Moved from the Mexico thread:
It's been a while since my economics class, so if I'm wrong, please correct me, but IIRC, the war on drugs can only be "won" through things like education that shift the demand curve, because all trying to restrict it does is lower the supply on something that has a pretty inflexible demand, driving up prices.
I don't know what legalizing drugs would do in that situation.
Education about marijuana ultimately always leads to the conclusion that it
should be legalized.
Where you high when you wrote this?
Pretty sure you were.
Being high would put my job at risk so no. In fact, and I have this on government record, I've only ever smoked once. I would
like to smoke again.
This is based on personal experience more then emperical evidence obviously, but I have had personal experience where that has happened more or less. I mean he wasn't a genius, but he was getting 80's in his college level classes in Highschool until he started doing the marajuana. He almost lost his conditional offer and now maintains a cool 60%
It was the weed that did him in, he turned into a burnout, going from once a week to once a day. How many people would turn into him? That is my biggest concern.
So Mexico eh?
How many people have done this with World of Warcraft?
I know a wee bit about the history behind marijuana and the tobacco industry though.
I have never, ever known anyone who was an achiever who turned into a burnout through pot. I've known plenty of fucking dumbasses who sure love them some pot, but being a dumbass was a pre-existing condition.
because standing in a room with 100 people drinking does not get you drunk and i can just see the stories about babies getting high because mommy smoked a joint in the car.
It's really depressing and I would not care at all if it were legalized.
baby needs to get high to distract from the cancer caused from mommy smoking cigarettes all the time.
Or alcohol.
Why would smoking weed while driving be legal? It's already illegal to consume intoxicants while driving or to drive while intoxicated, I don't see any reason why we would have to go back and undo those laws just because we legalize weed. And yeah I'm not sure why you'd go to a hash-bar if you don't want to get high, that's like going to a cigar-shop when you don't want to smell cigars. This argument fails across the board.
It's kind of a political tool. Yeah, there's a chance everyone secretly knows it should be legal, but somewhere out there is a dude whose like "oh hey, you're trying to go on a crusade to legalize weed? I'm going to use that to fuck up your clout and get your position."
I'd be worried about evangelicals and parent groups. Those fuckers can't be trusted to have any sense when it comes to anything that might be considered illicit.
my issue (well one of them), is that if you are drinking, the guy standing next to you doesn't get drunk too. weed is an area intoxicant when smoked (to a degree). its similar to cigarettes except you need a much longer exposure for cancer and if you stand next to someone with a cigarette, you don't have to worry about wether you can drive.
id prefer it if there was no smoke involved.
It's not like America would suddenly be covered in a perpetual weed haze. You're allowed to make the choice to not be around people smoking it and it's STILL smoking, so smoking bans apply as well.
First, you cant get cancer from weed.
Second, I'm pretty sure everyone would support making it illegal to smoke it inside a public building/bar/restaurant. And smoking it while driving would definitely be illegal.
Contact high doesn't happen outside of very small cars with all the vents shut and a very very large bong going around. It's basically a myth. Argue from reality instead of unfounded paranoia please.
Luckily you can't catch an appreciable buzz unless you're locked in a hotboxed closet or in the middle of a Snoop Dogg concert.
first, i never said that, i was talking about cancer from cigarettes.
second, how about around non-consenting people? how about around minors?
non-consenting people? I dont understand. Minors? again, I dont understand.
And weed really isnt an area intoxicant like you think, you need to be in an unventilated enclosed area for that shit to happen.
and you did say that "you need a longer exposure for cancer" would imply you can get cancer from weed, which is a lie. It's also safe for asthmatics.
What are you worried about? You're not gonna get high from being on the same side of the street as a guy smoking a spliff.
I'd prefer to make smoking tobacco illegal, but that isn't going to happen any time soon.
I guess a very small closet would work too, I've just never seen someone actually hot-box a closet.
I'd like to make wolf t-shirts illegal but sadly apart from weed we're not allowed to make it illegal for people to do things they want that don't hurt anyone just for the sake of being a dick.
Area-intoxicant-effects aside, it doesn't exactly smell very nice.
This isn't really an impressive counter-argument to legalization, though.
I'm all for legalization, but I think you're being too kind to pot. It's not safe for asthmatics to smoke, because even the dry heat of vapors from a vaporizaor is enough to cause irritation. I don't think it'll necessarily kill them, but they ought to keep their inhalers around while smoking it.
I also think the idea of "you can't get cancer from weed" is unfounded. There's no evidence either way, because the American government makes sure it's a pain in the ass to do any conclusive tests on pot. That's what I think the real crime is: preventing us from knowing things.
It was hyperbole for Dunadan's sake. You can stop hyperventilating.
Edit: Also, fuck you it doesn't hurt anybody else.
nonconsenting: people that don't want to get high. minors: people under 18 who shouldn't be getting intoxicated.
area intoxicant (to a degree): contact highs are dependent on sensitivity to the substance and probably age. you can't tell me that an adult male gets the same high (from area effect) as an adult female or a 10 year old.
"you need a longer exposure to cigarettes in order to cause cancer as opposed to the amount of smoke required to get you high"
I'm curious to know what your base-level criteria is for government to impinge on personal freedom.
Marijuana Cuts Lung Cancer Tumor Growth In Half, Study Shows
Study Finds No Cancer-Marijuana Connection (Washington Post)
of course, making a bar or club a "weed zone" immediately makes it off limits to people who don't want to get the contact high from being in an enclosed room with a bunch of people smoking weed.
If there really is a demand for a bar or club free of weed smoke, a bar or club will be available for that because there will be money to be made in meeting that demand. Otherwise, maybe those places aren't for you after all.
Assuming the club doesn't have any exhaust system, yes it does. Similarly, making a field or back yard a "dog park" immediately makes it off limits to people with dog allergies. What's your point?
I don't want to hang out with a bunch of drunk sports fans, hence, I don't go to most normal bars.
I don't want to see depressing naked women on poles, hence, I don't go to strip clubs.
You don't want to risk getting high? Well....
I think the obvious limitations would be that all smoking bans apply to marijuana, because after all you are smoking it, and it's considered the same as alcohol when it comes to driving your car, it's a DUI.
As far as smoking in public, like walking down the street....that's a tougher call. Most places allow for cigarettes, and marijuana is less harmful than cigarettes but has a graeter negative stigma attached to it (for some stupid ass reason), so that's a tough call.
I think there should probably be some restrictions on public consumption similar to alcohol and tobacco, but I can't think of any reason it should be illegal.
At the very least it should have been decriminalized a long time ago.
That's an easy call. If weed were legalized, part of the reason would be because we recognize the stigma is moot, therefore it's a non-issue.
I would be fine with legalizing marijuana but only as long as we continue the trend to ban smoke of any kind from all public buildings (and entrances!), tax the shit out of it, and generally continue discouraging smoking of any kind as bad for your health (it is).
Limed for truth.
I do not, nor have I ever smoked weed. I am in full favor of legalization for a number of the reasons already specified in this thread. Substance-oriented laws (such as those that apply to alcohol and cigarettes) would likely prevent the majority of the non-smoking country from noticing the change.
It's not like weed isn't already plentiful, and there is no pragmatic argument for maintaining weed's status as illegal that doesn't also apply to alcohol and/or cigarettes.
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Smoking weed while walking down the street is more like drinking alcohol while walking down the street. It is and should remain illegal because having drunks/high people on the street is not good for anything or anyone. It's completely a Mah FREeeeDoms! vs the common good arguement, and the common good wins every time.