I took some of my homebrew to a party the other day. Actually some people said it was the best beer they'd tasted.. just the basic british bitter recipe, nothing fancy. I was surprised; admittedly it's one of my favorites out of all the beer I've had, but it's easy to drink.
Anyway. I find out that people outside my apartment are mostly scary, violent, and crazy. I guess people have rough edges; you go to a bar and someone winds up kicking someone's ass, and the bouncers have to throw them out. I met some decent people-- they don't try to get in fights, they try to tell people to back off when they are screwing up, they're in general friendly and willing to discuss things peacefully-- but, they have their own street gangs, they get in fights all the time, and they unload on you.
... and this is where I became interested, and confused.
Every fight I've heard about or seen has gone the same way: Something happens, somebody punches somebody, and the fists start to fly. That's it.
Now granted, these people have been in loads of brawls, they're strong, they hit hard, etc etc; but I just don't feel like any given one of them could take me. It's not that I'm strong, or immortal, or whatnot; it's that when you try to punch them, they
stand there and use their arms or something to cover what you're aiming at, then punch you hard until you're bleeding and crying. There's no theory; they just hit and hit and hit until they see lots of blood.
I've had a little training... just a little. My first instinct when you try to hit me is to
move, and from there I can trap your arm, keep you from being able to attack, and throw you down. Worst case? Come on, you don't think I put myself there to hit you back; I can sprint, and you now have to turn around, figure out where I am, and come and get me. Good luck catching up, I can outrun you, guaranteed. If I have to deal with you again, I'm shutting your legs down for 20-30 seconds (controlled percussive hit to the base of the spine, it disables your lungs and bladder and legs for a moment) so you
can't follow me.
... no theory. No ... fighting. Actually, it seems like the more I train and learn to fight, the less I have to actually... fight. I can just avoid as much as I can, and disable you or push you away or run away, without having to trade blows like crazy until we're both bloody and have broken bones.
I've always said you need to learn to defend yourself, because there are people out there that are assholes and will try to hurt you; at this point, I feel like... it's the whole world. Like, you really
need to know how to defend yourself. It's a requirement for having a life; you can't just stay away from those people, it doesn't work.
I should get back to the dojo, shouldn't I? 3 months of Aikido and Silat isn't going to save me if I cross the wrong person... so far the only guy I've almost had to step in on was pretty level headed and not prone to project his anger at other people abstractly; I actually calmed him down. I don't expect things to stay pretty if I keep winding up in these situations; and I'm not sure i can stay out of them unless I just stop leaving my house.
God. I'm not scared to leave my house... I'm actually kind of scared to interact with
anybody right now, I want them to all not notice I exist.
People call me Wood Man, 'cause I always got wood.
[edit] Addendum: You suck.
that was a good one
Resident 8bitdo expert.
Resident hybrid/flap cover expert.
you jerk
I have not laughed like this in some time
Thank you sir
B.net: Kusanku
that's why we call it the struggle, you're supposed to sweat
well i'm not on drugs but i am ready to beat the shit out of the first thing that disturbs me right now
i'm working on breathing exercises but it's just not working
you're like a girl without the tits
you know how to use a knife in a knife fight?
don't use it
and don't bring a knife to a gun fight
if your life is in danger evade evade evade
Secret Satan 2013 Wishlist
but instead i let him win
my friend and i almost came to blows when we were drunk on saturday because he slapped my hand away from a bag of chips
it sounds retarded, but we were hammered
just the way I like 'em
:winky: :winky:
Your on!"
Resident 8bitdo expert.
Resident hybrid/flap cover expert.
Thats what I do. I mean, as in, if I am going up against unarmed and / or drunk people and I can't dissuade or evade I am going to stab them before they know I am armed.
t fandy: man that's gonna get you in some trouble
I can do the same thing, but with my dick
As long as you don't just let some dude hit you for no reason and do nothing about it you're good
you just said you'd stab a drunk dude who was picking a fight with you though
Laughter and another 11 things.
Secret Satan 2013 Wishlist
[edit] longbaugh
last resort
if i have no other option
which happens in this shit ass city
i have a knife
peace has its place
yin and yang
oh because the cops are gonna fucking do anything in the ten minutes it takes to get to you
and yet you carry a concealed knife with hypothetical intent to use it
He also looked like santa claus and had a huge beard and talked about mexico invading america through the border discretly.
he made us bring in ogrish accident printouts if we were late
prolly why i suck at driving now
Resident 8bitdo expert.
Resident hybrid/flap cover expert.
I bet you fight like a bitch!
All kissin and shit!
Blunt force trauma
Heart stopping from the sheer beauty of it
And the other seven are illegal to even talk about