A Cheapass Game
Everyone's a venture capitalist, trying to make money off of new products created by each player. Pitch your products, invest in your own or other players' ideas, and hopefully turn a profit.
Game Objective and Flow
Each turn is divided into four phases: Seed, Venture, Mezzanine, and Offering, or Invention, Secret, Open, and IPO, in more lay language. In the Seed (Invention) Phase, you will create (and perhaps invest in) new products, and in Venture (Secret), you will make secret investments. In Mezzanine (Open), you may invest in any product, and in Offering (IPO), you will see if your investments pay out. Once a number of turns equal to the number of players has passed, then the game ends and the player with the most money wins.
Game Setup and Components
Each player starts out with five investment chips, $10 in cash, and three cards each from the nouns and adjectives card piles.
Investment Chips represent investment capital, other peoples' money, that will be used to fund new products. The number of chips you may invest is limited, but when a product pays out, they are returned to your supply and may be re-invested.
Cash represents your own money, which is used to invest in products in the Mezzanine phase, and earned when a product pays out in the Offering phase. The player with the most cash at the end of the game wins.
Nouns and Adjectives are combined to create new products. Each product can be made up of any number of nouns or adjectives, including multiples. For example, Flying Car, Herbal Gadget Sauce, or Disposable Electric Love Robot are all potential products. Note that adjectives do not necessarily have to be used as adjectives, and neither do nouns have to necessarily be used as nouns. The flavortext on each card may be safely ignored or used as inspiration.
There are also a number of foreign investor chips that are added when a product does not pay out during the Offering phase, and help a product to get paid out, but are ignored when it comes to transferral of cash.
Seed Phase (Invention)
Each player invents a product by combining noun and adjective cards, and PMing the host the new product. Once all products are submitted, then the lead player reveals their product and pitches the idea to the other players. (It must be the same as the one they submitted to the host.) After the lead player reveals and describes their product, they may choose to invest in it, placing one of their own investment chips on it, or choose not to invest, either leaving the product out for others to potentially invest in, or discarding the product completely. Afterwards, the next player reveals, pitches, and invests, until all players have revealed their products. There is no investing in other players' products at this time, but once everyone has made their pitches, the game moves on to the...
Venture Phase (Secret)
Each player now has a chance to invest in one new product introduced in the previous phase. PM the host the product you wish to invest one investment chip in or the decision to decline investing. You may not invest in your own product at this time. Once all investments are submitted, they are revealed simultaneously. The player that created the most popularly-invested product earns a $1 Good Idea Bonus. If there is a tie for most popular product, no bonus is distributed.
Mezzanine Phase (Open)
Each player now has a chance to further invest in one more product, both new products and old products left over from the previous round, and including ones own product. Because more information is available, it costs cash to invest in this phase. To invest in a product, you must pay each player $1 for every chip they already have on the product (ignoring the presence of foreign investor chips). Actions are taken in order, starting with the lead player, and at most one investment chip may be placed by each player.
Offering Phase (IPO)
All products are now set up for sale in an IPO (Initial Public Offering). A 6-sided die is rolled for each product: if the roll value is equal to or less than the number of chips on the product, the IPO succeeds; otherwise, it fails. In a success, each chip pays out cash equal to the value of the die roll. A player with multiple shares, then, will earn a higher multiple of the payout. The investment chips on the product are returned to their owners, and the product is removed from the game. In a failure, the product and investment chips remain in the game, and a single foreign investor chip will be added to the product. It will be easier for the product to pay out on the next round, but there are otherwise no other effects.
End of Turn and Game
At the end of the Offering Phase, all players are allowed to discard as many noun and adjective cards as they wish before drawing back up to three of each. (The decks will be reshuffled if they run out.) Then the role of lead player passes to the next player. Once all players have acted as lead players, then the game is over and the player with the most amount of cash is the winner.
awesome man award: MrBlarney
Anyone wanting to play can give a big ol' colorful
!sign up here. Need 3-6 players!
1. Utsanomiko
2. Rend
3. lonelyahava
4. enlightenedbum
5. manaleak34
6. Daius
oh, how perfect. How can I say no
Democrats Abroad! || Vote From Abroad
I played a game like this once with some people, and it didn't have a name. Then someone came up with the concept of a "Fresh Metal Waffle Battle". It was known as that ever since.
We'll start tomorrow. I'll PM everyone their hand. Turn order is according to sign up order up there, 'cause it really doesn't matter. After each pitch (act in character as an inventor / investor when you post!), everyone posts that they want to invest, or don't want to invest. No investments means it's scrapped. Then, everyone posts in Spoiler tags who they're voting for once everyone has pitched. When everyone's done that, we reveal and that person gets the bonus. Lastly, everyone picks a product to invest in and pays all of its investors $1. After that, I'll roll dice and we get the result, and then we repeat the entire process.
Everyone starts with $10. Please keep track of your own money! Stay tuned for your hands.
The way I read the rules at Board Game Geek if the roll fails a "foreign investor" puts a chip in to make it more likely to be profitable in the future.
EDIT: Also you automatically get one of your own investment chips on the product you pitch instead of it being scrapped.
you and I.
We have a date with destiny and the Dragon!
Democrats Abroad! || Vote From Abroad
Aware of the first, not of the second. Makes more sense, really.
you are majorly cool, and i will give you an honorary "awesome man" credit in the OP for such a service
A Cheapass Game
Everyone's a venture capitalist, trying to make money off of new products created by each player. Pitch your products, invest in your own or other players' ideas, and hopefully turn a profit.
Game Objective and Flow
Each turn is divided into four phases: Seed, Venture, Mezzanine, and Offering, or Invention, Secret, Open, and IPO, in more lay language. In the Seed (Invention) Phase, you will create (and perhaps invest in) new products, and in Venture (Secret), you will make secret investments. In Mezzanine (Open), you may invest in any product, and in Offering (IPO), you will see if your investments pay out. Once a number of turns equal to the number of players has passed, then the game ends and the player with the most money wins.
Game Setup and Components
Each player starts out with five investment chips, $10 in cash, and three cards each from the nouns and adjectives card piles.
Investment Chips represent investment capital, other peoples' money, that will be used to fund new products. The number of chips you may invest is limited, but when a product pays out, they are returned to your supply and may be re-invested.
Cash represents your own money, which is used to invest in products in the Mezzanine phase, and earned when a product pays out in the Offering phase. The player with the most cash at the end of the game wins.
Nouns and Adjectives are combined to create new products. Each product can be made up of any number of nouns or adjectives, including multiples. For example, Flying Car, Herbal Gadget Sauce, or Disposable Electric Love Robot are all potential products. Note that adjectives do not necessarily have to be used as adjectives, and neither do nouns have to necessarily be used as nouns. The flavortext on each card may be safely ignored or used as inspiration.
There are also a number of foreign investor chips that are added when a product does not pay out during the Offering phase, and help a product to get paid out, but are ignored when it comes to transferral of cash.
Seed Phase (Invention)
Each player invents a product by combining noun and adjective cards, and PMing the host the new product. Once all products are submitted, then the lead player reveals their product and pitches the idea to the other players. (It must be the same as the one they submitted to the host.) After the lead player reveals and describes their product, they may choose to invest in it, placing one of their own investment chips on it, or choose not to invest, either leaving the product out for others to potentially invest in, or discarding the product completely. Afterwards, the next player reveals, pitches, and invests, until all players have revealed their products. There is no investing in other players' products at this time, but once everyone has made their pitches, the game moves on to the...
Venture Phase (Secret)
Each player now has a chance to invest in one new product introduced in the previous phase. PM the host the product you wish to invest one investment chip in or the decision to decline investing. You may not invest in your own product at this time. Once all investments are submitted, they are revealed simultaneously. The player that created the most popularly-invested product earns a $1 Good Idea Bonus. If there is a tie for most popular product, no bonus is distributed.
Mezzanine Phase (Open)
Each player now has a chance to further invest in one more product, both new products and old products left over from the previous round, and including ones own product. Because more information is available, it costs cash to invest in this phase. To invest in a product, you must pay each player $1 for every chip they already have on the product (ignoring the presence of foreign investor chips). Actions are taken in order, starting with the lead player, and at most one investment chip may be placed by each player.
Offering Phase (IPO)
All products are now set up for sale in an IPO (Initial Public Offering). A 6-sided die is rolled for each product: if the roll value is equal to or less than the number of chips on the product, the IPO succeeds; otherwise, it fails. In a success, each chip pays out cash equal to the value of the die roll. A player with multiple shares, then, will earn a higher multiple of the payout. The investment chips on the product are returned to their owners, and the product is removed from the game. In a failure, the product and investment chips remain in the game, and a single foreign investor chip will be added to the product. It will be easier for the product to pay out on the next round, but there are otherwise no other effects.
End of Turn and Game
At the end of the Offering Phase, all players are allowed to discard as many noun and adjective cards as they wish before drawing back up to three of each. (The decks will be reshuffled if they run out.) Then the role of lead player passes to the next player. Once all players have acted as lead players, then the game is over and the player with the most amount of cash is the winner.
... I think I went a little overboard with the coloring.
You could potentially change the rules a bit by having people PM pitches along with their products and revealing them all simultaneously, though that changes the dynamic a bit.
when can I start promoting?
Democrats Abroad! || Vote From Abroad
I only have one fear: Monopolies are illegal.
Also, I propose a standardized format for submitting product pitches:
Product Name - Tagline
After a product has been revealed and pitched, once the creator has decided to invest, leave out the product, or remove the product (in bold cyan?), then the next person makes their pitch. I hope it doesn't seem that I'm being too nosy, just trying to help!
Democrats Abroad! || Vote From Abroad
Permanent Phone Book
The Permanent Phone Book is to annual phone books as the GPS is to paper road maps. This device is a portable electronic telephone directory, keeping an up-to-date record (via wireless downloads) of personal and business listings, which can be searched and sorted by name, phone number, service type, address, etc. Bluetooth functionality to automatically dial and store numbers with your mobile phone. You'll never need to bother with bulky, outdated phone books again.
EDIT: That would be 'GPS'
2. I think everyone pitches before anyone invests
As I understand it when you pitch you can invest in your own product, then once everyone has pitched we each get to invest in a product that is not ours.
As I understand it you can invest in both your own product and one of the other five. Blarney/sunshine, am I correct?
So no, I'll stick with my investment tokens and see what comes up later.
Is there a word limit on our pitches?
Democrats Abroad! || Vote From Abroad
Democrats Abroad! || Vote From Abroad
That would sort of raise the bar for the rest of us.
I'd vote for a limit between 'barely sufficient' and 'almost insufferable'.
EDIT: That was meant in jest guys I'm sorry come back.