Edit: This is now a general 360 recommendations thread. Just be sure to make it clear who you're recommending for.
I recently bought a 360 with Halo 3, and good times will be had with it for quite a while. I'd like to have something else to put in there every once and a while, though. So I come to you, GnT, for some recommendations. Of course, it's not quite so easy; like all recommendation threads, this one comes with a few restrictions. I will NOT be getting games in any of the following categories:
Games that are also on PC - I have a computer.
Edit: People seem to really be getting caught up on this one, so I'll relax it a bit. It's ok to suggest games like this IF: The PC version is terrible or the 360 version has a substantial amount of extra content.
First person shooters that aren't Halo 3 - I already have the best, and I don't need another one. You might disagree, but I don't care. Besides, almost all of these fall under the above category anyway.
JRPGs - I just don't like these. Don't try to change my mind.
Games that are Gears of War 2 - I've played the first one; the singleplayer was completely unentertaining, but the coop was strangely fun. I'll get this when/if more of my friends own a 360
So, now that I've eliminated 90% of the games that people usually recommend, does anyone have a favorite game that slipped through the cracks? XBLA and Xbox Originals are fine.
xbl gamertag: sublunary
Also, Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts. JUST DO IT.
It's cheap. Gamestop GAVE me the strategy guide when I asked how much it was.
The game you want is Earth Defense Force 2017.
Resident Evil 5
Street Fighter IV
Rock Band 2
Civ Revolution
Skate 2
Dead Rising
Fable II
Sonic Ultimate Collection
Banjo Kazooie
* a couple of this do not yet have PC versions but are expected to have pc versions in the sometime future
Steam ID: slashx000______Twitter: @bill_at_zeboyd______ Facebook: Zeboyd Games
Resident Evil 5
Fable II
Soul Caliber IV
Halo Wars
It's a driving game...but it's not at the same time. Loads of fun, accompanied by moderate to high levels of frustration.
Then go to the Community Games section of marketplace and do the same.
Seriously, you could spend hundreds of dollars on the $2.50-$15 games on XBLA & CGs and still continue to find games worth your time and money.
Steam ID : rwb36, Twitter : Werezompire,
Two words: Fuck. Ice.
And Crackdown is NOTHING like GTA except it's open world.
Chalk up another vote for Crackdown, though. And if Xbox Live counts, Braid is really, really good. Also, Marvel Ultimate Alliance is a fantastic multiplayer beat-'em-up with RPG elements. And Mercenaries 2 is good for brainless blow-shit-up fun. No one does explosions better than Mercenaries 2. No one.
Just fyi, Braid, Marvel Ultimate Alliance, Mercs 2, these all had PC versions.
Steam ID: slashx000______Twitter: @bill_at_zeboyd______ Facebook: Zeboyd Games
Shit, I didn't know that.
Well, I did with MUA, but it's stripped down and missing a bunch of characters. I probably should've mentioned that.
Let me tell you about Demon's Souls....
Earth Defense Force 2017
Civilization: Revolution
Beautiful Katamari
Force Unleashed, fun but buggy and might be on PC.
Any of the LEGO games.
Stuntman: Ignition
Skate 2
castle crashers
Mirror's Edge is definitely a PC game.
ed: And Bully. And why would you even bother with Civ Rev when you can play Civ 4.
Conan (God of War style gameplay w/ sweet action and you can find it for $10-$15 just about anywhere)
I should have figured on Mirror's Edge. I had no idea about Bully though.
I found Civ Rev easier to get in to. I just didn't like Civ 4 all that much.
I haven't played Dishwasher yet. Well, I tried the demo back during the XNA demo days. Same with the Penny-Arcade games. Gonna buy the first one while its on sale this week.
Honestly the best advice is http://www.gamerankings.com
Currently playing a whole bunch of Street Fighter 4. If you have the slightest liking to fighting games you will love this one.
Earth Defence Force and Stuntman also can't be said enough times, they really can't.
How about skate? Is skate on PC? I enjoyed playing it for hours at my buddy's apartment. I'll second Resident Evil 5 and Street Fighter IV. Devil May Cry 4 and Ninja Gaiden II are both solid action games (I know DMC4 is on PC but not a lot of people have it). I'll third or forth or whatever Crackdown. It may be an open world game but that's really where the similarities between it and GTAIV end. The story can be beaten in a day, easily, but that's when the real fun starts.
Arcade recommendations okay?
Mega Man 9
Prince of Persia Classic
Rez HD
Bionic Commando Rearmed
Castle Crashers
Geometry Wars: Retro Evolved 2
I played the demo... The vehicle handling is so bad that I just stopped bothering with cars after about 5 minutes, and the aiming system is actually worse than GTA 3's. That's ok though, because I see now that Crackdown is really a game about punching dudes and climbing buildings. At least, it was ok for the duration of the demo. Can the game really sustain itself on just those two things for any real amount of time?
I also tried Dead Rising. It's promising, but has some pretty annoying control issues. Is there an option to aim with the right stick that I missed? That fucks with me every time I want to throw a stack of CDs at a zombie.
I got this for five pounds.
It was good, to the point where I was actually surprised.
If you want to give strategy a try without being as clumbersome and hard to get into as some on PC game, Civilization Revolution would be another great recommandation.
If you want to give Music rythm games I highly recommand Rock Band 2 it's pretty amazing espicially if you can get some friends over to play as a band.
You are not mentionning XBLA games but I'll name a few that you should give a try:
Castle Crashers
Alien Hominid
Puzzle Quest (it's also available on PC but the "expension" is eclusif to XBLA)
UNO (pretty addicting)
PSN: Guibs25 | XboxLive: Guibs | Steam: Guibsx | Twitch: Guibsx
Because Civilization Revolution is an awesome multiplayer game. Civilization 4 is not.
Steam ID : rwb36, Twitter : Werezompire,
Ok. Good to know.
Skate 2 is out and ridiculously awesome.
Is this the general recommendation thread now, though? For I too desire some recommendations for some specific stuff.
It's also on PC.
Ehhhhh, it's not really a GTA style game. It's a sandbox with driving, yeah, but honestly, I haven't driven a car in the game once I got past 15mins in the game. It's more a silly beat 'em up where you learn to jump higher, run faster, shoot better, and make explosions bigger.
It's just pure unadulterated exploding fun. '
The one thing, and I can't tell if it's just me and my brother, other people should be able to weigh in is that the co-op is lagged to shit. We've had zero problems with GTA:IV multiplayer, so I'm not sure what's up. But it's pretty unplayable over Live.