So Apple announced the next major firmware update, due out this summer. How much groovy is in this update? So much.
--In-app purchases. So you can buy such like extra levels for games and extra cities for travel guides. All handled through random pop-ups that could annoy.
--Also, peer-to-peer interconnectivity for apps.
--No real background application running, but at least push notifications for apps has improved. Somehow. Think an IM app that isn't running constantly, but gets pushes.
--Apps that can take advantage of accessories that plug into the phone. Think of an FM tuner accessory that interacts with an FM tuner app. Or medical measurement devices.
--Google maps can be directly embedded into apps, turn-by-turn directions.
--Copy n' paste. Double-tap on text, it's selected. Keep holding on the text, you can select what you want. And yes, you can copy n' paste from one app to another.
--MMS. Just like every other phone out there.
--Voice memos. There's tons of apps that do this, but looks like it's getting built-in.
--New calendar functions of some sort.
--New stock additions, with news stories and landscape view.
--Search. Search individual apps or every damn thing you have on your phone.
--Stereo Bluetooth.
--WiFi auto login.
--A whole bunch of other crap.
--Free for the iPhone, $9.99 for iPod Touch.
Sounds good to me, this pretty much adds everything I'd love added to my iPhone, other than Flash (which was confirmed to be a no-go yet again). Nice.
Cue people saying "I can already do this on my jailbroken iPhone" in 3... 2...
Hopefully the update screws up jailbreaks too.
Still no multitasking, which means still no persistent messaging, right?
Nope, but messaging programs can push however often as you'd like. Apple said they didn't allow running of background apps because it would drain the battery too much. Blah.
Because if I'm reading that right I'm still going to get logged out every time I switch away from the IM app or Safari window; that's what happens right now with the touch.
That. My touch will stay un-updated thanks to that (I think I'd have to pay $30 to get it totally up to date)
Yes, but you'll still get notifications of when you get messages whenever data gets pushed.
Free for all iPhones, $10 for the Touch because those duders have it easy anyway.
Yeah, but I still don't understand that - what data would get pushed to an IM client that isn't logged in?
Awhile back AIM started letting you get IMs offline. That's probably what will get pushed.
PSN: TheScrublet
Let me rephrase. You'll be logged in, but the IM client wouldn't be running in a traditional sense. Instead, it would fetch data every minute/15 minutes/hour/whatever and let you know when you have messages. At least as I understand Apple's presentation.
some other things:
3.0 unlocks full bluetooth in the second generation Touch.
A2DP will not work on the first iPhone
MMS will not work on the first iPhone
PSN: TheScrublet
um, turn-by-turn is now allowed in the SDK, problem is is that they can't use google maps for it. So expect to see a TomTom app that just comes with it's own maps.
MMS can't be added to iPhone 2G? Honestly Apple? My Razr from 2003 has it, but the iPhone can't handle MMS? And the brilliant solution of "" would be ever-so-slightly less frusterating if I didn't have to go find a PC whenever I get one, because it's a flash based webpage that I can't run in Safari.
So far that, and the bluetooth stereo headset issue are the 2 things I've found that early adopters of the iPhone won't be getting (and I'm assuming the Maps updates, which I'm ok with because it makes sense to me). What else won't be added to 1st gen phones?
I'm sure my anger is amplified by the fact that my PPC iMac is shitting the bed regularly and hardcore lately, and my Applecare on it ran out in September so I'm fucked. That and they've totally stopped making anything work on a Mac that's pre-Intel - which I kinda understand, it IS a whole 5 years old now!
Is it bad that the first thing that pops in my head when I hear this is the Mac Gamer spoof: If I need a new graphics card to play a new game? Don't upgrade, just throw it out and buy a new one!
PSN: TheScrublet
Curse those people and their extra functionality.
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Steam: JC_Rooks
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Um... you misread. All this is coming to the iPhone 3G. It's the iPhone's firmware that's getting updated, not the phone hardware.
Edit: Rooks, did you of all people really write that? :P
I hate winmo, but actually, the iPhone OS is actually cathing up on features now. WinMo had it beat on features.
Usabaility, no contest. But until today, WinMo was a more feature right OS.
How does the application handle the push data? Is the application run and then given the push data, or does the push simply trigger a notification or sound (and icon number update?) and then require the user to then run the app?
The problem I see is that you still have the issue of managing multiple apps at once. If you want to respond to that IM you just got, you will still have to exit your current app, unless Apple adds API support for a notification that includes text input (unlikely) not unlike BiteSMS and their SMS reply support. So, I know I just got an IM, and I might even know what it said, but I have to go read it. Still, it's TONS better than the current implementation where you just have to go check for missed messages, or leave the app running all the time.
Overall, this looks like a spectacular addition to the iPhone, especially considering that I already am pretty happy with mine as-is. It does do away with most of the need for jailbreaking in my opinion, although unless they add SMS quickreply, I'll never give up BiteSMS!
PSN: TheScrublet
No, thats what I meant. It's all coming to the 3G. I bought my iPhone a couple months after launch (right after the 1st price cut). So its EDGE, a 2G. And they're saying it can't handle MMS?
And I can't blame them for not supporting PPC anymore either, but it still is frusterating as hell that I have no money and the computer I dropped $2k on 5 years ago is unsupported now. Not Apple's fault, but the news that the 2G is already getting shafted in addition to my bad luck is pretty frusterated.
That makes your phone old enough that you can sign a new contract and get the 3G for $100. That's not too bad for a phone like this.
PSN: TheScrublet
Stop making sense. I'm trying to stick it to the man, and refuse to be forced into the upgrade they're trying to make me take.
I'll be upgrading once 3.0 drops, I'm sure.
I'm wondering when the next hardware upgrade is. That's when I plan on diving back in.
PSN: TheScrublet
A large number of people in MS have iPhones. It's the same thing with using Google Search versus Live Search. The Kool-Aid is not so strong that we're brainwashed into always using the MS-version of apps/hardware/etc. I guess you can call it "competitive analysis". I also think of it as, "I'm not going to give you a free pass just because we work in the same company. Make a product that I want to use, then you'll have my business." I would hope the same attitude takes place for employees at Apple and Google as well.
Anyway, I do agree that WinMo still has more features than the iPhone. But that's precisely the problem. MS culture has typically been focused on making products with "more features!" than the competition. That is important, but only to a point. Apple (and other companies) have succeeded with products that technically do less, but really shine in other categories, such as usability and general polish.
I really do love my WinMo phone for certain things, such as checking mail and my calendar. I love it significantly less when doing things like surfing the web. And I'm really envious of things like the App Store which Apple somehow, amazingly, made actually useful and valuable (as opposed to all the other app stores run by the carriers).
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Steam: JC_Rooks
I work on this:
PSN: TheScrublet
The processor in the iPhone is inferior to the iPhone Touch. I had noticeable lag at times in the menu or with the keyboard.
PSN: TheScrublet
copy + paste, stereo bluetooth (fuck you for not having it in the phone from the start, Apple: that's a pretty transparent money grab), search, MMS and more portrait keyboard usability will all be popular for me.
Apple used to be the 'more features' people (higher capacity drives, external and internal SCSI, audio, built in networking)... and I really miss that Apple .
edit: can't vouch for the touch, but the iphone processor is underclocked from it's factory spec. Too bad Apple didn't make the iphone have a (simple) user-replaceable battery, because they could have at least sold ME a high capacity battery package that also comes with a phone firmware update to add multitasking / remove the cpu underclocking.
Yeah, but look at how much more successful the "new Apple" is now.
I'm also finding it interesting how, as they're starting to get bigger and more popular, the backlash from geeks is growing. Same with Google as well (remember they used to preach "Do no evil" so long ago?). Obviously I'm biased because I work in the original Evil Empire.
- Don't add me, I'm at/near the friend limit
Steam: JC_Rooks
I work on this:
See how that smiley manages to look evil when you put it at the end of that specific sentence? That's how you can tell that the "new Apple" is a bad thing . If smiley's could be used as evidence in court, Jobs would be in jail.
I miss The Woz. He always managed the slickest tricks in software to get the most out of hardware. I think the iphone would be a different beast if he'd been poking around in it.