Ok here is my problem with my new Logitech MX Revolution....
I just purchased my new G15 and MX Revolution today.
So I get home, and is fine until I plug in the USB receiver into the back of my PC. Windows does its thing, installs the driver for it, and everything is fine, for all of 5 seconds.
Next thing i know, i get a Fatal Error BSoD. So, I'm thinking its just a fluke, and I didn't really look into the BSoD too much, so i rebooted.
......or rather i attempted to reboot.
My computer will now not even post. This is all right before i have to goto work, so i started limited troubleshooting with the time i had left, all of 15 min.
I unplugged all external devices from the PC, turned it on. And same thing, no posting of the bios. When I get home I'll go further by starting with the lowest common denominator. Checking with the MB, video card and PS, but I'm at a real loss as to why this happened. No other USB devices have done this to me before.
Any one else have experence with this? My money is on the power supply though.
Although I still dont know why it happened, and XP was fucked when i got it back up.
So a fresh format/instal later, and im all good.