EDIT: TLDR: Basically, end user receives new laptop, new laptop has an easily fixable wireless issue, new user ignores procedure and instead tries to fix problem himself, new user royally fucks up laptop and needs
another whole new one.
Which it's my job to redo, basically.
So I shipped out a laptop to a field office user last week, rush job, cut through a lot of red tape, was a hero, many thanks, etc etc. Apparently he had a minor problem with his wireless and instead of going through the proper channels to solve it (Service Desk ticket, contacting me, anything really) he decided to be a hero and fix it himself. Here is his play-by-play, it melts my brain.
Note that we have over 300 laptops in this exact same software/hardware configuration deployed and none of them are having any problems at all.
When I received the laptop everything was working fine except for the wireless internet capability. As my position requires me to be on the road much of the time, having internet capability in airports, hotels, etc. is pretty much essential. In order to restore wireless access I tried all the common fixes I could think of without success, so I started to do some research regarding the issue. During that research I found that it’s a fairly common issue for the HP6930p to have internal hardware problems after re-imaging. One of those common problems is that the WLAN stops functioning. After trying a number of suggested fixes without success the last option was to trying resetting the BIOS to factory defaults. Although WLAN access was already enabled in the BIOS prior to reset I attempted the fix and it worked. This all took place last Friday.
The computer continued to work until Sunday morning. Throughout the day Saturday and Sunday morning I worked without any problems updating my files as well as downloading automatic updates for some of the programs on the computer. During this time I rebooted the computer multiple times without any problems. However, after an automatic update for Adobe Acrobat was downloaded with an automatic system reboot I encountered a Safeboot error: safeboot 0xe002000a disk information not present. My understanding is that there’s no way to decrypt the hard drive and restore the data. Through hours of research the only solution I’ve been able to find is to wipe the system clean and start over. This problem isn’t unique to the HP6930p. It seems to be a very common problem with Safeboot 5.0.
I can't even begin to list the things that this guy got wrong, did wrong, and is wrong about. I need some new brain cells to replace the ones that committed suicide while reading this =(
I am now preparing his dumb ass a new laptop to replace the one he's shipping back (to his supervisor, not to my department, and not without consulting anyone first) just so I can be rid of this fool as soon as possible.
They're in the computer?
If he hadn't, and just sent it back, the story would be "What the fuck, guy can't even turn on the wireless by himself. What an idiot."
No, still don't get it.
Basically, end user receives new laptop, new laptop has an easily fixable wireless issue, new user ignores procedure and instead tries to fix problem himself, new user royally fucks up laptop and needs another whole new one.
Which it's my job to redo, basically.
Inquisitor77: Rius, you are Sisyphus and melee Wizard is your boulder
Tube: This must be what it felt like to be an Iraqi when Saddam was killed
Bookish Stickers - Mrs. Rius' Etsy shop with bumper stickers and vinyl decals.
Well, see, it's like when a man really loves a woman and they go out and have a nice dinner and come home and they decide to make love but he ends up stabbing her in the eye with his penis.
Don't encourage me.
You really do know how to charm those bitches, don't you, Dru? :P
yeah but at least it would've probably have been a few paragraphs shorter story
but really op, it's your job, just do it. the dude didn't even do anything that stupid from what I can tell
these "oh man I'm the IT guy and these lusers are so dumb" tales get old quick
What the hell is with that room?
The screwing up a laptop part that is.
"Goddamit what do you mean you crashed your monitor? It's called a fucking computer. Why don't you know anything about computers, everyone should know basic information about their computer"
Macro, the Zoolander picture made me laugh, so this thread was worth it
Inquisitor77: Rius, you are Sisyphus and melee Wizard is your boulder
Tube: This must be what it felt like to be an Iraqi when Saddam was killed
Bookish Stickers - Mrs. Rius' Etsy shop with bumper stickers and vinyl decals.
Bitching about having to do your job, especially at a time when so many people are losing their jobs, is pretty fucking stupid though.
i had almost the exact same issue with my laptop, also an HP (different model, though)
i did similar things to what this guy did, reinstalling/updating BIOS, rolling back drivers and stuff
it didn't explode my computer or anything, it just didn't fix the problem because the WLAN adapter had just become unhooked from the rest of the computer
so i sent it in and they re-imaged my hard drive and shit and i got it back like three weeks later
at no point did anything in your story jump out at me as OMG THIS GUY IS DUMB
EDIT: this reminds me of that SNL sketch where some dude plays an IT douche that works for some company and all he ever does is yell at people and go 'MOVE' and take their chairs before fixing an incredibly minor problem and acting like king shit because of it
That's what Hell looks like.
a...are you the guy in the OP?
Hello, computer?
It's a much neater name then "comp sci". I'm going to tell everyone that I'm a computational engineer.
Affirmative, Dave, I read you.
because i did not break my computer with any of the measures that i did
in fact i was actually TOLD BY HP to do all of those things
which is why this is funny to me
Pfft, saw it coming.
I'm sorry Dave, I'm afraid I can't do that.