first off, I hope this is ok in H&A and yes this is for a work project.
I am *just* attempting to learn php and MySQl (2 weeks in) so to say I'm a beginner is an understatement.
I have the following: (all the database connection stuff has actual values in my file.)
$dbc = mysql_connect('hostname', 'username', 'password') OR DIE ('Unable to connect to database! Please try again later.');
$query = "SELECT * FROM teams ORDER BY team ASC";
$result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error());
while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
$team = $row['team'];
$rep = $row['rep'];
$modems = $row['modems'];
echo '<table border="1" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#000000" bgcolor="#7CFC00">';
echo '<tr>';
echo '<td width="90">' . $team . '</td>';
echo '<td width="90">' . $rep . '</td>';
echo '<td width="15">' . $modems . '</td>';
echo '</tr>';
echo '</table>';
So this pulls all of the records in my table and sorts them by team, great! except I want to sort by the sum of the $modems for each team. E.g. if team 1 has their 4 members with 2 $modems each that'd be 8, which would be more than say team 2 which only has 6. I want to then make team 1 be at the top, team 2 next etc...
I hope that is semi-clear. The table I have has 3 fields 'team' 'rep' 'modems' and I basically want to generate a page that displays the top team totals (of modems) at the top.
Appreciate any help or explanation or tutorials that could point me in the right direction.
select team, rep, modems from team
order by sum(modems) DESC, rep
group by team
The key here is the sum function, which is adding together the modems column from certain rows. It knows which rows to add together because of the group by statement, which tells it to add together only modems for the same team.
As a sidenote, the table is listing a rep, his team number, and his sales. Why is the table called team?
select team, rep, sum(modems) from team
order by sum(modems) DESC, rep
group by team
Otherwise it would just return the non-added modem values.
Also, it looks like Rep isn't needed if your just getting a sum of modems sold... so you could use this
select team, sum(modems) from team
order by sum(modems) DESC
group by team
I would also look into using more Raw SQL in your PHP. I don't remember if it's hard to do or not, but it will help you in learning SQL.
When I worked in python/sql, I always had a query window open to create/test my queries before using them in my scripts.
This is correct.
I'm not sure why I named the table teams....
Appreciate the help and I will try this out.
select team,rep,modems FROM teams ORDER BY modems DESC
into the SQL window in mysqladmin returns a list of all the teams,reps,modems sorted by most modems. If i add on
select team,rep,couriers FROM teams ORDER BY couriers DESC, rep GROUP BY team
it gives me an error.
if I can get this to order by the most modems and then group the reps into their teams I'd be done
SELECT SUM(couriers),team
FROM teams
this works sorta. Doesn't show the reps but sorts the teams.
SELECT SUM(couriers), MIN(rep), team
FROM teams
Does that get what you want?
This won't show the individual contribution of the reps but it will show the team, who's on the team, and the team's total sorted by the most modems:
SELECT team, GROUP_CONCAT(rep ORDER BY rep ASC SEPARATOR ', ') as reps, sum(modems) FROM teams GROUP BY team ORDER BY sum(modems) DESC;
Or you could just break down and use two queries and get everything you want.
Once again thanks everyone.