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[MISC] Haddy dappy fun thread of never-ending positive PAX-related thoughts



  • ViscountalphaViscountalpha The pen is mightier than the sword User regular
    edited April 2009
    MaoChan wrote: »
    I encourage people to go use the pool (if your at the sheraton) Why? you get nice and clean. There is an awesome view of the city up there and its a really nice pool. No need for chemical warfare then if your squeaky clean.

    And it begins:


    Viscountalpha (Uses the pool as a bathtub, you need to get up in that shit with a lather yo!)

    also, I like to bathe in that chlorinated hot tub to remove all the oils off my of skin. I like to think of it as a relaxing purification. also I like to shower once a day (twice if its been rough) Actually turn off the water and lather up. I use that sweedish underarm crystal stuff (because i'm allergic to anti-persperants) and then deodorant.

    I refuse to smell like BO. My sense of smell is too strong for me to put up with my OWN BO.

    So maochan, you sir, can go to hell


    Viscountalpha on
  • sociald1077sociald1077 Registered User regular
    edited April 2009
    I have to go with the others and say that my experiance of PAX was really awesome, except for the crusties.

    My buddies and I were waiting for the main hall to open on the first day and there was a serious funk in the area. It didn't take too much looking around to find the crusty culprit.

    Some times its not hard to see how some of the more derogitory sterotypes start about gamers.

    sociald1077 on
    What did the 0 say to the 8? Nice belt!
  • ShadeShade Registered User regular
    edited April 2009
    I wish it was longer....

    Shade on
  • The DIMDThe DIMD Registered User regular
    edited April 2009
    This will be my first year attending PAX and I'm stunned that this is something that even has to be brought up... How bad is it usually? Do I need to train with Tibetan monks to master my senses before coming or...?

    I encourage Right Guard to be a sponsor of PAX in this case... it would be funny to all involved and save the rest of the world... if only for a weekend.

    The DIMD on
    <+ACC3SS> 4chan doesn't make me cringe as much as you do, The_DIMD.
  • BigRedBigRed Seattle, WARegistered User regular
    edited April 2009
    Its not near as bad as people claim. There are a few people who really stink but they are the exception to the norm.

    BigRed on
    <MoeFwacky> besides, BigRed-Worky is right
  • HounHoun Registered User regular
    edited April 2009
    Yeah. It's mostly a joke; PAX tends to be better than most cons when it comes to BO, but as with ANY large gathering of people, there will be scrubs about.

    Anyone remember back on 07, when Dell was handing out the packs of Soap Strips to everyone that walked by their booth? I still have that thing sitting on my desk next to me at work here.

    "We don't stink at gaming, you shouldn't either." :lol:

    Houn on
  • MarzGurlMarzGurl Registered User regular
    edited April 2009
    I'm a regular convention-goer in Texas, and none of the things anyone's complaining about seem like hardly anything worth mentioning when compared to the sort of things I'm familiar with at other conventions. If these are the most of our problems then it sounds like I'm going to have a great time.

    MarzGurl on - Your Convention Video is On the Way!
    Also find me at !
  • TubeTube Registered User admin
    edited April 2009
    My worst experience was an enforcer threatening me with a cattle prod, but at least that was kind of funny. I also thought it was rude of people during the presentations to continue playing their handhelds with the sound on. That's about it really. The smell was pretty bad but what are you going to do, it's an enclosed space with a bajillion people in it.

    Oh and Robert Khoo is incredibly rude. He said I was a dick!

    Tube on
  • The DIMDThe DIMD Registered User regular
    edited April 2009
    Good to know... but I'll bring a precautionary aerosol can of glade for those who are not part of the, "mostly a joke" crowd ^^.

    The DIMD on
    <+ACC3SS> 4chan doesn't make me cringe as much as you do, The_DIMD.
  • That_Spoony_BardThat_Spoony_Bard Registered User regular
    edited April 2009
    The DIMD wrote: »
    Good to know... but I'll bring a precautionary aerosol can of glade for those who are not part of the, "mostly a joke" crowd ^^.

    Glade (or Axe spray, or any other type of strong smelling spray) + BO = Really bad smelling BO mixed with some sort of really bad smelling spray.

    For fuck sake, it's a shower people. 5 minutes twice a day isn't going to ruin your day. Smelling like balls and ass will ruin others day (or at least make it unpleasant to stand in line).

    That_Spoony_Bard on
  • eye-shuheye-shuh Walla Walla, WARegistered User regular
    edited April 2009
    I didn't notice any BO problems in the WSCTC, but by all that is gamer holy someone needed to hose down the table-top games building.

    It was not a good idea to let nerds (or ANYONE) sweat in a tiny building with no air conditioning for games that last several hours.

    eye-shuh on
  • The DIMDThe DIMD Registered User regular
    edited April 2009
    Glade (or Axe spray, or any other type of strong smelling spray) + BO = Really bad smelling BO mixed with some sort of really bad smelling spray.

    For fuck sake, it's a shower people. 5 minutes twice a day isn't going to ruin your day. Smelling like balls and ass will ruin others day (or at least make it unpleasant to stand in line).

    True enough. Plus, you'd have to worry about the axe effect.

    The DIMD on
    <+ACC3SS> 4chan doesn't make me cringe as much as you do, The_DIMD.
  • MarzGurlMarzGurl Registered User regular
    edited April 2009
    Not to mention, it's been a pretty big complaint in conventions around here about the smell of those kind of sprays (including Febreeze) messing some people up (allergies and all that jazz). Febreeze and like-products got banned 'round these parts.


    MarzGurl on - Your Convention Video is On the Way!
    Also find me at !
  • The DIMDThe DIMD Registered User regular
    edited April 2009
    LOL I was kidding anyways, but yeah. I have a couple of friends who'll be coming with me that would probably kill me if I brought something like that. Strong odors give one of my friends migraines and I'm far too empathetic to be that ignorant :).

    For one reason or another this conversation conjured up the thought of that Get Clean song from Rockband2... I'd probably die laughing if someone played that.

    The DIMD on
    <+ACC3SS> 4chan doesn't make me cringe as much as you do, The_DIMD.
  • Atlus ParkerAtlus Parker Registered User regular
    edited April 2009
    The DIMD wrote: »
    Glade (or Axe spray, or any other type of strong smelling spray) + BO = Really bad smelling BO mixed with some sort of really bad smelling spray.

    For fuck sake, it's a shower people. 5 minutes twice a day isn't going to ruin your day. Smelling like balls and ass will ruin others day (or at least make it unpleasant to stand in line).

    True enough. Plus, you'd have to worry about the axe effect.

    PAX is the last place in the world you'd need to worry about the Axe Effect.

    Atlus Parker on
  • The DIMDThe DIMD Registered User regular
    edited April 2009

    PAX is the last place in the world you'd need to worry about the Axe Effect.

    I know :lol:. Twas a joke.

    The DIMD on
    <+ACC3SS> 4chan doesn't make me cringe as much as you do, The_DIMD.
  • leafleaf Registered User regular
    edited April 2009
    I didn't much care for getting bugged by all the kids looking to score weed off me.

    leaf on
  • Moe FwackyMoe Fwacky Right Here, Right Now Drives a BuickModerator Mod Emeritus
    edited April 2009
    Is that because you're called leaf?

    Moe Fwacky on

  • The DIMDThe DIMD Registered User regular
    edited April 2009
    They just need to make it legal and stop wasting taxpayer money, then you wouldn't get hassled nearly as much :).

    The DIMD on
    <+ACC3SS> 4chan doesn't make me cringe as much as you do, The_DIMD.
  • leafleaf Registered User regular
    edited April 2009
    Moe Fwacky wrote: »
    Is that because you're called leaf?

    Nah this happens even before they know my name. Yesterday I was waiting at the bus stop, a truck goes by, slams on the brakes and a guy jumps out. Comes up to me and asks if I have/know anywhere to get some herb.

    And I don't mean oregano.

    leaf on
  • Moe FwackyMoe Fwacky Right Here, Right Now Drives a BuickModerator Mod Emeritus
    edited April 2009
    What makes people think you're the weed-man?

    Moe Fwacky on

  • QuizMasterQuizMaster Registered User regular
    edited April 2009
    Last year, an Enforcer took my water bottle. I didn't have the nerve to say anything (what difference would it make, aside from guilt?). Of course, when I say "took", I don't mean "confiscated". I mean that she mistakingly picked it up, opened it, drank from it, and then just kept it.

    But damn was I thirsty.
    Also, who drinks found water?

    My point? That's really all I can complain about.

    QuizMaster on
  • The DIMDThe DIMD Registered User regular
    edited April 2009
    QuizMaster wrote: »
    Last year, an Enforcer took my water bottle. I didn't have the nerve to say anything (what difference would it make, aside from guilt?). Of course, when I say "took", I don't mean "confiscated". I mean that she mistakingly picked it up, opened it, drank from it, and then just kept it.

    But damn was I thirsty.
    Also, who drinks found water?

    My point? That's really all I can complain about.

    So, I'm going to ask a stupid question... what's an enforcer? I'm sure the name give it away, but is it just a PAX name for a security guard?

    The DIMD on
    <+ACC3SS> 4chan doesn't make me cringe as much as you do, The_DIMD.
  • ZankaboZankabo Registered User regular
    edited April 2009
    The DIMD wrote: »
    QuizMaster wrote: »
    Last year, an Enforcer took my water bottle. I didn't have the nerve to say anything (what difference would it make, aside from guilt?). Of course, when I say "took", I don't mean "confiscated". I mean that she mistakingly picked it up, opened it, drank from it, and then just kept it.

    But damn was I thirsty.
    Also, who drinks found water?

    My point? That's really all I can complain about.

    So, I'm going to ask a stupid question... what's an enforcer? I'm sure the name give it away, but is it just a PAX name for a security guard?

    They are the volunteers who make PAX run nice and smooth.

    Zankabo on
    Better a witty fool than to have a foolish wit....
  • The DIMDThe DIMD Registered User regular
    edited April 2009
    I suppose gamers can get pretty unruly... that would be worth admission to see by itself :lol:

    The DIMD on
    <+ACC3SS> 4chan doesn't make me cringe as much as you do, The_DIMD.
  • LigerLiger Registered User regular
    edited April 2009
    Enforcers are the PAX volunteers. We wear black long-sleeved shirts with the PAX logo on front and "ENFORCER" in big friendly letters on the back. Ranging from Lieutenants to Drones to Medics to Security, we keep PAX running as smoothly and safely as possible. If you have a question or problem, don't hesitate to ask an Enforcer. As long as they are wearing their shirt they are on duty and there to help you.


    Liger on
    5932306549_6b4d957b56.jpg CUSTOM LANYARDS FOR PAX
  • The DIMDThe DIMD Registered User regular
    edited April 2009
    Liger wrote: »
    Enforcers are the PAX volunteers. We wear black long-sleeved shirts with the PAX logo on front and "ENFORCER" in big friendly letters on the back. Ranging from Lieutenants to Drones to Medics to Security, we keep PAX running as smoothly and safely as possible. If you have a question or problem, don't hesitate to ask an Enforcer. As long as they are wearing their shirt they are on duty and there to help you.

    And if they're not, then it's business time?

    The DIMD on
    <+ACC3SS> 4chan doesn't make me cringe as much as you do, The_DIMD.
  • SerenitySerenity Registered User regular
    edited April 2009
    Haha, enforcer, I like it...
    Just like PAX to make up some name like that.

    Serenity on
  • BigRedBigRed Seattle, WARegistered User regular
    edited April 2009
    Serenity wrote: »
    Haha, enforcer, I like it...
    Just like PAX to make up some name like that.

    PAX didnt... but the book Snow Crash did....

    BigRed on
    <MoeFwacky> besides, BigRed-Worky is right
  • MaoChanMaoChan Registered User regular
    edited April 2009
    BigRed wrote: »
    Serenity wrote: »
    Haha, enforcer, I like it...
    Just like PAX to make up some name like that.

    PAX didnt... but the book Snow Crash did....

    Really!?! I figured it was in the Bible:
    11. An Ceiling Cat sayed, DO WANT grass! so tehr wuz seedz An stufs, An fruitzors An vegbatels. An a Corm. It happen. So did Enforcers. 12. An Ceiling Cat sawed that weedz ish good, so, letz there be weedz. 13. An so teh threeth day jazzhands.


    MaoChan on
  • BigRedBigRed Seattle, WARegistered User regular
    edited April 2009

    ill post the quotes here for those who are unaware where it came from:
    And then there's The Enforcers—but they cost a lot and don't take well to supervision. It is
    rumored that, under their uniforms, they wear T-shirts bearing the unofficial Enforcer coat of arms: a fist
    holding a nightstick, emblazoned with the words SUE ME.
    (not true but funny)
    In the book its mentioned that they dress in all black, and drive black "Enforer mobiles", where the color of the shirt comes from.
    So every few dozen feet there's a large man with erect posture wearing an odd green windbreaker with ENFORCER spelled out across the back. Very conspicuous, which is how they like it.
    But I'm an Enforcer, and it's my job to enforce order.

    BigRed on
    <MoeFwacky> besides, BigRed-Worky is right
  • The DIMDThe DIMD Registered User regular
    edited April 2009
    Thanks Red... that actually clears it up. I was going to ask why volunteers who ensure happy fun times would be called something as ominous as, "Enforcers..." But I figured I had expired my one stupid question for the week.

    The DIMD on
    <+ACC3SS> 4chan doesn't make me cringe as much as you do, The_DIMD.
  • SerenitySerenity Registered User regular
    edited April 2009
    The DIMD wrote: »
    Thanks Red... that actually clears it up. I was going to ask why volunteers who ensure happy fun times would be called something as ominous as, "Enforcers..." But I figured I had expired my one stupid question for the week.

    Haha, don't worry, I used up my one stupid question for the week instead...
    Hey but if PAX was actually going by the book, shouldn't the enforcers be wearing the proper t-shirts?
    I recall seeing one photo of an enforcer and all he had on his shirt was the word 'enforcer'

    Serenity on
  • SumiSumi Abbotsford, BCRegistered User regular
    edited April 2009
    As we all know, PAX is a utopia, a cornucopia of unbridled happiness.

    No inconvenience will arise amongst anyone who attends a convention composed of 85,000 people and god damnthe man who entertains such impure thoughts.

    Just wondering, how many people actually did attend pax last year, and what's the estimate for this year?

    Sumi on
    Standard Action, it's a webseries.
  • SergeantAuberieSergeantAuberie Registered User regular
    edited April 2009
    BigRed wrote: »
    Serenity wrote: »
    Haha, enforcer, I like it...
    Just like PAX to make up some name like that.

    PAX didnt... but the book Snow Crash did....

    Snow Crash makes the world a better place. And so does PAX.

    SergeantAuberie on
  • Moe FwackyMoe Fwacky Right Here, Right Now Drives a BuickModerator Mod Emeritus
    edited April 2009
    Sumi wrote: »
    Just wondering, how many people actually did attend pax last year, and what's the estimate for this year?
    I think the total was around 58,000 last year.

    Moe Fwacky on

  • SerenitySerenity Registered User regular
    edited April 2009
    impressive... how many estimated for this year?

    Serenity on
  • BigRedBigRed Seattle, WARegistered User regular
    edited April 2009
    More than that, less than a million? :P

    BigRed on
    <MoeFwacky> besides, BigRed-Worky is right
  • SerenitySerenity Registered User regular
    edited April 2009
    more than half a million?

    Serenity on
  • DeusTrinitasDeusTrinitas Registered User regular
    edited April 2009
    Happy fun dancing puppies riding sparkling rainbow unicorns on fluffy puffy marshmallow clouds while eating yummy rays of sunshine and drinking rosy tea from crystal teacups made from the crystal mined by singing smiling dwarves in the Mine of Eternal Splendor which lies underneath the cascading waterfall of the most pristine water from Mount Num-Num Yummy Tummy?

    Sorry, just trying to keep with the theme of the thread title.

    DeusTrinitas on
This discussion has been closed.