This week officially sucks PAF.....
I get laid off from my job, I get kicked out of my regular forum, and now my Xbox 360 breaks down in the middle of trying out my new game......
And Xbox Technical Support wants $119 that I don't have to fix it.....
That all really sucks
But, Protip: don't pay them the money. They will just attempt to fix your current xbox, and it could get the red ring again even after they "fix" it. Its better to just buy a new arcade unit for $200 and sell the broken one on ebay for $40. (I made $55 from mine). Because it will have the newest hardware and least chance of RRODing.
I'd just like to point out that you specify it's broken on E-Bay... people buy these things just to fix them and resell them all the time... don't try to sell it as working.
PSN: Dyvion -- Eternal: Dyvion+9393 -- Genshin Impact: Dyvion
Well, yea. That has a huge chance of a big backfire, and isn't cool to do. Mine actually had the audio but no video error, but no RROD, and I sold it on for $65 shipped.
I hope things start changing for you soon and looking up.
I feel your pain, sir. I received the RROD last week. and my online league in NCAA football just started bowl weeks! I'm going to have to promise the commissioner cupcakes or sexual favors or something to keep him from simming my bowl!!! egh. Although, I do know his girlfriend... mayhap I should just promise HER cupcakes in EXCHANGE for fucking his brains in for a week or two... hmmm. I might just be an evil genius!