March Madness!
Are you ready for bubble teams?
Are you ready for first round upsets?
Are you ready for Sweet Sixteens and Elite Eights and Final Fours?
So, talk about the NCAA tourny here.
I have start a Yahoo group so we can all fill out brackets and see who is the best basketball seer.
You should fill one out even if you know nothing about basketball. Crazy things happen in March, and sometimes the ill-informed are better predictors than the ultra-informed.
Group name: D+D Bracketeering
Group #: 27877
Password: wangsThere will be a prize for the winner. A small prize. But a prize.
that's why we call it the struggle, you're supposed to sweat
I don't think Kansas is getting in.
did you see the part where it says "get ready" to fill out brackets
EDIT: I think if you sign up for the yahoo group now it will email you when the field is selected so you can go fill em out
They are tied for the lead in the Big 12 conference. They have a record of 24 - 6. I think they will probably get a number 3 or 4 seed in one of the brackets.
I *may* be a Big Ten homer.
It symbolizes both Mirror's Edge and the fact that I will get the edges of the bracket correct (the 1-16's and 2-15's) and everything else wrong.
By the way, the thing I notice about the brackets is that, even though they created a play-in game, nobody ever asks you to predict it. What if someone thinks Alabama St. will beat Louisville but Morehead St. won't? What then, bracket gods?
"Click on a team name to advance that team to the next round. Submit your picks before the first game on Thursday, March 19."
We were discussing the play in game, which is on Tuesday.
I hope I win!
I don't even have a #2 seed in my final four.
I am so not getting any of these games right.
Final Four Picks:
Wake Forest v Purdue
Villanova v Syracuse
hey, it could happen.
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EDIT: No, wait, there have been two years where that's happened. But in both years, a 2 made it.
For the record, I have UConn over Kansas, Villanova over North Carolina, UConn over Villanova.
I wish we could have two brackets so I could have made my annual "all hell breaks loose" bracket where ALL the 16s advance to the second round.
Greatest sporting event ever. And my boys are in this year, so it's even better.
oh the suffering
go ahead, I just changed it to two per person
The Amaker related epic choke jobs have been expunged.
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No Gus Johnson for Michigan which was our only hope for the Sweet Sixteen. Dayton is suddenly very dangerous. Also Gus and Raftery working the same day so you can't get 8 games worked by them? Bummer.
I've always wanted to hear a Gus/Raftery team.
This is true. Not that Jim "When do The Masters start" Nantz and Clark "Remember that point I made 10 seconds ago, I'd like to make it again" Kellogg are great. But it is better than the Nantz/Packer we hate basketball routine.
Raftery for #1 color guy!
Competent if somewhat boring if I remember right.
Nantz and Enberg are the two you want to avoid. Verne is starting to lose it but he and Raftery have excellent and highly entertaining chemistry.
Though that blog disagreed last year.