I've been seeing these commercials on TV for a while now. The concerned mother/strawman will watch another mother pour a beverage for her children and accuse her: "You mean you aren't worried about what your children eat/drink?" or somesuch. "What do you mean?" the obviously well-informed yet strangely unperturbed mother replies. "Well, that's got high fructose corn syrup in it." The sagely mother smiles, showing off her dazzling whites.
The strawman pauses, unsure of herself. "Well, I mean... uh... I heard that..."
"That it's all-natural, made from corn and healthy in moderation, just like sugar?"
The strawman then looks as if she's had her gob appropriately smacked, and allows her children to consume the substance. At the bottom of the screen, there is a tiny subtext stating that it's paid for by the Corn Refiners Association.
It got me wondering... why do corn refiners feel the need to pay good money on ads deflecting bad press for this one product?
Well... because it's in everything. And according to books such as
this, HFCS "inhibits leptin secretion, so you never get the message that you’re full. And it never shuts off gherin, so, even though you have food in your stomach, you constantly get the message that you’re hungry."
But why is HFCS pushed into everything when there are healthier products available? Well, according to some, there is a prohibitively expensive tariff on sugar products produced in other countries, so our government opts for the cheaper, less healthy version: high fructose corn syrup, which is produced right here in the U.S. of A.
My personal opinion? We need to be a little more health-conscious as a nation. HFCS is just one of the nasty ingredients that is foisted onto us (it's in
everything!) in the name of somebody somewhere else saving some unspecified amount of money. People don't do the research on this sort of thing and really won't understand how bad it is for you.
What do you think?
I think we determined that HFCS is not especially poisonous or bad for you when compared to other sugars, but that by eating HFCS containing products were participating in corn subsidies which are unethical.
HFCS is more calories for the same sweetness when compared to sugar beat sugar, so eating it makes it easier to have too much sugar. It's wormed it's way into way too many foods.
In general, most people need to be eating less sugar, so cutting foods with alot of HFCS out of your diet is a good idea.
These commercials remind me of how cigarette companies used to trick people with advertisements on how smoking is healthy.
I love these ads because of this quote. What, you don't want god damn corn in your popsicle? It says nothing about the taste of HFCS, which is ass nasty. You could say the same thing about a beef popsicle. It's all natural, made from meat, and healthy in moderation, just like sugar.
Yeah, but it's not god damn sugar!
I love that if you scroll down the page that links to you can see me saying that we've already had this debate!
I guess I didn't think to look for a debate thread in Writer's Block.
Podly, the whole damn commercial is dumb. What, we have to pretend that anybody who doesn't want HFCS is a feckin' moron?
HFCS tastes good like an enzymatically processed sugar-like substance should.
What study does your book reference?
"Healthy in moderation" is one of the best expressions, ever. Because it sounds like Aristotle. Except...no.
The HFCS commercials are stupid, but somehow saying that smoking and consuming HFCS are equivalent is ridiculous.
HFCS gets painted as a scapegoat for obesity, but I have yet to see convincing research that says its worse for you than cane or beet sugar. Obesity rates are going up all over the world - it's because people are eating more and more, not because of the sweetener they're eating. Anybody read those recent articles about how the portion sizes and calorie counts of recipes in the Joy of Cooking have gone up over time? That has nothing to do with HFCS and everything to do with the fact that we just consume more and more.
I don't like corn subsidies either, but I feel like a lot of these arguments can be extrapolated to "lol if everything we ate was just flavored with cane sugar nobody would be fat!" which is ridiculous.
A lot of people don't like the taste of HFCS. There's a growing movement of people who are pissed that, because of its ability to keep food soft and moist, HFCS is used in places where sugar would not have been used. Because of this, they are frustrated-- it's much more difficult to avoid in your diet than sugar! Of course there are a lot of people who want more research done on the study, but basically all of the research done so far points to it not being significantly worse for you than cane sugar.
I hate its ubiquity in non-sugary foods. My blood sugar will sometimes drop very quickly if I don't have enough complex carbs to keep it up, and I can tell you from my experience/scientific research that HFCS does trigger insulin response very similar to sugar.
Oh god! Now I'm paranoid and suspect everything in my pantry.
Nothing particularly objectionable here, but I challenge the assertion that HFCS is so highly valued as a preservative. It's valued because it's cheap, because it's price is artificially controlled by federal subsidies, because Big Agribusiness (as Thanatos is so fond of calling them) is one of the country's most powerful gatekeepers for anyone with political aspirations on a national level.
It may well be a useful preservative in many foodstuffs, but the fact that so many food companies outside of the US won't touch it with a 10-foot pole is very telling. I recently cut HFCS out of my diet entirely over the course of about six weeks; I lost ten pounds and a face full of acne. Thing is, I wasn't 225 to start with. I was 125 and 5'8". After drinking nearly 10 liters of soda a week for fifteen years, my body had become dependent on it to a degree. When I studied abroad for a year I had to buy imported garbage soda and snacks with HFCS, not because I liked the taste, but because if I didn't get my fix I felt like a smack addict sucking dick for a poppyseed bagel.
I suffer from chronic migraines, and as a result of trying to control them with habit-forming pain meds have to periodically ween myself off of said pain meds several times a year. Every few months I end up lying in bed for several days wanting to scream, wracked with agony as my body angrily demands I feed it more Vicodin. I have been lucky enough to avoid the most truly debilitating controlled substances, but still, I know what withdrawal feels like. Opium dependency is not fun, let me tell you. But as miserable as it can be, nothing, nothing, was ever as hard as quitting HCFS. I can pop 15mg of hydrocodone and barely feel it. Give me a can of Sprite and I feel like I'm on the fucking moon.
What are some examples of foods that contain HFCS that wouldn't contain sugar otherwise?
It is made from something that exists, like the Invisible Hand of the Free Market, and not something that doesn't exist, like hard working poor people.
I read that there are no legal standards regarding labeling a food as "natural" in the United States and that it is just a food industry term.
EDIT: Well, there's this:
The corn lobby is the second lobby I would most like to set on fire, behind the health insurance/pharmaceutical lobby.
So you can say it's natural because it's made from atoms that was naturally created by the big bang.
It's used to indicate that it was derived from something organic, even if several reactions removed.
One bad example is almond flavoring. It's quite easy to make through artificial means (it's basically a salt, if I remember correctly), but to be called natural flavoring it has to be derived from banana in a process that also produces cyanide.
or at least that's how I think about food.
HFCS is sugar. Cane sugar is also sugar. Corn sugar is dextrose and fructose, cane sugar is sucrose. By inverting the disaccharides sucrose you get monosaccharides dextrose (biologically active form of glucose) and fructose. Through a refinement process that basically involves physically separating these out, you can refine either cane or corn sugar into pools of dextrose and fructose; we could use the same process that creates HFCS to create HF cane sugar.
Now, being that these are both sugars, and both glucose-fructose, and that the sucrose gets broken down to separate molecules by your saliva and stomach enzymes, these are equivalent. Sugar is one nutrient that will cause any animal to consume it even if not hungry; yes, something is sweet and the animal (human?) wants more of it even though it's not particularly hungry, imagine that.
Besides the refinement process and trace impurities, there's no real difference here.
Corn sugar
There was a really good book on this whose name is escaping me that I will probably fill back in with an edit momentarily.
edit: Omnivore's Dilemma
Another side effect of that book is never wanting to eat any corn products ever again, up to and including corn-fed cattle.
Lots of sauces and dressings use it as an emulsifier. Bread almost always has it as well. For the most part, if you eat packaged stuff, it's almost always there.
They got their fucking research money from PEPSICO.
It's not just that we're eating more... we're that we're far more sedentary. Less farming and construction work, less moving about, less working outside. More sitting on our asses and working on computers.
The introduction of HFCS into things that don't normally have sugar bothers me. However, it being in soda and the like is no problem for me.
Pepsi tastes like ass. So does cane sugar cocacola. Along with all diet sodas.
That's fucking hilarious, even though comparing HFCS to the Nazis is really quite a stretch.
We have a Dr. Pepper bottling plant here in town and they make pure cane DP. It tastes so much better than HFCS sodas that I don't get regular DP anymore. Bluefoxicy's opinion on cane sodas is noted.
Jones Soda actually makes good stuff. Cane Coke is shit. When I make cola, I use unrefined demerara and muscovado sugars (cane, but not white cane sugar that's been processed to hell); I seem to have oversweetened the last batch this way, and need to back off a little. I force carbonated it instead of using yeast to reduce some of the sugar, so maybe a good couple ounces needs to not be in there....
And how does your non-HFCS soda taste?
Also, if Jones Soda makes non-HFCS soda I was previously unaware. Is that the case?
Maybe it's in my head but I like the taste better than the US version.
Well, I certainly don't think the video is meant to actually compare HFCS to Nazis. I think the point is to illustrate how idiotic those commercials are and how they could use the same god damned dialogue for anything.
"Oh god! You're eating that?"
"Eating what?"
"That newborn infant! You know what they say about eating newborn infants?"
"Uhhhh.... uhhh...."
"That they're delicious, easy to cook, very tender, and okay in moderation?"
"Well, shucks! You're right. Give me one of those newborn infants to chow down on!"
Ammonium bicarbonate and sodium chloride are both salts.
It doesnt taste as good. And they use it in stuff that would have no cane sugar. And those subsidies are bullshit.
All I fucking want is some European recipe Fanta.
See that's what I always tell people but they still give me strange looks.