My name is Shoe, and I watch professional wrestling. I rather enjoy it, despite its sophomoric qualities. There is a rather large professional wrestling event coming up, by the name of Wrestlemania. This will be the 25th year of that event. I will be watching it, perhaps some of you will be as well. In any case, we can discuss professional wrestling in a manner befitting such a fine, upstanding pasttime.
I myself have recently acquired a game titled Legends Of Wrestlemania. It is indeed a fun game to play, and its interconnectivity with another fine wrestling game I own, WWE Smackdown Vs. Raw 2009, ensures many fun matchups. Why, just this past weekend I wrestled as JBL against Ted Dibiase for the Million Dollar Belt! Quite so! It does lack some things, however, specifically, a few wrestlers I would have liked to see. Mick Foley, I.R.S., Macho Man Randy Savage, and Owen Hart, to be specific. Still, one can have a smashing good time.
At any rate, feel free to discuss your memories, thoughts, and opinions on the ever changing world of professional wrestling. I cannot wait to hear them!
Good day!
how does it connect, as you say, with Legends of Wrestlemania?
Even longer since I've stopped following the weekly shows.
As always, I'll blame Triple H.
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For example, you can pit Cody Rhodes against his big fat father Dusty! Or Kane against the original, old school Undertaker! Or DX vs. the Hart Foundation! That happened in real life!
that said, there are some cool moves involved
and if I ever get in a fight and win it, I will do the D-Generation X crotch chop at my fallen foe
Have you heard that
I miss those days
Professional Wrestling, my good man, while predetermined in outcome, requires a lot of athleticism and can result in severe injuries if done improperly!
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fuck you orikae
you boring fuck
If this happens, I will personally buy another wii.
Cry for me, not him.
XBox LIVE: Bogestrom | Destiny
PSN: Bogestrom
i remember a time when a man didn't need to make a thread for a movie or a television show
cigarettes were two fifty
and you could buy three asians for whatever purposes you desire
That was some amazingly acrobatic stuff.
Anyone who does chair guitar deserves medals.
those were the days when I could still be entirely entertained by wrestling
also disco...disco inferno
I would, and one day plan to, pay money to attend a Lucha Libre match
La Parka is so best
Then a few years ago I just stopped watching it. I used to be able to tell the path of the WWF belt and the Intercontinental belt from 1994 onward, now I can't even remember the last thing that happened before I stopped watching. I just can't make it through an entire episode without getting bored and changing the channel and forgetting to change it back.
The last thing I clearly remember was Batista coming to PSU to give a small speech to a class on how awesome he was and what it was like being a wrestler from a PR perspective. I remember he was shaking people's hands when the speech was over and everyone was leaving, and the man is like a giant. I made some comment about his tattoos, and he thanked me for the complement and put his hand on my shoulder.
He could have killed me right there, but for some reason did not.
but that's not a bad thing
it's...a good thing
for example, El Santo only removed his mask once in public, a week before his death, and was buried in his mask
shit like that, and the reputation he got as this folk hero and symbol of justice, is so cool to me
he was also in some shitty movies!
chair-guitar and dancing :^:
that's so hard to answer, as I like various wrestlers for various things
tag team it'd be the dudley boys/team 3-D
for puttin' on a show it'd be La Parka or Ultimo Dragon
for pure comedic value I would go with disco inferno
and for straight up dumb wrestling mark-ness, I've always loved Kane
maybe the wwf ones just came out too late in the n64's life cycle
I just remember it feeling really clunky compared to Revenge.
the rock had a constant people's eyebrow, regardless of what he was doing/what was being done to him
I should add Mick Foley to this list, but more for his general awesomeness than any particular fondness I have for his mat skills
though he has been in some amazing matches