It's time again for solicitations, and the previews for July are out on CBR and Newsarama. I'll update this post once the full solicits are out.
Previews from Newsarama
EDIT: Full solicits are up:
Full Solicitations
When he dies, I hope they write "Worst Affirmative Action Hire, EVER" on his grave. His corpse should be trolled.
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Whoa. Marvel Zombies 4 #4 seems to have a hell of a spoiler in the solicit:
Ya, she should be making me a sandwich back at Avengers Mansion.
a steak
No because it would always be well-done and that's pretty bad.
War Machine is totally a 90's book complete with emo brooding but that cover is awesome.
It's going to be "teh awesome"
Edit: wait, Claremont has two future X-Men books going?
It's like his own days of future past!
You can not make a comment like that without the accompanying solict
But then again, that's just because I was naive.
They had it bass-ackwards for a while, heavily printing the first trade and most recent trade of say, Ultimate Spider-Man, but ignoring the trades in the middle that would foster continued sales. People like following things in order, and if they're stuck waiting for a while for vol. 9, they might not go straight to 10 but rather just lose interest.
Also, this is an awesome cover:
Sherberger has a cool art style, like Skottie Young and Ramos put together. He would work really well on a Young Avengers or Newxtwave-type fun book.
And the Ross ASM #600 cover is too red.
There's also a random x-men story from 1999 being reprinted as well.
Yeah, that's kind of strange. He's essentially getting two ongoings for at least the rest of the year, with limited after limited blowing past.
Unless Dark Reign ends with the creation of the Old Man Logan universe I fail to see the point.
He's a good character in certain contexts, but when you whore him this much, he ends up in a bunch of books with no real continuity or story progression between any of them.
I feel sorry for the dude that actually picks up all the Wolverine titles on a monthly basis.
Because they probably refer to these Wolverine one-shots in the office like that.
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I wouldn't be surprised. It's also probably a good way to test writers. You fuck up a one-note character and you're done. Which is my guess why there were Punisher MAX one-shots last year, too.
But, yeah. I could totally see someone at Marvel tossing one at a writer who needs some quick extra cash. Easy money for both.