Hey everybody! Play a role-playing game with me that's fun and different and easy and you don't need the rulebook for it!
So I've got a total nerd boner for Vincent Baker's games (Mechaton, locally). I am hoping that there are people here who also enjoy his games or maybe don't know but think they sound interesting enough that they're all, Hey, let's give that a shot. So I'm spinning a big imaginary wheel with three of his games on it, and whoever wants to play, by group consensus you guys can tell me where to stop. (what i'm saying is pick which one sounds most like the bee's knees)
Game play would preferably be done by OpenRPG or some other type of virtual tabletop gaming device, but the games are all simple and streamlined enough that PbP could happen, if not a bit labored - it'd be fewer rules evocations and more freeform. (but totally try OpenRPG)
Mechanics for all three are very, very simple and innovative in a "different, but fun" way, and you don't need the rulebooks for any of them. Looking for 3-4 players who can hand changing game days for a couple of sessions and devoting an hour or two each time.
Dogs in the Vineyard
God's Watchdogs: shotgun-carrying priests in the Old Frontier, traveling from town to town to heal the sick, deliver the mail, and drag sinners out into the street and shoot them dead. The Dogs roam the towns, rooting out sin and pronouncing judgment on it. Their word is law in the eyes of God (though the local authorities may differ on some choices). Play gets especially juicy when the Dogs disagree over moral and ethical issues: kill the sinner or bring him to salvation? Preach the word of the King of Life to the people, or let them fester in their own eternal sin? Is alcohol just frowned upon, or do we shoot up the entire saloon, busted bottles pouring liquor all over the wooden floor?
Captain Brimstone Jack, lord of the notorious vessel, The Dagger, has been poisoned by a secret agent - one of the King's men on board, posing as the cook. As the treasonous wretch is brought forth for execution, he warns that the British ship The Resolute is at this very moment leaving port to come and hunt down the Dagger/ Without a leader, the rest of the pirate crew must decide: who's the new captain? How will they handle the Resolute? And what will be the fate of the spy? You play the members of a pirate crew as you go about day to day life, robbing and pillaging, murdering and sinning, spitting in the eye of God and making bargains with the devil. Play simulates backstabbing, double-crossing, conspiracy and mutiny - you're friends with one player one minute as you board a ship and raid its goods, and enemies that same night as he tries to bash your head in with a club in order to get your share of the loot.
In a Wicked Age
The group constructs characters, NPCs, and a story on the fly, in less than five minutes. Cards are drawn to form four sentences which start the seed of a story, and from this seed, characters and images are evoked. The theme is Aladdin meets 1001 Nights meets D&D. Characters are in conflict with one another, attempting to obtain their own personal goals despite constant interference from others in the quest.