higs out with the machinegun, and then you're full circle - it's time to pwn some Helghast.

    Chance on
    'Chance, you are the best kind of whore.' -Henroid
  • JAEFJAEF Unstoppably Bald Registered User regular
    edited February 2009
    Play a liiiiittle bit of the single player which is alright (nice to see enemies that actually attempt to kill the shit out of you) and the multiplayer is damn fun. I'm glad they learned the grenade lesson from CoD4, damage scales down REAL fast if you're even just a bit away from it, it's very difficult to one-hit kill if the other person is full health and aiming them takes some genuine skill. Can't wait to see what gameplay turns into once people start getting all the badges..

    JAEF on
  • UrianUrian __BANNED USERS regular
    edited February 2009
    I just got to the bridge place on the way to Radek and this game is pretty much a constant boner. Always beautiful looking, intense constantly challenging combat, and just plain old fun. If it gets better from here this might be one of my favorite games ever.

    Urian on
  • xtaxta Registered User regular
    edited February 2009
    i just picked up the primary gun that doesn't run out of weapon :^:

    amazing and fits with the theme of the bad guys so well

    xta on
  • BehemothBehemoth Compulsive Seashell Collector Registered User regular
    edited February 2009
    I just love those guns that never run out of weapon.

    They're so shooty.

    Behemoth on
  • ChewyWafflesChewyWaffles Registered User regular
    edited February 2009
    Servers down? I get a network error when connecting.

    ChewyWaffles on
  • ginguskahnginguskahn Registered User regular
    edited February 2009
    So I just had to download a 16mb patch (wasn't there yesterday) and now my save game is gone, at least I wasn't very far in, Im already way further again, still strange though. Im enjoying the game even though I feel the dual shock is much weaker than the Xbox pad for FPS, I find it really hard to aim (the acceleration doesn't help much either) and my guy feels like a midget with a huge gun, the scale seems really off. Having said that, the guns are real purdy so its worth it.

    ginguskahn on
  • king awesomeking awesome Registered User regular
    edited February 2009
    Once I log into the killzone site should a think pop up telling me I have a clan invite or do I have to dig down into it to find that?

    Or did meep not send me one! :P

    king awesome on
    Listen to our podcast, read our articles, tell us how much you hate it and how to make it better ;)
  • Radikal_DreamerRadikal_Dreamer Registered User regular
    edited February 2009
    Once I log into the killzone site should a think pop up telling me I have a clan invite or do I have to dig down into it to find that?

    Or did meep not send me one! :P

    You have to check your in game messages to get the invite.

    Radikal_Dreamer on
  • Rubix42Rubix42 Registered User regular
    edited February 2009
    Servers down? I get a network error when connecting.

    I believe they took them down momentarily to apply a patch that disallows bots in ranked matches. Too many people were already boosting rank using people vs. easy bots.

    Can I not go into cover in MP? I seem to be doing well, but I press L2 and just crouch there like an idiot.

    Although I must say, this is the game I think Epic was trying to make with Gears. The cover works really well and is intuitive, the pacing is slow, but you feel like you are hauling ass when you sprint.

    Rubix42 on
    signature goes here
  • IDDQDIDDQD Registered User regular
    edited February 2009
    I'm interested in joining the PA clan, PSN name FlynntLoch

    IDDQD on
    Live: Flynnt Loch | PSN: FlynntLoch | Steam: flynnt_loch
  • king awesomeking awesome Registered User regular
    edited February 2009
    Man. I play a round and think "jesus I'm bad" then I look and I'm first on my team... is this game just designed so that no one ever will fully think "yeah, i'm good at this. Yeah I can headshot anyone cause I'm good"

    king awesome on
    Listen to our podcast, read our articles, tell us how much you hate it and how to make it better ;)
  • SyphonBlueSyphonBlue The studying beaver That beaver sure loves studying!Registered User regular
    edited February 2009
    I really, really want to like this game. I think the setpieces are amazing and the feel of the guns and weight behind everything you do is fantastic, but I just feel like I'm fighting the controls so much. I don't know if it's the Dualshock or the Killzone controls themselves, but I overshoot everything I aim at and it's really fucking annoying.

    SyphonBlue on
    PSN/Steam/NNID: SyphonBlue | BNet: SyphonBlue#1126
  • projectmayhemprojectmayhem Registered User regular
    edited February 2009
    I am playing some multi right now if anyone else is up.

    projectmayhem on
  • Epyon9283Epyon9283 Registered User regular
    edited February 2009
    PSN ID: epyon9283

    The game is pretty great. Multiplayer is fun so far.

    Epyon9283 on
  • DietarySupplementDietarySupplement Still not approved by the FDA Dublin, OHRegistered User regular
    edited February 2009
    This game is really good. Maybe it's just me, but it seems to ramp up in difficulty pretty quick. Like starting in the shanty town, the game just seems to all of a sudden to get so less forgiving.

    And does anyone else find the single-shot rifle so, so satisfying?

    "Man! You're cleaning THAT one up"

    Mutli is a good time too, but I already know that I'm going to take the ammo badge. 128 bullets does not last a long time.

    DietarySupplement on
  • xWonderboyxxWonderboyx Registered User regular
    edited February 2009
    picking this up later today. going to play all night instead of doing the assload of homework i have.

    xWonderboyx on
    XBL - Follow Freeman
  • MarikirMarikir Registered User regular
    edited February 2009
    Played last night in a few rounds with MeepZero.

    Meep, that shotgun is just...NASTY. Unlocked it myself and I'm so going to use that splatterfun.

    Definitely need to squad up with other WGST clan members.

    Marikir on
    steam_sig.png "Hiding in plain sight." PSN/XBL: Marikir
  • krazykarl1982krazykarl1982 Registered User regular
    edited February 2009
    Jesus christ, anyone else having problems installing that measly 16meg update? Friggin thing keeps stalling out at 37%....

    krazykarl1982 on
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