So basically, my girlfriend woke up yesterday feeling really nauseous. She was perfectly fine the day before, but yesterday threw up periodically. She said she felt ok lying down but got really sick when she stood up, and had a weird shooting pain in her stomach for a few minutes at one point.
She called her mother and the first thing her mother asked was whether she was pregnant, which of course got her freaking out about it. She's on the pill, had her period about two weeks ago, and we've had sex once since then. She said it's possible to have your period and still be pregnant, I'm not super knowledgeable about that sort of thing. Thoughts?
Also probably worth noting - I was really sick early last week, I figured she may have caught that but my stomach thing was accompanied by a fever and achiness, which she does not have.
The woman was right. Even the "early" detecting pregnancy tests can only detect the pregnancy hormone (I forget what its called) 5 days before she is supposed to get her period. So since its 2 weeks away it seems that you have some waiting to do. Try not to think about it, I know these types of potential life altering moments have a way of creeping in regardless, but your best bet is just to purge those thoughts as soon as you get them.
Assuming this all a false alarm theres something you should know about birth control: Its not a 100% effective (duh), but what you may not know is that effectiveness of BC is not a constant. When she is sick and/or on antibiotics the percentage drops I think to the low 80's.
What did she eat last night?
this website should cover all you want to know about pregnancy tests! It's pretty informative. The gist though is that 19 days after the last time you had sex (if the girl hasn't been keeping track of her period and what have you) you can get a pretty reliable test result.
The night before she got sick, we had chicken quesedillas we made with onions, peppers, and leftover lemon chicken we had made a couple nights prior to that. She's feeling about the same today (a full day after she started feeling sick). For my part, I've been intermittently nauseous since I was first sick a week ago.
Chicken is notoriously bad for giving people food poisoning. Especially left overs that may not have been properly cooked all the way the first time.
From experience with pregnancy you'll have to wait until closer to the next period, then take the test. If the line is even remotely faint she's knocked up. The line for my wife was barely visible, and I figured it was just my eyes working to see something non-existant, but sure enough we have a baby boy on the way...
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Chances are it is just gastro.
Satans..... hints.....
Then again, don't take my word for it, wait to see if she's still sick the next few days, then if her periods don't come, take a test.
Chillax and sit back, you should be fine