So yeah. Years ago I was 220. 2 years ago I dropped down to 170 by eating better and exercising. Met a GF, married her, slowly gained the weight back due to things like going out for ice cream instead of running. This week I was bummed cause I peeked at 200. I work a produce stock job, so some minor lifting throought the day. Never more than a few 50lb boxes here and there. I was 198 either yesterday or the day before.
Ive been eating fine. 3 meals, more or less. Yesterday I had coffee PBJ for breakfast, a lean cuisine for lunch, ate a banana and some MnMs at work, had dr pepper and hamburger helper for dinner. Got up this morning to let my dog out, ate a bite of hamburger helper and chex mix. Fell back asleep and overslept. Just got up, weighed myself before hopping in the shower, and thought the scale was broke.
I recalibrate it, (digital scale) check it again, 188.5.
I hop in the shower, ask my wife to check her weight. She says it seems consistent with what shes been. I finish my shower, hop out, dry off, check myself again. Blam, 188.
So, should I be worried? I feel great, been eating fine, slight physical activity but not really exercising other than BJJ classes.
Am I gaining super powers?
I'm fairly sure it's physically impossible for a healthy person to lose 10lbs overnight without actually cutting off a body part or something.
Do not pass go. Do not collect $200.
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I'm not too sure that this is 'eating fine'. Candy, Soda and that Hamburger Helper stuff probably isn't helping you in the long term quest for loosing weight.
I meant that I wasnt starving myself.
How recently had you eaten?
General water weight loss fluctuates your weight
I wouldn't be too worried about it unless tomorrow you keep seeing your weight go down
I was thinking the same thing. I mean, hamburger helper may be the most unhealthy food EVAR. Just the sodium content is awful. The nutritional info doesn't seem that bad, until you realize one serving = one cup prepared. Who eats only one cup of hamburger helper?
I guess if it keeps going down Ill check a doc.
Oh and I weigh myself usually in the morning before a shower naked, or minimal clothings. Pics are available if anyone needs reference.
not really you perv
Also, how old are you?
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Seriously, did you give birth to a brown baby boy or something? That's a shitload of weight to drop all at once.
Can trade TF2 items or whatever else you're interested in. PM me.
Sometimes, my body even changes 15 pounds, depending on poop, how much water I drink, what activities I've been doing, and how much sleep I got. Also, how do you feel? Do you feel sick or week? Do you feel fine? Less energy? More energy?
To lose one pound of fat, you have to burn 3500 calories. Did you burn 35,000 calories overnight?
You lost water weight (not 10 pounds of it, though). Your scale is screwy.
Your wife's weight was probably consistent with what it has been, or her weight fluctuated slightly up and the scale was slightly off being lower and it registered as the weight she has been. It's not uncommon for heavier people to lose more in water weight either. While someone at the peak of their health might be losing or gaining 5 lbs a day in water weight, someone obese might be fluctuating as much as 15.
Whilst I don't think you're doing that much, I think coupled with a funky scale, and maybe a 6-7 lb change, and maybe a poop you'd see something like that.
I doubt that he would have a tapeworm. While he would lose weight, it wouldn't be overnight and he would probably be eating everything in sight and still hungry for more.
The shower thing that was mentioned makes me think its the scale. When you get out of the shower you should be heaver then when you got in. So if you got a 188.5 weight before entering and then a 180 after, then I would try a new scale before you freak out.
huge overreaction
weight fluctuations sometimes happen, chill out
weigh yourself again over the next few days
if it's steadily going down, THEN see a doctor, though I can't imagine a disease that would make you lose 10 pounds a day
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